The Effect of Big-Five Personality Factors and Knowledge about Reproduction Health to Healthy Life Motivation on Students of Public High School: A Partial Least Squares a, b, c)Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract This research is aims to about the effect of big-five personality factors and knowledge about reproductive health to the healthy life motivation on students of public high school. The method used was a survey with a path analysis involving 279 samples. There are three instruments that measure the healthy life motivation (rel. 971), big-five personality (rel. 937), and knowledge about reproductive health (rel. 874). The research data was carried out by partial least squares (PLS). Research results- 1) There is a direct effect of big-five personality to the healthy life motivation which is significant of statistically- 2) There is a direct effect of knowledge about reproductive health to the healthy life motivation which is not significant of statistically- 3) There is a direct effect of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion factors on big-five personality which is significant- 4) There is an indirect effect of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion factors to the healthy life motivation through the big-five personality- and 5) The total effect of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion factors to the healthy life motivation was all significant. Keywords: Healthy life motivation, big-five personality, and knowledge about reproduction health, and partial least squares. Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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