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Appraisal List of Officers Personnel Assigned in the Indonesian Navy (Dapen Persmil TNI AL)^
aries sudiarso

UNJ Ilmu Manajemen (MSDM)


The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness dan innovations new model of the Program of ^Appraisal List of Officers Personnel Assigned in the Indonesian Navy (Dapen Persmil TNI AL)^ at the office of the TNI Al Personnel Office, Jl. Cilangkap Jakarta. Based on the scientific literature, this study is a study evaluation program and the evaluation model selected is Discrepancy Evalution Model Provus and Kickpatrick Evaluation Model (Level 3, Behavior and Level 4 Results/Impact). Data is obtained through observation instruments, interviews, and documentation and uses descriptive survey research methods, in explanotary and qualitative approaches. On the basis of analyzing the steering of the model evaluation, effectiveness and researchers created a combined model of analysis and innovated to make Dasbord Continuous Behavior Improvement Program (CBIP) Dapen Persmil TNI AL then it is expected that the Navy Officer assigned in the TNI AL environment in his assignment is able to develop skills and professionalism to improve the optimization of work. However, the findings in this study that the implementation of this program is not in accordance with the career discussion program of TNI AL personnel as launched by the Commander of the TNI in 2016 - 2017 in the Principals of the Commander-in-Chief^s policy on the improvement of the professionalism of soldiers through assignment, education and training, fulfillment of equipment, and the rights of soldiers managed with a good management system. The findings of this study show that the assignment of officers is not enough if there is not supported by awareness from the leadership of the Navy to touch in total about the management of human resources (HR) with the concept approach of Human Capital Management (HCM) especially in the Navy Officers and not to the extent of mere rhetoric. implementation, the assignment of TNI AL after officers participated in the Dapen Persmil TNI AL program.

Keywords: Human Capital Management, The Program of Dapen Persmil TNI AL, Evaluation Program, Indonesian Navy

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Aries Sudiarso)

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