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Student^s Reasoning Ability Through Brain-Based Science Learning
Yanti Fitria

Universitas Negeri Padang


The ability to reason is a life competency needed by humans in solving problems and issues that develop in their lives. Science learning plays a role in sharpening their reasoning abilities. This research begins with the phenomenon of the low reasoning ability of students on the water cycle material. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasoning ability of elementary school students on the water cycle material through brain-based learning. Quantitative research with experimental methods is the type of research conducted in this study. The design used was Quasi Experiment, in the form of a Non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. To determine the sample, this study uses the cluster random sampling method or divides the population into several separate groups called clusters. This study uses a test as a data collection instrument in the form of a student^s reasoning ability test. The data analysis technique used is an inferential statistical test a with t-test. The findings of the research are the average value of the pre-test experimental class through brain-based learning is 44.16 and the average value of post-test reasoning ability of the experimental class is 64.83. On the other hand, learning in the control class using conventional learning resulted in an average pre-test reasoning ability of 42.16 and an average post-test learning outcome of 48.50. Calculation of N-gain on the pre-test and post-test of elementary school students^ reasoning ability obtained a value of 0.37, which means that the reasoning ability of elementary school students is in the medium category after brain-based science learning is carried out. Based on the results of the t-test used for hypothesis testing, obtained count 30.67 and t-table 1.67155, both with a significant threshold of 0.05. The conclusion is that brain-based learning has a significant effect on the reasoning ability of elementary school students.

Keywords: Students^ Reasoning Ability, Brain-Based Science Learning

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers

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