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Promoting Self-regulated Learning among English Teachers Participating in the Inservice Teacher Development Program

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Self-regulated learning is an important ability of learners to regulate their thoughts and actions to achieve personal goals and to respond to an environmental demand. It is considered necessary and essential capacities for learners to be able to arive at their predermined levels of achievement. This research aims at reporting efforts of the researcher to help promote regulatory processes among groups of participants in the inservice teacher professional development program (PPG Dalam Jabatan). It tries to answer the question of how a particular model of regulated learning can boost the SRL among the participants. Data were collected through a prompted focus group discussion as an activity in the program. Discussion was prompted following a modified model of self-regulated learning model with stages of seeking for an ideal self, real self, identifying personal gaps, and preparing a learning agenda. Findings in the forms participants responses reveal that prior to the discussion the awareness of the participants was low. Very few of the participants reported that their learning is governed by their ability to look at their ideal self and the real self. They also reported that they rarely set up learning agendas based on the gap between the two selves. Iun addition, findings also reveal that analysing such gaps in the selves help the participants to be able to set appropriate leaning agendas that suit with their personal charavcteristics.

Keywords: self-regulated learning, autonomous learners

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Basikin Basikin)

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