Description of Bullying Behavior of High School Students in Bone Bolango District
Tuti Wantu

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


This type of research is a quantitative description, which is carried out in senior high schools in Bone Bolango District, especially in class X1 which consists of 83 students. The population is 829 students, the research sample is 10% of the total population or 83 students who are used as data sources in the study. The data collection technique used in this study was a questionnaire, a form of data analysis using percentage analysis. The results showed that the first student^s highest anxiety was social bullying with a percentage of 65.20%. The second highest indicator of cyberbullying is with a percentage of 60.76%. The third highest indicator of physical bullying is 46.99%. The fourth highest indicator of verbal bullying is 43.13%. So based on the results of calculations carried out by analyzing the average percentage of bullying behavior of high school students in Bone Bolango District, it was 54.02%, or a sufficient category that needed further handling.

Keywords: High School Students- Student Bullying

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers

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