Needs Analysis to Develop Critical Thinking Skill Instruction Infused in English Language Learning Noni Agustina- Ilza Mayuni- Ifan Iskandar
Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
Critical thinking is one of fundamental skills to equip the students to discern fact and opinion, make inference, draw conclusion and determine a decision appropriately in the twenty-first century. Though it is essential, Indonesian students^ critical thinking skill has not been at satisfying level. Moreover, it has paid scant attention in teaching and learning process even though it is stated as educational objective in the curriculum. Thus, this study aims to analyze the needs to develop the critical thinking skill instruction infused in English language learning by analyzing students^ reading skill, students and teachers^ responses, and English textbook. The data obtained from two English teachers and sixty-three eight graders of junior high schools are triangulated and analyzed qualitatively. The results show that students^ critical thinking is at second level in SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes) taxonomy indicating that they are not able to give the critical responses because of difficulties to comprehend the text and lack of vocabularies. The analysis of English text book shows that it is not sufficient to facilitate students to think critically. In addition to, the students and teachers prefer digital English application as their learning material which is expected to enhance their critical thinking skill. The result of needs analysis is used to develop critical thinking instruction in terms of English application comprising some activities to encourage students^ critical thinking skill.
Keywords: Critical thinking skill, needs analysis, SOLO taxonomy, material development.