APPLYING LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON TEACHING WRITING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Universitas Negeri Jakarta Abstract The complexity in teaching writing particularly on foreign language learning in higher education is still challenging. There are many tries to do to achieve a better result including utilization of the manifestation of rapid technology in the education field such as a Learning Management System (LMS). This research study purposes to find out the characteristics of LMS that are applied by the lecturer in an undergraduate writing class in higher education in several Indonesian universities area. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The data is collected by categorizing the kinds, characteristics, obstacles, and expectations on using LMS in teaching writing, afterward it is tabulated. Data is analysed, interpreted, and presented descriptively. The study reveals that there are several kinds of characteristics, obstacles, and expectations of using LMS in teaching writing. The implication of this research study offers some ideas to begin, to build, or to develop LMS effectively and particularly on teaching writing in the EFL context. Keywords: LMS, Teaching Writing, Higher Education Topic: Education |
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