Media Literacy Education as an Empowerment Instrument for Blended Learning Websites in Early Childhood Classrooms Erie Siti Syarah- Ilza Mayuni- Nurbiana Dhieni- Fasli Jalal- Elindra Yetti
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Teacher^s ability to understand the benefits and use of media literacy play an important role in dealing with children as digital natives. Media literacy can be an appropriate instrument through the use of blended-learning websites to face the challenges of teaching in the 21st century. This study aims to find out teacher^s perspectives in their understanding of media literacy as an empowerment instrument of blended-learning websites. This research uses qualitative methods with case studies. Participants are kindergarten teachers in the South Tangerang area. Data collection was obtained through questionnaires and interviews, through analysis of typological data from a mixture of quantitative and qualitative data collected during the Covid-19 pandemic used to categorize teacher^s perspectives in this case. The findings produce five ideal types, teacher perspectives: transformed into innovative (typology 1)- Media literacy education as a more Effective Integral approach (typology 2)- Changed from traditional to blended-learning (typology 3). The most important finding is the understanding and skills of teachers about media literacy education, as an empowerment instrument for blended-learning websites obtained through comprehensive training (Typology 4). Teachers^ need for access to web-based technology requires special attention from various stakeholders in education management (Typology 5). The research implication demands an increase in technology systems and connections between educators, parents, management of institutions, and education policy holders.
Keywords: Early Childhood, Media Literacy Education, Blended Learning Websites