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Fifi Nofiyanti, Deasy Wahyu Hidayati, Ahmad Hidayatullah

STP Trisakti, UHAMKA, STP Trisakti


The problem with the difficulty of writing descriptions makes this study try to provide a solution. This study aims to determine the effect of photographic image media on the ability to write descriptions of students majoring in tourism. There was a learning to write descriptions to write about Indonesian tourism, but the ability to write was low, they could only write one page, and the ideas poured out were monotonous. In this modern era, some students like or have a hobby with photography, so they conduct experiments with this media. The research method used in this research is an experimental method with a quasi experimental design. In this study, using a student population of semester 1 batch 2018 of 2 classes 58 people. Then carried out random sampling by drawing the class that will be sampled. Then a sample class of the tourism department of class 2018 was obtained with a sample size of 25 students. The results of the study indicate that it is known that from 25 respondents, the significant value for the pre-test is 0.319 and the significant value for the post-test is 0.212. The significant value determined in this study is 0.05. So the pre-test significant value is 0.319 0.05 and the post-test significant value is 0.212 0.05. So it can be concluded that the pre-test data and post-test data are normally distributed. The t value is -2.818 with a significant 0.010. A significant value of 0.000 0.05, then there is a significant difference in the ability to write descriptions before (pretest) and after (posttest). It can be stated that photographic image media can be used as a way of learning to write descriptions. With the trial of the application of photographic image media, it is easier for students to express their ideas. This media is also liked by millennial students. Photography provided relating to Indonesian tourism.

Keywords: Photography image media, Descriptive writing, Tourism students

Topic: Education

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