Esmi Tsalsa Sofiawati (a*), Bedjo Sujanto (b), Suryadi (b)

ab) Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta
a) STKIP Bina Mutiara Sukabumi


This research has the aim of analyzing the various strategies that schools undertake in order to exist, which is the quality of education as a measure of the achievement of the programs carried out by the school. On the other hand, education quality assurance is a systematic, integrated and sustainable mechanism in carrying out all series of education components in accordance with predetermined quality standards and implemented both formally and informally. This research is a qualitative research using a case study method by producing descriptive data through observations, interviews and documentation. This research is presented in a narrative form through the data collected and provides an empirical description with data descriptions about how school strategies are in implementing education quality assurance. Sukaraja State Vocational High School is unique in the implementation of education quality assurance. This is inseparable from the quality report cards that are produced every year. The quality of this education includes management, learning and the processes that are carried out in shaping the character of students. So that the quality of education is the responsibility of all components in the education unit. For the formation and improvement of the quality of schools as a whole, readiness and strategies are needed in the quality assurance effort itself.

Keywords: Strategy, Quality of Education

Topic: Education

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