Diffusion Of Thematic Learning Innovation In Elementary School Postgraduate School of State University of Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract This study aims to describe the diffusion process of thematic learning innovation in elementary schools. The research approach used was a mixed method design types of the explanatory design from Johns W. Creswell. The research procedure began with quantitative data collection using a questionnaire instrument followed by qualitative data collection using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The research sample consisted of managers and elementary school teachers in South Tangerang who were determined by purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The data analysis technique used John W. Croswell^s explanatory design analysis with the first stage, the results of quantitative data analysis were deepened with the results of qualitative data analysis- Quantitative data analysis using descriptive statistics was then followed by qualitative data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman which included stages of reduction, display and conclusion/verification. Then the second stage is to provide interpretation of all data. The results showed that thematic learning as a relatively accepted innovation with the majority using mass media by managers, and in the 2013-2019 timeframe. Keywords: Diffusion, Innovation, Thematic Learning, mix method types of the xplanatory design Topic: Education |
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