Collaborative Learning Model To Improve In Writing Skills a) Universitas Majalengka Abstract Collaborative Learning makes the students depend on each other in their pursuit of knowledge and makes the learning process more meaningful and interesting. Students are learning in a group, they will not feel alone and isolated for the rest. Collaborative learning provides social support to student. Collaborative learning happens between the teacher and the students and the other who they are cooperate. One of collaborative learning model is cooperative learning which the students do in a small group. Based on the problem showed above the English is known as a difficult subject for most students, especially in writing. Many students in fact simply do not enjoy writing partly because of the nature of the task, low motivation and because out of school. The researcher should give the chance to work in group cooperative learning can also be a key success toward students writing. The method used in this research is class action research. The researcher was able to solve the students^ problems in writing, especially in improving their writing skill through small group discussion. The essence of small group discussion is verbal interaction, the communication processes are most vital for successful discussion because an active learning can be implemented in small group. After implementing the small group discussion the students got advantages in both of writing skill and their social relationship among their friends that it gave a good improvement toward their behavior and skill in writing. Keywords: Writing Skill, collaborative learning, cooperative learning Topic: Education |
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