Ventje Jany Kalukar, Nur Erliza, Masrur Yahya



In this era, people can share information via social media which is possible for them to communicate widely such as from Facebook, Twitter, Path, Youtube, and Instagram. People can obtain important information there such as news, advertisements, and announcements. Therefore, it is possible to find out the competition announcements like posters on Instagram- one of them is published by the infolomba account. However, posters must be made by effective words without reducing any sense of information on the content. Therefore, it is important to present effective words including by cutting, blending the words, or abbreviating a group of phrases. Unconsciously, new words are created in many ways to present messages on online posters. By this language phenomenon, it is important to study the existence of new words involved in communication based on Morphology. This research was aimed to find out the types and the most commonly used word-formation type on English posters on Instagram. The design of this research was descriptive study by using qualitative approach and the researcher was the key instrument. The researcher took the samples by screen shooting twenty posters published by the infolomba account on Instagram from October 2019 until February 2020. The researcher used distributional analysis to analyze the structure of new words by breaking the morpheme elements. The researcher found 360 data which was considered as new words on English posters. After identifying the data, the researcher carried out investigator triangulation to validate the data by discussing the result to Linguistics as the findings. This researcher found that derivation, inflection, conversion, compounding, abbreviation, acronym, blending, clipping, borrowing and reduplication are as word-formation types in creating new words on posters. The researcher also found double process of word-formation type in creating new words on the posters, such as compounding plus derivation, compounding plus infle

Keywords: Formation, Instagram, Morphological Analysis, Poster, Process

Topic: Education

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