Early Childhood Financial Literacy: Parent^s Understanding
Muktia Pramitasari (a*), Ilza Mayuni (b), Nurbiana Dhieni (b)

(a)- (b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


In this era, financial literacy is one of the basic literacies that must be understood by every individual and must be considered as important as basic literacy, which is the ability to read and write. Parent^s understanding is the main support for early childhood financial literacy. This study aims to determine the understanding of parents about early childhood financial literacy in Indonesia. This study used the interpretivism paradigm with a case study approach involving 4 participants. Data collection techniques through interviews and reflective journals. The study findings that parents do not understand early childhood financial literacy, such as introducing financial literacy has not been the main priority, parents have not introduced concrete financial concepts, parents inherited the old paradigm involving early childhood in managing family finances is taboo. Further study is a parenting program related to early childhood financial literacy that becomes a transformative parenting style and changes understanding and mindset/paradigm related to financial literacy from generation to generation, with the hope, it can provide provisions for financial well-being to every child in the future.

Keywords: Parent^s Understanding, Financial Literacy, Early Childhood

Topic: Education

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