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Smart Class as a Culture Learning Resource in the Tourism Village of Cisaat
Muhammad Zid- Budiaman- Cecep Kustandi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The Tourism Village Network established by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy in Indonesia is a challenge for the selected villages to become tourist villages. The determination of this tourist village requires the readiness of various parties, namely the community and officials in the village. Thus, the need for cultural learning resources for the community becomes important. This study aims to analyze the need for smart classes as a source of cultural learning in the Cisaat tourist village. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Researchers collected data through participatory observation by observing the habits of the people in Cisaat Village in understanding their culture. In addition, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted to identify the need for smart classes as a source of learning for the culture of the Cisaat community. Thus, the FGD was conducted for 85 minutes with two village officials, two elementary school teachers, two junior high school teachers, two high school teachers, and three members of a tourism awareness group in Cisaat village. This study uses thematic analysis to analyze the data. Data analysis was carried out after data in the field had been collected. The results of this study indicate the condition of cultural learning resources, the condition of facilities and infrastructure as a means of supporting learning resources, and the need for smart classes as learning resources in Cisaat Tourism Village. The implication of this research is to strengthen that to increase the readiness of the community in tourist villages, namely by building smart classes as a source of cultural learning. Thus, the results of this study can be used as a source that supports the development of research based on local resources

Keywords: Smart class, Cultural learning, Learning source, Tourism village

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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