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Sulfur Hot Spring Transformation in Tomohon City (Health Tourism Landscape)
Freike Eugene Kawatu (a), Moh. Fachruddin Suharto (a), Muhammad Muhdi Attaufiq (a)

(a) Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University


Natural hot springs with sulfur has great potential for tourism destination which is already exploited in various places in the world- so is it in Tomohon city, Lahendong. Supported by landscape that has hot springs which flows naturally without the assistance of extra equipment and also contain sulfur that has various benefits for human health, there was some hot springs tourism spot established in Tomohon city. However, the lack of facilities, access, and also the pandemic situation made those hot springs tourism spot experienced a drastic loss of popularity. Since 2021, Tomohon city government are prioritizing the improvement of Lahendong hot springs as tourism destination which is in tune with one of the city missions to made Tomohon become a world class tourism city. Therefore, regeneration and radical transformation of those hot springs are needed. The goal of this research is to explore the process of revamping landscape of the sulfur hot springs in Tomohon city and made the transformation guidelines required. Study about Japanese onsen regeneration became comparative study for this research to understand various methodology and to find principles which can be replicate for the research object. Increasing the value of tourism objects, area preservation, network facilities, and increasing connectivity are the research approach. The results are transformation guidelines and regeneration model of the landscape which is in tune with Japanese onsen^s healing through nature. The transformation design used the original terrain and landscape, thus creating a more distinctive hot spring landscape that is close to the nature. The regeneration model focused on original valuable ecological elements, original natural environment of the site such as springs, famous trees and flowers, to make use as far as possible and seize the characteristics of these element to highlight the landscape characteristic as a health tourism landscape.

Keywords: hot spring, transformation, health tourism

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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