Development of Hot Springs tourism site in Lehi Village North West Siau District Sitaro Regency



The research was carried out with the aim of analyzing and explaining the development of Hot Springs Tourism Site in Lehi Village, North West Siau District, Sitaro Islands Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach with the research subjects being the Head of Division and Head of the Tourism Promotion and Marketing Section of the Tourism Office, Sitaro Islands Regency as the main data source (key informant), while other informants are determined by snowball sampling. The research instrument is the researcher himself with interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used qualitative analysis according to the interactive model, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results show that the development of hot spring tourism site in Lehi village is integrated with the Sitaro Islands Regency tourism development program in Master Plan for Regency tourism development (RIPPDA) the Sitaro Islands Regency in 2020-2025 which includes tourism industry development, tourism destination development, tourism marketing development, and tourism institutional development. For this reason, coordination and synchronization with all stakeholders are carried out intensively so that synergies occur in the whole process and activity of developing tourism objects

Keywords: development, destination, marketing, RIPPDA, stakeholder, tourism

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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