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Student Learning Creativity Based on Social Life
Hardika Hardika, Dila Umnia Soraya, Tomas Iriyanto, Eny Nur Aisyah

Universitas Negeri Malang


The Creativity is part of a person^s special intelligence that has a strong influence on career and future success. This study aims to reveal the creativity of student learning through social life experiences. The research sample was selected purposively in accordance with the research objectives in the era of the covid-19 epidemic. Data was collected using a closed questionnaire technique distributed through the Google Form Information Technology Application. Data analysis was carried out with descriptive statistics of percentages. The data obtained in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation were analyzed through data reduction/data selection, data display/data title, data verification/data accuracy checking, and data inference/conclusion. Based on the analysis of data from 341 student samples, it was found that (1) there are various psychosocial factors that influence the development and motivation of students to learn by revealing social life experiences, and (2) there is an increase in enthusiasm for analyzing and constructing social life experiences into meaningful learning messages. Recommendations from this study emphasize that for the success of the creative learning process, it is necessary to increase the role of facilitation of lecturers during lectures, especially in terms of providing opportunities for students to explore and self-actualize all their potential, by utilizing the potential of the environment as a source and learning media.

Keywords: Learning Creativity, Students, Social Life

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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