The Socio-Economic and Geographic Related Factors Affecting Electricity Consumption in Urban Households: A Case Study of Kota Tengah, Gorontalo Nursida Arif (a*), Maria Emerita Indraningrum Shrestha (b)
a) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jalan Colombo No.1, 55281, Yogyakarta
b)Kathmandu College of Management, Gwarko, Lalitpur, Nepal
The population density in cities and economic growth are indicators of increasing demand for energy. The household sector is one factor that gives a significant influence on the energy consumption pattern of a city including electricity usage. This study aimed to analyze urban electricity consumption patterns, with specific emphasis on the household sector. More important than that, the research intended to find the relationship between geographic condition, i.e. greenness level, with the energy consumption specifically for the household sector. The approach used was a survey by interview method using a questionnaire to know the pattern of household energy consumption and the factors that influence it. This research was conducted in Kota Tengah as one of the sub-districts in Gorontalo city which has the highest population compared to other sub-districts so it has great potential in energy use. The results show lifestyles, income levels, and awareness of energy-saving concepts affecting electricity consumption patterns. The number of family members did not have a significant effect on household energy use compared to income. The cost of electricity demand that is still affordable on average ranges from 7 to 15% of the average income of heads of households will trigger an increase in demand for electricity in the future. Other physical factors that affect energy consumption are geographical conditions including green area and land use. This research is expected to become the recommendation for energy optimization policy and renewable energy in Gorontalo city.