Developing numeracy skills in arithmetic using a worked example based instruction: a lesson study Endah Retnowati, Sugiman, Ali Mahmudi, Nila Mareta Murdiyani
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
When learning arithmetic, students should not only learn about numbers, value, and relations, but also the meaning of these for daily life to obtain numeracy skills. The purpose of the lesson study reported in this paper was to develop a worked example based instruction that is applicable for students to learn numeracy. In this lesson study, there were a group of teachers, lecturers, and prospective teachers involved during planning, implementation, and reflection. The objective of the lesson was to assist students understanding arithmetic operation with negative numbers. It was found that the worked example based instruction could increase student^s ability in using arithmetic operations given in word problems. However, designing the worked examples requires the instructors to understand (1) the main competence to be achieved- (2) the element of interactivity of the content of the to be learned material- (3) the variability of the content, process, and content of problem solving- (4) the sequence of numeracy problems- (5) the classroom instructions. It might be concluded the design of the instruction that satisfies these five principles could facilitate numeracy skills. The lesson study was very useful for teachers understanding how to develop the worked example based instruction.
Keywords: numeracy- worked example- instruction- lesson study
Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources