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Correlation between Competence and Work Discipline with Teacher Performance of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Serpong
Luqman Hakim, Matin, Sugiarto

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Research on the relationship between competence and work discipline on teacher performance at MAN IC Serpong is a correlation study with quantitative methods. The relationship is related to three variables, namely two independent variables of competence and discipline and one dependent variable of performance. The research target population is the teachers of MAN IC Serpong with the status of permanent teachers. Based on the criteria, it is obtained that the number of affordable population is 42 people. This population is at the same time designated as the research sample frame. The analysis technique is done by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of this study get the correlation coefficient of competence and teacher performance was obtained at 0.976 with (tvalue = 4.614> t table = 2.750) at &#945- = 0.01, the correlation coefficient of work discipline and teacher performance was 0.969 with (tvalue = 24.89> ttable = 1, 79) at &#945- = 0.01, and the concordance correlation fcount (535.50)> ftable (5.15) shows that there is a relationship between competence and discipline with performance. The determinant coefficient value of the competency and discipline variables simultaneously has an effect on the performance variable by 98%. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between competence and discipline with the performance of teachers in MAN IC Serpong, so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Some suggestions for improving performance in this study including the constitutional rights of teachers in competency development that must be fulfilled by the government through training or providing scholarships, constantly improving discipline by implementing reward and punishment, monitoring teacher work more closely by using daily, weekly/monthly assignments logs and providing feedback against things that are not according to school targets.

Keywords: competence, work dicipline, performance

Topic: Education

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