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Adi Apriadi Adiansha (a*), Riska Novalia (b)

a) PGSD lecturer, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima
Bima Student Park Educational Road N0.1 Palibelo Bima-NTB-Indonesia
b) Elementary Education Doctoral Student, State University of Jakarta
Alamanda Regensi Jln. Bekasi-West Java Regency


Garbage-paid schools are trending in the interest of students, in improving character education in elementary schools. The objectives of this study are 1) to determine the implementation of school management with garbage payments- 2) evaluating the implementation of garbage paid schools. The research method used in the research is a summative evaluation research type. The research objects include curriculum management and learning for garbage-paid schools, management of students for waste-paid schools, management of educators and education personnel for garbage-paid schools, management of facilities and infrastructure for garbage-paid schools, management of financing for schools that pay for waste, management of school relations and the community towards schools paid for rubbish, culture and the environment for schools paid for garbage, according to the guidebook for the implementation of management for schools paid for garbage according to the 2013 curriculum. The research subject is one of the elementary schools in the Bekasi Regency. Data collection techniques include questionnaires, observation, and interviews with respondents. The results showed that the evaluation of the implementation of waste-paid primary school management in the Bekasi district ran innovatively and was able to develop student character education. However, it still needs to be improved in the implementation of management for the management of educators and education personnel, management of facilities, and infrastructure. This research is very important to be continued in improving innovative, creative, effective schools and further character development of students

Keywords: Management, Waste Pay Schools

Topic: Education

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