THE EFFECT OF STUDENTS^ CRITICAL THINKING TOWARDS READING AND LISTENING SKILLS IN XYZ JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Universitas Pelita Harapan Abstract A teacher in the digital era can face many challenges as well as bring benefits. A teachers^ role is shifting from simply delivering knowledge to enhancing students^ skills. The pace of technology development highly emphasizes the importance of teaching students to think critically, thus they will not only be excellent and fluent in the language but also in processing information. This study aims to predict the relationship between students^ critical thinking, reading and listening skills. This research was conducted with 64 samples. The research instruments are one Critical Thinking Test, one Reading Comprehension Test and one Listening Test. The data analysis was descriptive analysis and simple linear regression to see the prediction of variables. The result shows that there is a trivial relationship between Critical Thinking skill, Reading and Listening skills. Keywords: Critical Thinking, Reading, Listening, Linear Regression Topic: Education |
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