Effect Of Tranformational leadership and Teachers Organizational Commitment On PAI Teachers Quaity Service (a)Waode Nurmuhaemin* (b)Saparno Eko Widodo, (c) R. Madha Komala
Doctoral Study Program Educational Management , Jakarta State University. Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur
The objective of this research is to understand the effect of transformational leadership and organizational commitmet on PAI teachers quality service in general schools in Kendari City. It is quantitative research in 151 general schools from Elementary to Senior High Schools located in Kendari City, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia.
The research will use a survey method with path analysis wiil be applied in the testing hypothesis. It will be conduct to 142 PAI teachers as the respondents who will be select in a simple random sampling
Researchers predict that there is a correlation of the research variables , transformational leadership and teachers organizational commitment on teachers quality service from the Parasurahman model. It is hoped that the correlation will show the relationship between variables that can be used to to improve PAI teachers quality service.
Keywords: Transformational leadership, Organizational commitmet, PAI teachers quality service