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Management of Multicultural Based Character Education
Dr. Nadzmi Akbar, M.Pd.I

UIN Antasari Banjarmasin


Character education services in schools that have multicultural students have obstacles in the form of not serving the strengthening of character in minority students. Especially when presenting character education to students of different religions, because religious character must be shaped and developed with the religious values adopted by students. In most schools, there is often a disregard for minority students. In this connection, it is necessary to conduct research on the harmonization of multicultural-based character education in schools. This research method is descriptive qualitative, using observations, interviews and documentaries. Data analysis is performed using an interactive process. It starts with data collection, data condensation, data models, describing and summarizing research results. In this study it was found that (1) harmonization of multicultural-based character education began in the community environment, (2) policies at the unit level of education that support the implementation of multicultural-based character education, (3) dynamic leadership styles, (4) all educators show attitudes respect and respect even support character education with a variety of differences, (5) each religious teacher develops their subject matter towards values of tolerance, and religious harmony.

Keywords: Tolerance, Character, Multicultural, Harmonization

Topic: Education

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