Program Study of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Science Education, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, 69162, Bangkalan, Indonesia
Assessment in learning to write short stories is what determines success in achieving learning objectives. Authentic assessment is an assessment that emphasizes the ability of students to demonstrate relevant performance in the real world. Learning to write in schools needs to instill humanist values in order to prepare students to face cultural diversity. Strengthening human literacy has become a determining pillar in the life of a multicultural society in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is fast-paced, without boundaries, and without face to face communication with people of different cultures and different nations. This study aims to describe an authentic assessment model for writing short stories based on humanist values. Assessment of writing short stories with a humanist value approach is a research as well as a development of writing competency assessments. This research is a research development or Research and Development (R&D). This study develops an assessment model for writing short stories based on human values. Assessment using an authentic assessment evaluation system includes two things, namely process evaluation and result evaluation. The assessment model modifies the Yale assessment model which is simplified into five aspects, namely themes, completeness of short story building elements, integration of short story building elements, attractiveness, and language use, theme aspects include main ideas / themes and content (subject matter). The results of this study, namely (1) the assessment instrument used to record student activity data during the learning process to write short stories, in the form of journals, observation sheets, and human value-based assessment rubrics- and (2) the type of instrument used to record the results of learning to write short stories, namely short stories, which are in the form of Human Value Based Short Story Writing Assessment Sheet.
Keywords: authentic assessment, short story, writing, human values.
Topic: Education