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Flipped Classroom Implementation in Foundation of Educational Technology Course in Postgraduate Program of UNJ
Eveline Siregar, Dedy Aswan



Since Covid-19 pandemic started, Flipped Classroom has been rapidly adopted and developed by teachers around the world as classroom activities are prohibited. In this research, Flipped Classroom was implemented using web-based LMS which contains various digital contents such as e-books, presentation slides, animation and videos along with engaging assignments in various formats (online forums, online quizzes, etc.). These asynchronous activities are then followed by online video conference to synchronously discuss the result deeply to create meaningful learning.
This research aims to analyze Flipped Classroom implementation to facilitate students^ study in college during Covid-19 pandemic. The research methods used are literature review and survey. The survey questions are created based on the indicators of ideal Flipped Classroom implementation. The respondents of the survey are postgraduate students taking Foundation of Educational Technology course.
The result of this research shows that majority of the students responded positively to the Flipped Classroom model. The usage of various media in LMS, encouraged the students to learn independently. While the activities such as discussion, work in group, debate or speech presentation and article review, stimulated critical thinking and active involvement in learning. A teacher^s interaction with students can be more personalized and didactic, and students are actively involved in knowledge acquisition and construction. The result also shows that most students preferred pre-recorded contents prepared by teachers or video developers. The outcomes of Flipped Classroom implementation are determined by effective student learning that facilitates critical thinking and improves student engagement, both in asynchronous and synchronous learning activities.

Keywords: Flipped Classroom, synchronous, asynchronous, LMS , Covid-19

Topic: Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Eveline Siregar)

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