Teaching Translation: Translation Learning Method, Translation Techniques, and Translation Quality Assesment Strategies in University Universitas Negeri Jakarta Abstract This study aimed to found translation learning methods, translation techniques and translation quality assessment strategies in translation classes at universities. The results show that the collaborative method has many benefits if it is applied in the translation class. Students become more active, have positive relationships between students, build meaningful learning, experience solving problems in translation, and provide space for creativity like students. The translation techniques used vary depending on the translator, because each translator has his own translation technique, adjusted to the type of text to be translated. Translators always evaluate the results of their translations, because in fact the assessment criteria are implicit in the selection of certain translation techniques, which have been defined from the start taking into account various factors. The most important thing in translation is to get equivalent / accuracy, acceptability and readability of the translation results and adjust it to the translation quality assessment instrument. Keywords: Teaching translation, translation learning methods, translation techniques, and translation quality assessment strategies. Topic: Education |
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