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Developing Digital Teaching Materials based on North Sumatra Local Culture for Beginners Level of BIPA
Maya Oktora, Yuni Khairina

Universitas Negeri Medan


The high interest of international students in learning the Indonesian language during the COVID-19 pandemic, which limits the arrival of students, has become the basis for developing digital BIPA teaching materials. The availability of digital teaching materials with English instruction and containing the local cultural context is a significant problem often faced by teachers in BIPA learning activities at Universitas Negeri Medan that dominates by the Beginner-level. This study aimed to discover how to develop digital-based BIPA teaching materials with North Sumatran culture for beginner-level foreign speakers. The research and Development (R&D) approach was used in this study, as well as three data collection techniques: observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data sources are BIPA teachers, foreign speakers, and expert lecturers. Data analysis in this study used a qualitative descriptive method consisting of exposure and data conclusions. The results of this research are: needs analysis according to the perceptions of foreign speakers and BIPA teachers, which can produce characteristics of BIPA teaching materials that contain North Sumatran culture for beginner-level foreign speakers- using a variety that is easy to understand and contain the cultural context of North Sumatra in daily activities- as well as being able to inspire participants^ learning motivation and equipped with training materials covering the four aspects of language and grammar exercises in each chapter.

Keywords: BIPA, teaching materials, culture, international students, digital.

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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