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Analysis of Interaction Patterns of An Online Learning Community: A Social Network Analytics Approach
Zaenal Abidin

Department of Computer Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia


This study investigates the potential of online learning communities (OLC) to help teachers fulfil their professional needs. Technology is an essential platform for teachers and allows them to maintain their engagement in the OLC in both a flexible and reflective manner. This indicates that an OLC can be considered a promising model for ongoing teacher learning because of its flexibility and because it does not require a personal presence. An OLC in this current study was established using a closed-Facebook group. Online observations were conducted to obtain the data. The gathered data were analysed using the social network analysis approach by visualising the data into a sociogram. The research study provided network patterns to portray the social learning interactions of the participant teachers in the OLC. The study results provided evidence that teachers gradually improved their teaching experiences with technology. They also progressively moved towards the centre. Some teachers attained central positions, meaning they shifted their roles as mediators and facilitators in the OLC. A sense of ownership towards the OLC grew as they took the role of mediator. Taking the role of mediator, the teachers not only learned- they also facilitated and supported others to become more active in social learning interactions. The findings show teachers themselves contributed to nurturing the OLC.

Keywords: Online learning community, teacher learning, social network analytics, sociogram, social learning

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers

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