Department of Psychology
Faculty of Education
Yogyakarta State University
Telltales of a heavily industrialized, modern education system had been forecasted a century ago, as we are slowly approaching the Mega-Machines fabled in Lewis Mumford^s The Myth of the Machine from 1976. As we presently challenged with urgency on how to transform education from task-based to human-based one, ideas of education centralized on mankind^s positive values began flourishing since the end of 1900s. Recent paradigm from Psychology called Positive Psychology, promotes one answer: Hope. This paper would seek to investigate these answers and find their theoretical and practical basis through literature review. It is found that a human-based education should let its learner pursue meaningful learning through implementation of education centered on hope. By assimilating hopeful practices (learning, teaching, and social interaction), hope proves to not only become the theoretical basis of future education, but also educating humans to remember the importance of being a hopeful and optimistic human being.