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The Current Conception of Professionalism: The perspectives of vocational teachers
Ani Widayati

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This study aims to examine (1) the perspective of accounting teachers regarding professionalism in current era (2) the efforts made by teachers to improve their professionalism. The study took place in Yogyakarta involving 30 accounting teachers in a focused group discussion. The approach in this research is interpretive qualitative which is intended to know the re-conceptions of the accounting teachers^ professionalism and the efforts they made in facing the fourth industrial revolution. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and interpreted based on the interrelations between categories in the theme. The results show that (1) Teachers understand professionalism as a mastery of pedagogical, personal, social and professional competencies as well as 21st century^s skills like characters, literacy and skills. Teachers are required to be able to adjust to the changes that occur through the use of technology so as to form a teacher profile mastering knowledge, skills and personalities (2) Efforts made by teachers are changing the mindset in teaching and improving skills through utilizing technology. In addition, the government also strives for facilitating teachers to improve their performance by providing research grants and opportunities in developing their professionalism. Teacher Forum is currently seeking to become a forum for teachers to improve the quality of their practice through community of practice.

Keywords: vocational teachers, conception, professionalism

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers

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