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Kinetic Sand and The Coordination of Eye and Hand for Children in Gorontalo
Velly Sena Edila Abdul1, Pupung Puspa Ardini2* Setyo Utoyo3

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


This study aims to determine the data of playing kinetic media on the coordination ability of children^s eye and hand movements. This research is quantitative research with experimental methods. It uses a research design of one group pretest-posttest that is giving a test before and after being given treatment with the research subjects are 22 children of 5-6 years old. The results showed a significant difference in the average value of the child^s eye and hand coordination abilities before and after the treatment, as evidenced by the values obtained in the pretest and post-test data were 40.9% and 68.1%, respectively. While the calculation of the T-test obtained a significant value <0.05 that is 0.00 then Ho is rejected. These results prove that there is a significant effect before and after the treatment.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Kinetic Sand, The coordination of eye and hand

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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