Traffic Analysis On Bethesda Road In Manado City
Linda Tanor,

Manado State Univercity


Manado City is the capital of North Sulawesi Province, has an area of 157.26 km2 with a population of 451,916 people spread across nine sub-districts (BPS, 2020), acting as the center of government, trade, industry, tourism, and education. Rapid population growth, the rapid increase in the number of vehicles, the construction of new settlements and the construction of shopping centers, greatly affect the increase in the volume of traffic flow because the need for transportation facilities and infrastructure continues to grow. This situation greatly affects the level of existing services so that if it is not balanced with an increase in adequate transportation facilities and infrastructure, the resulting impact is the emergence of congestion problems. Based on the identification of the causes of congestion on the main road sections, the number of private vehicles and public transportation operating, the road body is used as a parking lot which in turn results in long queues of vehicles that cause congestion, especially during rush hour.
In connection with the above problems, it is very necessary to improve the transportation performance of the city of Manado, especially the improvement of the performance of the road itself. Performance evaluation of existing condition roads in Manado City needs to be done to get an overview of traffic conditions and the level of service of existing roads.
The results of the study on the Bethesda road section show that the degree of saturation during the morning rush hour is 0.64 and at the afternoon rush hour is 0.81 while the ideal condition is 0.75. This shows that the performance of the Bethesda road section needs to be improved. There are several ways that can be done, namely widening the road body, widening the effective width of the road by parking the vehicle only on one side of the road, making alternative roads for users of this lane/road, to increase road service the degree of saturation, especially at 0.80 afternoon rush

Keywords: performance of urban roads

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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