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ABS-7 |
Halu Oleo University
One of the most noteworthy models of school reform today is the school-based management model (SBM). The Government of Indonesia has issued a set of guidelines related to the implementation of SBM in 2002. Schools that have implemented SBM are expected to improve the quality of learning. This study aims to provide an empirical description of the quality of learning based on the instrument of the lesson plan and the learning implementation instrument by the teacher. Researchers chose a junior high school in Konawe district, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. This explanation of research method is too brief. Therefore, add some information about the method of the research, data collection, and data analysis. The results showed that there are some components that have not been optimally applied, namely: implementation of effective learning ppproach / strategy, utilizing learning resources / media in learning, designing evaluation tools and monitoring tools for monitoring progress and learning outcomes of learners in achieving certain competencies, and Utilize feedback for learners. The use of learning plan and the implementation of learning in the effort to improve the quality of learning in schools that have implemented SBM in principle has been good, but not optimal. Some components that need to be improved are in the context of: implementing an effective learning approach/strategy, utilizing learning resources/media in learning, designing evaluation tools and monitoring tools for monitoring progress and learning outcomes of Learners in achieving certain competencies, and utilize feedback for learners
Keywords: based-schols management, junior high school, the quality of learning
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| Corresponding Author (Jamiluddin Jamiludin)
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ABS-36 |
The Importance of Introducing Oral Tradition to Sentani Children, Jayapura Wigati Yektiningtyas (a*), Mesabia Pramudhita Modouw (b)
a) Universitas Cenderawasih
Jl. Kamp Wolker, Jl. Kambolker Perumnas III, Yabansai, Heram, Jayapura, Papua 9922, Indonesia
b) Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Grafika No.2, Senolowo, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55284, Indonesia
Sentani tribe in Jayapura, Papua has various oral tradition, i.e. folktales, oral poems, traditional proverbs, folksongs, dances, painting, traditional architecture etc. Unfortunately, Sentani children as the future generation who will continue the existence of the socio-cultural life of Sentani people do not recognize their ancestor^s cultural heritages. This paper aims at discussing the importance of introducing oral tradition that focuses on folktales and folksongs to Sentani children. Data of folktales and folklsongs were collected from some informants, i.e. tribal chiefs and Sentani elders in Waena, Ayapo, and Hobong. The term ^children^ belongs to those children who are in 4- 8 years old or those who are in Early Childhood Education and grades 1-3 of Primary Schools. By adopting socio-cultural approach it is found that there are some reasons of the importance of introducing folktales and folksongs to Sentani children. Firstly, folktales and folksongs can be used as media of learning Sentani traditional knowledge, language, and morals. Secondly, the learning is a breakthrough of disseminating the Sentani cultural heritages and various socio-cultural values embedded. Thirdly, the learning is a strategy of Sentani cultural heritages preservation.
Keywords: Sentani children, oral tradition, folktales, folksongs, preservation
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| Corresponding Author (Wigati Yektiningtyas)
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ABS-38 |
The Effect of Web Blog Instruction on the Writing Competence of the English Literature students, Cultural Science Faculty, Halu Oleo University MARIANI(a*), WAHYUDYAH SETIYORINI (b), ELA MARTISA (c),
Halu Oleo University (a)
Junior High School Of 22 Southern Sulawesi (b)
Halu Oleo University (c)
This research was set out to investigate the effect utilizing web blog as a teaching media on students^ writing competence. Thirty-one fourth semester students of English Literature study program in the Cultural Science Faculty, Halu Oleo University who took Creative Writing subject in the academic year 2015/2016 participated in the research. Data were obtained from students^ results of pre- and post-test, as well as pre-post in-depth interview which was conducted to find out students^ perception towards the use of web blogs in their learning. The research analyzed both quantitative and qualitative data. Two research questions were posed: (1) Is there any significant effect of utilizing web blog on the students^ competence in writing? (2) How do students^ perceptions of using web blog influence their experiences in their English writing? The researcher runs a paired sample t-test with 2 tailed t-test using the SPSS 16 to test proposed hypothesis. To reveal students^ perception, descriptive data were transformed into words. Analysis of the data obtained resulted in the followings: pre-test score (M=76.38- SD = 8.77), post-test score (M=86.29- SD=7.78), Df= 30, t-tabel = 1,697 and t-test = 10.686. These results indicated a significant different on students^ writing competence before and after treatment. It can therefore be concluded that utilizing web blog as media for teaching writing is effective not only in improving student^s writing competence, but also in creating positive learning environment.
Keywords: Feedback, in-Depth Interview, Pre-Post-test, Writing Competence, Web Blog.
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| Corresponding Author (Mariani Halim)
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ABS-45 |
Learning Motivation and Creativity: Using Youtube Media in Learning to Speak Haerul, Yusrina
Universitas Khairun
In the perspective of the concept of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka, students are expected to be able to become strong graduates. Strong students are students who have the ability to face various challenges in the world of work. One of the efforts to realize this hope is to equip students with creative abilities and multiliterative mastery. However, in the implementation of lectures, there are still monotonous and passive forms of learning without giving room for students to develop creativity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the form of increased motivation and the development of student creativity in learning to speak using youtube media. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods. Through this research method, the researcher describes the form of increasing student learning motivation and creativity in learning to speak using the youtube media. The results of this study indicate that the use of youtube media in learning to speak can increase motivation and develop student creativity. Through the use of youtube media in learning to speak, students are able to understand and apply the concept of speaking, and gain knowledge and skills about using digital-based media.
Keywords: Motivation, Creativity, Youtube, Learning to Speak
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| Corresponding Author (haerul haerul)
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ABS-49 |
Teaching Bahasa Indonesia Using Rendra^s Ballad Nyanyian Angsa (Swan Song) Reimundus Raymond Fatubun
Universitas Cenderawasih, Jayapura
What to focus on when dealing with a piece of literary work in a foreign language classroom? One can balance among: teaching language vs. focus on teaching literature- pragmatic focus vs. intellectual focus- stylistics vs. literary critical orientation (the new criticism, post modernism, etc.)- and learning how to study literature vs. studying literature. Literature in the target language can become a rich source to be exploited with creative imagination for linguistic competence and literary competence as well as values found in it. Since Bahasa Indonesia (BI) is now becoming more popular in the world, BI teachers should find various ways to teach it. This paper shows that using Nyanyian Angsa (Swan Song), a ballad by Rendra, a famous Indonesian poet, anyone or all four foci mentioned above may be realized through tasks created by the imaginative, creative, and innovative BI teacher.
Keywords: Bahasa Indonesia, Rendra, Ballad, Nyanyian Angsa, Swan Song
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| Corresponding Author (Reimundus Raymond Fatubun)
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ABS-81 |
Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari
Afiks ialah imbuhan atau huruf yang ditambahkan di awal atau di akhir kata untuk memodifikasi artinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kata berafiks dan mendeskripsikan proses pembentukan kata yang memiliki afiks dalam puisi Soirs (I, II dan III) karya Albert Samain yang merupakan kumpulan dari puisi Au jardin de linfante. Dengan menggunakan Teori J.W.M Verhaar dalam kajian morfologi pada afiks. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan data berupa kalimat yang mengandung afiks khususnya afiks dalam bahasa Prancis yaitu prefiks dan sufiks yang terdapat dalam puisi tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan mengunduh objek, membaca kemudian mengklasifikasikan jenis afiks, teknik catat, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data pada penelitian ini, dilakukan dengan cara menerjemahkan teks puisi Soirs (I, II dan III), menentukan proses pembentukan kata berafiks, membaca berulang dan menginterpretasi, mendeskripsikan hasil dan membuat simpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat 83 kata yang memiliki afiks pada puisi soirs (I, II dan III), dimana terdapat 10 kata yang berprefiks di antara nya Sendorment, Illuminees, Recueillir, Indecises, Impossible, serta Immobile. dan 73 kata yang bersufiks di antaranya yaitu, Calmes, Quais, Deserts, Bateaux, Besognes, Mains, Cheveux, Fillettes, Courent, Diamants, serta Noircie. Dari 83 terdapat 10 kata yang berprefiks dan 73 kata yang bersufiks, sedangkan jika hanya dilihat dari masing-masing afiks, dari 10 kata yang berprefiks 4 kata mengalami derivasi dan 6 kata lainnya mengalami fleksi. Sedangkan dari 73 kata yang bersufiks 21 kata yang mengalami derivasi, dan terdapat 52 kata lainnya mengalami fleksi. Dari hasil tersebut diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa, proses pembentukan kata tergantung pada afiksasi. Pada penelitian ini, ketika suatu kata mengalami pembubuhan afiks, ada yang mengalami perubahan kategori kata dan ada pula yang tidak mengalami perubahan kategori
Keywords: Kata Kunci : Afiks, Prefiks, Sufiks, Fleksi, Derivasi.
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| Corresponding Author (Nurliani Nurliani)
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ABS-83 |
Halu Oleo University
As international language, English is needed by all people in the world to develop their knowledge. For students, especially in Indonesia English is categorized as the foreign language. And because of that, there is always come out a problem. The problems in teaching English come from not only the material but also the teachers and teaching methods. This paper aims at giving more explanation of scientific approach as one of innovations in learning English, particularly for Indonesians^ students. The principle of scientific approach lines to the Indonesian national education idea, in which the education sector must develop all students^ competences. This study used descriptive method by observation and interview of teaching techniques, learning models, and material using scientific approach in learning English. Besides, it uses library method, and the data thus analyzed several steps, namely data reduction, performing, interpretation, and taking conclusion. The scientific approach functions to urge and inspirate the students to think critically, analitically, and appropriately in identifying, understanding, solving problem, and apply the learning material. Through scientific approach, the students can express theirselves in flexible without boiler or pressure. It emphasizes to student centred learning. In applyng the scientific approach, the teacher has a significant role. The teachers must be able to decrease the students^ mistakes and give feedback without decreasing the students^ motivation. Therefore, it is a recommended approach since it can help to improve the students^ English competence, particularly for Indonesians^ students.
Keywords: education innovation, English, scientific approach, competence
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| Corresponding Author (la ode nggawu)
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ABS-85 |
Development on Interactive Media Teaching Materials Model Based on Descriptive Text for Elementary School Students Herlina Usman, Miftahulkhairah Anwar
Education Faculty Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl.Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur
This research employs by the development aims to develop a practical model and useful in interactive media teaching materials for learning based on descriptions text for elementary school students. In elementary school students we conducted this research because they have not a book using practical model with interactive media teaching materials for learning based on descriptions text for elementary school students. The approach of this research and the methodology is using the development model from Borg and Gall and Dick and Carey models, the research is conducted in the primary school students and used four stages to development of teaching materials product namely (1) exploration (preliminary studies and needs analysis)- (2) draft development (planning and development of initial product form)- (3) development stage of evaluation instrument, field test and product revision (One-to-one evaluation experts and significant product revisions, small group evaluation and product operational revisions, field trials and final product revisions)- (4) finalization stage (final product refinement and product dissemination). The research data is collected through three instruments namely questionnaires, interviews, and formative tests to measure the mastery of English teaching materials for primary school students. The result of this study produced a model in interactive media teaching materials for learning based on descriptions text for elementary school students that can be used as teaching material for Basic English to Elementary school student courses in the Primary School Teacher Education study program. The results obtained a product model of English teaching materials for primary school teacher education based on the whole language approach. interactive media teaching materials for learning based on descriptions text for elementary school students in Indonesia.
Keywords: Development of Model of English language teaching material, interactive media, descriptions text. Primary school students.
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| Corresponding Author (Herlina usman)
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ABS-96 |
Affix in Poetry Soirs (I, II And III) By Albert Samain Nurliani
Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Affixes are affixes or letters that are added at the beginning or at the end of words to modify their meaning. This research aims to show words with affixes and describe the process of forming words that have affixes in Albert Samains Soirs (I, II and III) which is a collection of Au jardin de linfante poetry. Using J.W.M Verhaar Theory in morphological studies of affixes. The research method used descriptive qualitative, with data in the form of sentences containing affixes, especially affixes in French, namely prefixes and suffixes contained in the poetry. The data collection technique used was download the objects, read and then classify the types of affixes, note-taking techniques, documentation and literature study. The data analysis was carried out by translating the poetry text of Soirs (I, II and III), determining the process of forming affixed words, reading and interpreting, describing the results and making conclusions. The result of this research is that there are 83 words that have affixes in soirs poetry (I, II and III), where there are 10 words that have prefixes among them Sendorment, Illuminees, Recueillir, Indecises, Impossible, and Immobile. and 73 words with suffixes, namely, Calmes, Quais, Deserts, Bateaux, Besognes, Mains, Cheveux, Fillettes, Courent, Diamants and Noircie. From 83 there are 10 words with prefixes and 73 words with suffixes, whereas if only seen from each affix, out of 10 words with prefix 4 words experience derivation and 6 other words experience flexion. Meanwhile, of the 73 words with suffixes, 21 words experienced derivation, and there were 52 other words experiencing flexion. From these results it can be concluded that the process of word formation depends on affixation. In this research, when a word was affixed with an affix, some experienced a change in word category and some did not experience a change in word category.
Keywords: Affix, Prefix, Suffix, Flexion, Derivation.
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| Corresponding Author (Nurliani Nurliani)
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ABS-104 |
Le Sens Connotatif Dans La Collection de Poeme Soixante-Dix Poemes Contemporains Par Lily Artha Nurwini Astina S.
Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari
Fakultas Ilmu dan Budaya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis makna konotatif dalam kumpulan puisi Soixante-Dix Poemes Contemporains karya Lily Artha. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah kumpulan puisi Soixante-Dix Poemes Contemporains karya Lily Artha. Dalam buku tersebut memuat 70 puisi, 63 judul puisi berbahasa Prancis dan 7 puisi dalam bahasa Indonesia, tetapi penulis hanya mengambil 5 judul puisi yang akan dibahas, yaitu (1) La solitude, (2) Quand la nuit tomber (3) Le calme (4) On ne sera plus la (5) La vie. Pemilihan 5 judul puisi ini didasarkan pada tema puisi yang sama yaitu tentang kehidupan, segi bahasa figuratif yang menarik untuk dikaji, dan berdasarkan kriteria yang hanya mengambil puisi-puisi yang mengandung makna konotatif dengan jumlah minimal 4 kata keatas dan 5 puisi tersebut telah memenuhi kriteria tersebut. Penelitian ini hanya terfokus pada makna konotatif sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam kumpulan puisi Soixante-Dix Poemes karya Lily Artha. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis membaca kumpulan puisi Soixante-Dix Poemes Contemporains karya Lily Artha dan memilih 5 puisi dari buku tersebut, kemudian memberi kode pada setiap kata yang diduga mengandung makna konotatif, lalu mengklasifikasi menurut jenis makna konotatif dengan menebalkan kata, dan membuat kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 28 kata dan 3 frasa yang termasuk dalam makna konotatif. Terdapat 15 kata dan 3 frasa yang mengandung jenis konotatif positif yaitu des fleurs, elle, sourire, le calme, les ames, chanter, les sermons, la charite, il, la phase, sarreter, cesser, tout, belle, le mystere, lutopie, le gout, dan regrette. sedangkan yang mengandung jenis konotatif negatif terdapat 13 kata yaitu, serreter, lodeur, penetre, elle, nefastes, envahir, austere, la galere, le calvaire, terrestre, le desastre, cruelle, linanite, dan tidak ditemukan frasa yang mengandung konotatif negatif pada puisi ini.
Keywords: Puisi, Lirik, dan Makna Konotatif
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| Corresponding Author (Nurwini Astina S.)
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ABS-108 |
Utilization of Nearpod as an Online Learning Media through Active Learning Strategies for Students Putri Kumala Dewi
Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang City, 65145, East Java, Indonesia
This research is motivated by the problems of lecturers and students during online learning. Lecturers lack insight into interactive digital platforms and the dilemma between synchronous and asynchronous. When synchronous, most students complained about signals, quotas, limited time, and communication patterns. When it is asynchronous, lecturers found it difficult to monitor students^ processes. From the student side, 90% of students complained about signals, quotas, limited time, and communication patters during learning through Zoom or Google Meet. As many as 85% of students complained that the learning process was less interactive when learning asynchronously. The purpose of this study is to determine the learning interaction process, to obstacles faced, and student learning outcomes using the Nearpod platform and the application of active learning strategies in the Learning Media course. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were 56 students participating in the course. Data collection techniques by interviewing, distributing questionnaires, observation, and tests. The results showed that through Nearpod and active learning strategies, as many as 100% of students were more able to explore the material, 88% of students were more able to find material independently, 90% of students felt that learning was more interactive, and 84% of students found it easier to understand the material. The problem faced by students was the signal when playing video features in Nearpod. The test results showed that 61% of the students^ average score was 87.74 (very good) and 39% of the average score was 60 (sufficient).
Keywords: learning media- Nearpod- online learning- active learning strategies
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| Corresponding Author (Putri Kumala Dewi)
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ABS-109 |
Needs Analysis: Development of Local Excellence-Based Reading Texts to Improve Communication Skills of Tour Guides in Papua Nicodemus Bisse Universitas Cenderaasih, Indonesia and Lalu Suhirman Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Universitas Cenderawasih
This paper describes the initial stages of a needs analysis project developed in the context of tourism in Papua with the aim of identifying the needs of the target group of learners (tour guides) and introducing local excellence-based reading text courses and teaching materials. This study adopted the needs analysis framework suggested by Hutchinson and Waters (1994) focusing on target needs and learning needs. The type of research used is research and development (Research and Development). Development research is used to design new products or procedures that are systematically tested in the field, evaluated, developed so that they meet the criteria for effectiveness, quality or similarity to a standard (Borg and Gall, 2003: 569). The development model used in this study is a model developed by Sukmadinata (Syaodih 2007: 182). This model includes 2 stages of development, namely a preliminary study in the form of a needs analysis and the development of teaching materials. Qualitative descriptive method is used in this research. The field survey was conducted to obtain information about the needs of prospective tour guides regarding English learning materials and the learning approaches needed for the development of English teaching materials in the context of local wisdom. The research findings reveal the need for the development of very specific English courses or what is often called as ^English for Specific Purposes^ (ESP) with a clear focus on the target discipline, tourism in Papua. There is also a demand for ESP training provision which addresses the urgent needs of tour guides and their long-term needs as professionals in the tourism business.
Keywords: need analysis, tourism, tour guide, local excellence - based reading text, ESP
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| Corresponding Author (Nicodemus Bisse)
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ABS-110 |
Wakelet as a Digital Media for Online Learning to Reading Literature For High School Students Dolorosa Sinta Grace Nanda, Putri Kumala Dewi
Study Program of Indonesian Language anda Literature Education, Fakulty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang City, 65145, East Java, Indonesia
Technological developments need to be implemented in teaching and learning activities in order to create a learning atmosphere that stimulates cooperation and activity of students. However, seen from online learning activities, teachers still use media with a one-way communication pattern. For that, teachers need to innovate in materials and media of learning. This research uses a case study approach which aims to answer the question of how the application and learning outcomes of students in learning to read literature through discovery learning strategies using digital media. The data collection method was carried out by using observation techniques, distributing questionnaires and tests. The research subjects were 16 students who were took these subjects. The learning media contains a series of materials and non-test instruments of basic competency to analyze the content and language of the drama that were read or watched. The media used is multi-media compiled on the Wakelet platform. The results showed that through Wakelet and discovery learning strategies 1) the implementation of literary rading learning went well- 2) students are more motivated in learning activities, especially learning reading literature- 3) 80% of students are more active in accessing teaching materials independently- and 4) the results of the test to analyze the content and language of drama show that 62.5% of students are in the very good category, 25% are in the good category, and 12.5% are in the moderate category.
Keywords: digital learning, reading aesthetics, teaching materials
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| Corresponding Author (Dolorosa Sinta Grace Nanda)
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ABS-112 |
Implementation of Explanatory Text Online Learning Based on an Interactive Model using a Digital Platform Maulidatus Syafaah (a*), Putri Kumala Dewi (b)
Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang City, 65145, East Java, Indonesia
This research is motivated by the problems experienced by students during online learning. These problems are related to student interests and interactions during online learning. The teachers still use teaching materials for offline learning. For this reason, the research objective is to determine the learning process through the application of the Wakelet digital platform based on an interactive learning model in explanatory writing learning, the obstacles faced by students, and student learning outcomes. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were 33 students of grade 11 SMAN 1 Malang. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires, observations, and tests. The results showed that the learning process was more interactive. There are several stages in producing explanatory text that contained in the Wakelet, starting with- (1) determine topics based on phenomena that interest students, (2) compile framework based on explanatory text structure, (3) looking for facts as the source of text writing, (4) develop framework into paragraphs using attractive templates, (5) correcting the results of writing text by cross-reading with other students. The student problem is the operation of the Wakelet platform. However, after being given instructions, students were able to use them. For the test results in writing explanatory text, it was found that 72.7% of students were at a very good level with an average score of 93,79, and students with a percentage of 27.28% were at a good level with an average score of 84,67.
Keywords: Writing Explanatory Text- Interactive Learning Model- Digital Platform
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| Corresponding Author (Maulidatus Syafaah)
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ABS-116 |
many as 34 ministers and 4 ministerial level officials. The inclusion of Prabowo Subianto in the ranks of the Forward Indonesia Cabinet as well as the opposition which only leaves PKS, are two major problems that become points of attention in this research. Mata Najwa is one of the media that is alert in the news, through the episode ^Gono Gini the Chair of the Minister^ which aired two days after the cabinet appointment, managed to steal the attention of the public through the speakers presented. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, with Theo Van Leeuween^s Critical Discourse Analysis model, which aims to detect and examine how a group or person is marginalized in a discourse. Through a strategy of exclusion (exclusion) and a strategy of inclusion (inclusion) of actors or groups involved in the discourse. Based on the analysis model used, the researcher found that the episode ^Gono Gini Chair of the Minister^ in the Mata Najwa program, dominantly marginalized the positions of two actors, namely Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo. After Prabowo Subianto was declared officially the seat of defense minister, it was considered to be a serious problem because it caused the coalition to be too fat and only left PKS as the opposition. In this discourse, Joko Widodo is considered not to use his prerogative as president by presenting a new culture in Indonesian politics.
Keywords: Discourse Analysis, Exclusion, Inclusion, Theo Van Leeuween, Mata Najwa talk sho
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| Corresponding Author (Indah Permata Sari)
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ABS-121 |
Analysis of Chinese Native Lecturer Online Learning Against FKIP Tanjungpura University Students Lily Thamrin(a*), Suhardi(b)
Jalan Prof. H.Hadari Nawawi
Online learning during the Covid 19 pandemic has become a substitute solution for face-to-face learning. This research method uses descriptive research methods. This study aims to describe the online learning process and problems in online learning as well as online learning strategies applied to the Comprehensive Chinese Language course. The respondents of this study were 90 people consisting of first, third and five semester students of the Mandarin Language Education Study Program at the Teaching and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University, and 4 native lecturers from China. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviewing and filling out questionnaires online. Data analysis used in this research is data collection, data presentation and conclusions. In online learning platforms or learning applications used by native lecturers, they are Ding Talk and Tencent (VooV) Meeting. The results showed that the learning media for students as a whole were available but were not used optimally to participate in online learning. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced during online learning are networking. The network used by students to take part in online learning is very unstable, resulting in students often going in and out of this online learning platform. To solve the problems that occur, lecturers often use a question and answer system to get feedback from students. There are also lecturers who use their spare time to guide students who are deemed lacking in learning separately. In the future, this research is expected to become study material for other researchers in analyzing and developing student learning motivation in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in universities.
Keywords: Online learning, native lecturers, Mandarin Language
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| Corresponding Author (Lily Thamrin)
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ABS-122 |
Trends in Critical Reading Skills Research in the Journal of Indonesian Language and Literature Education in PPJB-SIP Arif Setiawan (1), Musaffak (2), Rosaline Ismayoeng Gusdian (3)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Critical reading skills are one of the skills that must be possessed in the 21st century. Research that uses content analysis on several articles published in Indonesian journals throughout Indonesia from 2010 to 2020 with a focus on critical reading. This study has shown that in the last three years, the number of publications that focus on reading skills has fluctuated. The most dominant research designed is quantitative. In addition, students are research subjects that are often used in critical reading research. Instrument tests are often used to retrieve data, and t-tests are the more frequently used data analysis methods.
Keywords: Indonesian language and literature journals, critical reading skills, data analysis
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| Corresponding Author (Arif Setiawan)
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ABS-124 |
1Japanese Literature, Universitas Andalas
email: rinayuniastuti[at]hum.unand.ac.id
2 Japanese Literature, Universitas Andalas
email: rahtunilasepni[at]hum.unand.ac.id
Honyaku (translation) is a compulsory subject in Japanese Literature Department of Andalas University that aims to make students able and skilled at translating Japanese text into Indonesian and vice versa. The method used in this research is classroom action research. This method is used not only to solve learning problems in the classroom but also to improve the quality of learning in the Honyaku subject as a part of applied linguistics. The object of this research is the integrated model used in the Honyaku course. Furthermore, this study also discusses linguistic knowledge that can be involved in this learning model, including syntax, semantics, pragmatics and other competencies such as knowledge of Japanese society and culture. The results showed that the integrated model could improve student competence in the field of translation and develop lecturers^ professional abilities to innovate in learning activities.
Keywords: integrated model, applied linguistics, translation
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| Corresponding Author (Rina Yuniastuti)
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Humanities |
ABS-1 |
Code Switching and Code Mixing Used in Skinnyindonesian24 Sokhizato Buulolo (a), I Ketut Subagia (b*), Gabriella Agatha Christie (c)
Warmadewa University
The study is limited to only the types of English-Indonesian switching and mixing and the factor causing of English- Indonesian code switching and code mixing. All of data were taken from the Skinnyindonesian24 YouTube channel from two brothers of Da Lopez they are Jovial da Lopez or Kajo and Andovi da Lopez. The data is taken from School Tour video released on October 30, 2018. The data collection method in this study is library research. The library research is done by watching the School Tour video by Skinnyindonesian24 repeatedly. There are three steps in data collection. First, watch the School Tour video carefully and repeatedly to understand the content. Second, note the data which contain code switching and code mixing. The last steps, separated the words are included in the types and factors causing code switching and code mixing. The data were analyzed using the qualitative method, the theory applied in this study were based on the theory proposed by Wardhaugh. The result of the study shown that there were three types of code switching and code mixing found, they are tag switching inter-sentential switching, intra-switching and insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization. The factors that caused the writer to used code switching are four factors and all of them are contained in video the Skinnyindonesian24. There are also several factors that cause the author to use code mixing, from five factors, there were three factors are found in the data, they are language dominance, language attitude, psycholinguistic motivation.
Keywords: Bilingualism- Code switching- Code mixing
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ABS-2 |
English Used by Sellers on Campuhan Street, Ubud Desak Made Icha Agustina (a), A. A Gede Suarjaya (b*), I Kadek Agus Darmawan (c)
Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
this paper aimed to analyse about the English function and expression that uttered by sellers in five art shops for tourist. The sellers are used as the respondents of data sources are examined are is five persons. Those respondents are one man and four woman. Observing, interviewing and by recording or taking note are the methods of collecting the data. Then result of the research is presented in the form of conversation descriptively by analyzing based on the theory applied. The theory which is used to analyze the data is the theory of the language function which is mainly taken from Blundell (1982). Beside this theory, the theory of Leo Jones (1986) is used as supporting theory. Based on the data analysis, it can be explained that in communicating with the tourist, the sellers at Campuhan, Ubud as respondents have to use several functions of English Expressions. The English expressions which they have communicated to the tourist are the expressions for the function of: (1) greeting (2) giving price (3) getting information (4) inviting someone, (5) offering things, and (6) thanking. Most of the English expressions used in their communication by the sellers to the tourists are informal and neutral expressions. As conclusion, most of sellers used ungrammatical language to express the expression, but their purpose can be understood by the tourists when they serve the tourists in a friendly.
Keywords: English language- expression- function of english
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ABS-3 |
Illocutionary Acts In Oprah^s Lifeclass Talk Show Ni Wayan Kasni (a*), Putu Lina Damayanthi (b)
Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
The aim of this study are to find out the kinds of illocutionary acts in Oprah^s Lifeclass Talk show and to explain how the types of illocutionary are expressed. The theoretical basis used in this research is taken from J.R Searle (1969). Researcher also apply the other theories that are considered relevant to this study. The data used in this study were taken from the conversation between Oprah Winfrey and her guests. All of the data are collected and classified based on the type of illocutionary acts. Observation and note taking are the method of data collection. The problem is described descriptively according the appropriate theory applied. Based on the result of analysis, the types of illocutionary act can be described into commisives to commit him or herself to the performance of action. Second, the speakers use directives to command or request someone to do an action. Third, expressives type to express the psychological condition about the situation or state, like pleasure or sadness. Fourth, representatives or assertives to represent a statement. Meanwhile, the declaration type is not found in this research. It is hoped that this research contributes important information for the next researcher who is interested in doing the same kind of study.
Keywords: Speech Act- Locutionary- Illocutionary- Perlocutionary- Talkshow
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ABS-4 |
Plot Of Fitzgerald^s The Great Gatsby Ni Gusti Ayu Widiantari (a), I Nyoman Kardana (b*), AA Ngrh Dharma Prima Sugihantara (c)
Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
This study aimed at analyzing the plot structure and the style used in the novel The Great Gatsby. The theories applied are Freytag^s Technique of the Drama written by Gustav Freytag (1896) and supporting theory entitles How to Analyze by Kenney (1966). The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative, which aims at analyzing and collecting data from some referential books, website, library and other data sources that were useful for the analysis. The source is in the form of a novel that was taken from The Penguin Book: The Great Gatsby, by F.Scott Fitzgerald. As a result of analysis, it shows that there are five structures of the plot (i) exposition is when the narrator introduces the setting that is in New York, West Egg and East Egg, the main characters like Jay Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, and the Narrator Nick. (ii) the conflict happens when Tom and Gatsby argue in the hotel. (iii) the climax happens when Daisy kills Myrtle by Gatsby^s car. (iv) failing action is when Gatsby killed by George Wilson, (v) the end of the story is when there is no one attend Gatsby^s funeral and Nick moves back to West Egg. Briefly, the style used by F. Scott Fitzgerald uses adjectives in order to create romantic sensation and visualize the story and also imagery to engage all five of the reader^s senses so that they cannot only see, but hear, smell, taste, and feel what the characters are experiencing.
Keywords: Plot- style- The Great Gatsby
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| Corresponding Author (I Nyoman Kardana)
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ABS-5 |
Suffixes Forming Adjective Found In The Novel Peter Pan Falentinus Ndruru (a), Mirsa Umiyati (b*), I Gede Prima Wijaya (C)
Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
This study aims to describe the suffixes forming adjective found in the Novel Peter Pan and the bases that are possibly changed into adjective. The data of this research were taken from the novel entitled Peter Pan by J.M Barrie. The main theory which is used in analyzing the data is theory of suffixes by Bauer (1983). The data were collected by reading. After collecting, the data were classified based on scope discussions. The result showed that there are six kinds of part of speech that were found, namely- noun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunctions, pronoun. Suffix forming adjective is the process of forming adjective by adding suffixes to another word class. In the data, it is found that there are three kinds of word class bases that can be attached with suffixes to form adjective, they are noun base, verb base, and adjective base. Furthermore, based on the result of the research which was described descriptively, it can be concluded that suffixes forming adjective there are some points that can be taken as the conclusion.
Keywords: Element of adjective- Morphemes- Suffixes- Word class
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| Corresponding Author (Mirsa Umiyati)
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ABS-6 |
English Function by Waiters and Waitress at Flames Cafe and Restaurant in Sanur Area Kiki Nurwahyuni (a), Oswaldus Wegu (b), Ketut Sudrama (c*)
Warmadewa University
The aim of this study is to analyze the types of English function between the foreigners tourist and staff. The theoretical basis used in this study taken from the book entitled ^exploration in the function of language^ by Halliday and ^function of English^ by Jones The data used are taken from the conversation between waiters and waitress at Restaurant with guest. This study is designed by using descriptive qualitative approach which are all of the data are collected and classified based on the function of English and English expression. The results found that English used by waiters and waitress at Flames Cafe and Restaurant Sanur area, are: greeting, inviting someone, suggesting, giving information, requesting, apologizing, thanking, saying goodbye. They used communicative function verbal or directly and their more practice using English when they gives services, because all the staff using expression with good English and say it politely and clearly. It can be concluded that most of them used function of English and expressions without function of English rules and also if we see the sentence that they used, the sentence to be ungrammatical but their purpose can be understood by the guest when they served the guest, they try to give the best service
Keywords: Language used- English function- Waiters and waitress- Sanur Area
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| Corresponding Author (Ketut Sudrama)
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ABS-8 |
Errors in Compositions of The Students of SMKN 2 Tegallalang I Wayan Diarsa(a), Nyoman Sujaya (b), Ni Made Suwendri (c*)
Warmadewa University
This study aims to explore the grammatical errors made by the students of SMKN 2 Tegallalang in practising English. The theory applied for this study is Error Analysis Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition (1974) edited by Jack C. Richards. In this study, the method applied is descriptive analysis method. The data of the analysis are taken from the compositions by the students of SMKN 2 Tegallalang. Then the errors were collected and classified based on the types of errors according to the theory applied. As a result of analysis, it shows that some errors are made by the students in writing a sentence. Actually they seem to be clever to use English in writing grammatically, however they are lack of knowledge as seen in the errors encountered in their statement. The error found can be classified into error of using singular-plural, error of using word form, error of using word choice, error of using verb tense, error of using add word, error of omit word, error of using word order, error of spelling, error of using punctuation, error of using article, error of meaning not clear, and error of run-on sentence. In conclusion, the students have learned English for some years in junior high school, but they still make many errors in practicing their English. It is very big problem for the English teacher and institution related. There are some factors that made the students made some errors, such as- their age, their motivation, and English as a foreign language.
Keywords: Error analysis- Errors in compositions- second language acquisition
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| Corresponding Author (I Ketut Subagia)
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ABS-9 |
Figurative Meaning Found in Song Lyrics of ^Am^ Album By Arctic Monkeys Indra Desman Telaumbanua (a), Ketut Sudrama (b*), Dewa Ayu Tri Udiani (c)
Warmadewa University
In a song, the language which is also often used is figurative language. The meaning of words in it uses non-literal meaning to make the song more interesting and imaginative. The non-literal meaning can be seen in the lyric of a song, in fact, in the westerns music too. Therefore, this study aims to find out the types of figurative meaning are found in Arctic Monkeys^ songs and analyze the real meaning of those figurative forms. The theories applied to support this study proposed by Mildred L. Larson as a main theory, and supported by theory proposed by Laurence Perrine. The data of this research are taken from the song lyrics of AM Album by Arctic Monkeys. Those data are collected used observation method. The collected data is analyzed base on the theoretical concepts and the data is analyzed using the descriptive method. Then, the data is presented in narrative-descriptive method by providing information in non-formal technique. Based on the result of the analysis, it found that there are ten types of figurative meanings that are used in thirteen songs from ^AM^ album. The figurative meanings that are used are Metonymy, Synecdoche, Euphemism, Idioms, Hyperbole, Personification, Metaphor, Simile, Symbol, and Paradox. And the meanings represented by the used of each those types. In conclusion, types of metonymy, synecdoche, idiom, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, euphemism, and symbol which dominate use for the song lyric.
Keywords: Meaning- Figurative meaning- Song lyrics
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ABS-10 |
Simple Subordinators in English Found in The Wolf of Wall Street Made Detrichyeni Winaya (a*), Chatrina Natalia Sitompul (b)
Warmadewa University
The objective of this study is to find out simple subordinators in The Wolf of Wall Street novel and their meanings. The theories used in this study are taken from the theory A Grammar of Contemporary English (1972) by Quirk and Greenbaum, G. Leech, J. Svartvik. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by applying library research. The data of this study are taken from novel The Wolf of Wall Street. The data are collected by reading the novels used as data source and all sentences that have been collected are classified with the simple subordinators and the meaning. Based on the result of the analysis, it is found that there are three kinds of subordinators. They are subordinators of time, subordinators of reason/cause, and subordinators of condition. The subordinator expressing about time included: as, when, since, while, before, after. The subordinator expressing about cause/reason commonly engineered by using: as, because, since. Clauses of reason and purpose are dependent clauses used to explain why or for what purpose something occurs. The subordinator expressing about condition is form of subordinate conjunction. It is commonly used and understood easily. It gives the addition of information. Condition conjunctions set the rules under which the main clause will be performed and are indicated by if, that, and unless. To sum up, three kinds of subordinators are found in The Wolf of Wall Street novel
Keywords: Subordinators of time- Subordinators of reason/cause- Subordinators of condition
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ABS-11 |
The Analysis of Transitivity in Some Discourses in the Bali Times Ida Bagus Astika Pidada (a*), Baiq Mandalika Adawiyah (b)
Warmadewa University
This study is related to the types of processes and the roles of participants in each process found in Bali Times News. Hence, this study aims to find out the types of process derived from the transitivity analysis on the texts and to find out roles of the participant on that transitivity analysis on the texts. The data of this study were collected by reading newspaper and identifying the sentences relating to the problems. Then, the data were analyzed based on theory of transitivity by Halliday in his book entitled An Introduction to Functional Grammar (1985). The data which are collected through library research method is analyzed by using descriptive method. Based on the analysis, it was found that five types of process found in data sources, they are (1) material process, (2) mental process, (3) relational process, (4) verbal process, (5) existential process. The roles of participants in material process are actor, goal, range, and recipient. The roles of participants found in mental process are senser and phenomenon. The participants of relational process as intensive process are carrier and attribute, identified (token) and identifier (value). The participants of relational process as circumstantial are carrier and attribute. The participants of relational process as possessive are carrier and attribute. The participants of verbal process are sayer and verbiage, and the participant of existential process is existent.
Keywords: Types of process- Roles of participants- Transitivity
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ABS-12 |
The Extrinsic Elements of Harper Lee^s to Kill A Mockingbird I Nyoman Djuana (a*), I Gede Angga Kusuma Jaya (b)
Warmadewa University
This study aims to find out the extrinsic elements and its influences found in the novel story To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This study used the method of library research, which is the data is described qualitatively. Furthermore, the theory used is Wellek & Warren^s theory The Theory of Literature (1956). Based on the analysis, it was found that there are four extrinsic elements in the story, there are (1) Biography of the author which indirectly influenced the story. It can be seen in the similarity of Atticus Finch and Amasa Coleman first career experience, Dill Harris has similarity family problem with Truman Capote, and they both have the same intelligence. (2) Social elements can be divided into two aspects: Personality the author viewed from her environment, and culture aspect, and the culture aspect is the fact that the culture around the author also inspires the author to incorporate it into the story. (3) Psychological of the author is the fact that psychic conditions such as the habits or behaviour of the author also influence the author to include one of the characters in the story. (4) Historical aspect is the fact that the history of American racism inspired the author and incorporated it into the story, thus making the story interesting. It can be said that racism is one of the important factors in this story
Keywords: Literature- Extrinsic elements- Novel
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ABS-13 |
Values Found In Hendrik Ibsen^s The Wild Duck Gusti Ayu Made Rai Suarniti (a*), I Putu Reka Adi Suputra (b)
Warmadewa University
This study aims to find out the types of values in the drama created by Hendrik Ibsen in Heffner, The Wild Duck. In analyzing the values in the drama, the writer applied the theory of Gulla (2010) in his book entitled Creating Values in Life as the main theory. In analyzing the data, the writer applied three steps and those steps are data source, data collection, and data analysis. The data source of this study was taken from a book entitled The Nature of Drama. Then the data are analyzed based on the theory of Values. Based on the result of the analysis, there are five kinds of Values found in The Wild Duck which are Moral Value, Social Value, Personal Value, Spiritual Value and Family Value. In terms of human relationship with them, the major type values such as moral value is tenacity, in respect of human relationship with others in society, including their relationship with nature, the most presented type of moral value is honestly. Social value is about interaction with around, friendship, respect to each other, justice. Personal values are personality. Spiritual is non material, It means that the values of truth, inner peace, righteousness, and non-violence and the last is family values are beliefs, function as a family, ideals.
Keywords: Life- Values- Ibsen the wild duck
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