Wakelet as a Digital Media for Online Learning to Reading Literature For High School Students
Dolorosa Sinta Grace Nanda, Putri Kumala Dewi

Study Program of Indonesian Language anda Literature Education, Fakulty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang City, 65145, East Java, Indonesia


Technological developments need to be implemented in teaching and learning activities in order to create a learning atmosphere that stimulates cooperation and activity of students. However, seen from online learning activities, teachers still use media with a one-way communication pattern. For that, teachers need to innovate in materials and media of learning. This research uses a case study approach which aims to answer the question of how the application and learning outcomes of students in learning to read literature through discovery learning strategies using digital media. The data collection method was carried out by using observation techniques, distributing questionnaires and tests. The research subjects were 16 students who were took these subjects. The learning media contains a series of materials and non-test instruments of basic competency to analyze the content and language of the drama that were read or watched. The media used is multi-media compiled on the Wakelet platform. The results showed that through Wakelet and discovery learning strategies 1) the implementation of literary rading learning went well- 2) students are more motivated in learning activities, especially learning reading literature- 3) 80% of students are more active in accessing teaching materials independently- and 4) the results of the test to analyze the content and language of drama show that 62.5% of students are in the very good category, 25% are in the good category, and 12.5% are in the moderate category.

Keywords: digital learning, reading aesthetics, teaching materials

Topic: Education

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