English Used by Sellers on Campuhan Street, Ubud Desak Made Icha Agustina (a), A. A Gede Suarjaya (b*), I Kadek Agus Darmawan (c)
Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
this paper aimed to analyse about the English function and expression that uttered by sellers in five art shops for tourist. The sellers are used as the respondents of data sources are examined are is five persons. Those respondents are one man and four woman. Observing, interviewing and by recording or taking note are the methods of collecting the data. Then result of the research is presented in the form of conversation descriptively by analyzing based on the theory applied. The theory which is used to analyze the data is the theory of the language function which is mainly taken from Blundell (1982). Beside this theory, the theory of Leo Jones (1986) is used as supporting theory. Based on the data analysis, it can be explained that in communicating with the tourist, the sellers at Campuhan, Ubud as respondents have to use several functions of English Expressions. The English expressions which they have communicated to the tourist are the expressions for the function of: (1) greeting (2) giving price (3) getting information (4) inviting someone, (5) offering things, and (6) thanking. Most of the English expressions used in their communication by the sellers to the tourists are informal and neutral expressions. As conclusion, most of sellers used ungrammatical language to express the expression, but their purpose can be understood by the tourists when they serve the tourists in a friendly.
Keywords: English language- expression- function of english