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61 Humanities ABS-51

Abdul Jalil (a*), Raemon (b), Ashmarita (c*), Hasniah (d*)

a) Department of Anthropology, Universitas Halu Oleo.
b) Department of Anthropology, Universitas Halu Oleo.
c) Department of Anthropology, Universitas Halu Oleo.
d) Department of Anthropology, Universitas Halu Oleo.


This paper discussed the naming nomenclature of the State Elementary School in Kendari which was initially based on territorial. However, through the People^s Representative Council and Kendari City Government regulations, the naming of elementary school is no longer based on zoning. This name change, at first glance, is very easy to mention because it only mentions from 1 to 106 in the city of Kendari. However, saving problems later on, especially for parents and the local community because it is related to the collective knowledge received. In addition to eliminating historical and cultural values on the establishment of certain SDNs, there is also a cultural shock that tends to be biased. At first glance, it is easy to remember because only numbers 1,2,3 and so on but at the same time a generation or community who understands well the name of a certain elementary school based on sub-district which was suddenly changed by numbering would certainly have difficulty finding the location of the elementary school. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. Data was collected through the People^s Representative Council of Kendari regulations and confirmation to several communities related to the change of name on the SDN to be then analyzed properly. The hypothesis was the change in the name of the elementary school in Kendari, some accept it and some reject it, even eliminates the local historical and cultural values.

Keywords: anthropological study, the change of elementary school name, cultural identity, kendari

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62 Humanities ABS-53

Ahmad Wahyudin dan Else Liliani

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This study aims to find the leadership style of regional heads in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic on the,, and pages. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative one. The subject of this research is news on the leadership of regional heads woman in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The research subjects focused on reporting on a female leader, namely Ade Munawaroh Yasin, Regent of Bogor, West Java Province in dealing COVID-19 in her area. The object of this research is the character and the womanly leadership style of this Bogor Regent. The data validity test used semantic validity, while reliability was obtained through intraters and interraters. The results showed that the media provided an image of the Bogor Regent^s character in dealing COVID-19, i.e. as a leader who was responsive, creative, disciplined and assertive, analytical, caring, and anticipatory. Based on the characters described by the media, hes leadership style is a transformational leadership style.

Keywords: leadership style, COVID-19 pandemic

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63 Humanities ABS-54

La Ode Sidu Marafad

Universitas Halu Oleo


This paper is entitled Characteristics of The Vowels Sequences in Muna Language. The goal to be achieved is to describe and analyze the characteristics of the series of vowels in a word. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The results show that there are five vowels in the Muna language, namely [i e a u o]. In a word, a series of vowels is a series of two vowels, [ii], such as pii ^pain^, a series of vowels [ie] like tiene ^borders of the garden^, a series of vowels [ia] like lia ^cave^, a series of vowels [iu] like piu ^oyster^, a series of vowels [io] such as lio ^stick^, a series of vowels [ei] such as wei ^tripe^, a series of vowels [ee] such as kee ^narrow^, a series of vowels [ea] such as rea ^blood^, a series of vowels [eu] such as leu ^wilt^, vowel series [eo] such as gholeo ^day^, vowel series [aa] such as laa ^straight, river^, vowel series [ai] like sai ^strike^, vowel series [ae] such as ghae ^cry^, a series of vowels [au] such as sau ^wood^, a series of vowels [ao] such as lao ^wilt^, a series of vowels [ui] such as lui ^leathery^, a series of vowels [ue] such as ue ^veins^, a series vowel [ua] such as wua ^fruit^, vowel series [uu] such as tuu ^knee^, vowel series [uo] such as suo ^mine^, vowel series [oe] such as oe ^water^, vowel series [ oa] like koa ^owl^, vowel strings [ou] tou ^howl^, vowel strings [oo] roo ^leaves^, three vowel strings [aoa] daoa ^market^, vowel strings [aea] waea ^bat^, a series of vowels [eau] bheau ^candlenut^, a series of vowels [aeo] taeo ^reed pig^, a series of vowels [uea] buea ^crocodile^, a series of vowels [oua] ghoghoua ^navel^, a series four vowels [ueue] ueue ^swinging^, a series of [ouou] ouou ^howling^, a series of five vowels [eueue] neueue ^she swaying^, a series of six vowels [aeueue] aeueue ^I swung^, a series of [aeueue] taeueue ^We swing around^, a series of seven vowels [aeueuea] naeueuea ^He is swinging around^.

Keywords: characteristics, Muna language, vowels

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64 Humanities ABS-55

Time Marker Lexicons in Kerinci Language in Gunung Raya Sub-district Kerinci Regency
Viki Diyanti (a), Subiyantoro (b)

a) Universitas Gadjah Mada
Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal, D.I Yogyakarta
b) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jalan Sosio Humaniora, Bulaksumur, D.I Yogyakarta


This study aims to describe the time marker lexicons. Furthermore, it describes the elements behind the peculiarity of time marker lexicons in Kerinci language in Gunung Raya sub-district, Kerinci regency. The data are collected by interviewing several respondents who are native speakers. This study employed a qualitative study and an anthropological linguistic approach. The peculiarity of time marker lexicon concept is associated with socio-cultural context. The result of this study is that the time marker lexicons in Kerinci language in Gunung Raya sub-district are categorized based on worship activities, environmental condition, and people^s livelihood. The peculiarity arises from the context of its use as a time marker in people^s daily activities. The elements behind the peculiarity of time marker lexicons in Kerinci language in Gunung Raya sub-district are people^s religion, the way people pay attention to the environment, and people^s livelihood. The time marker lexicons reflect people^s obedience to God, people^s obedience to prevailing rules and norms, and people^s discipline toward time.

Keywords: Lexicons- Time marker- Kerinci language

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65 Humanities ABS-56

Imaginative Reality in Novel Burung-Burung Manyar by Y.B. Mangunwijaya (Analysis of New Historicism during the Indonesian Independence Revolution)
Andri Wicaksono (a*), Rohana (b), Dian Permanasari (c)

STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung


Among the various means of representation, such as historical textbooks and mass media that are dominated and voice the interests of the (state) ruler, literary works have attitudes and views that are not always in line with this desire. For this reason, this study describes in depth the historical findings contained in literary texts, namely the imaginative reality of the nation^s struggle during the national revolution in the novel Burung-Burung Manyar by Y.B. Mangunwijaya. The research method used is qualitative interpretive with parallel reading between literary texts at events which represent the historical representation of the nation^s struggle. The data analysis used in this study is a non-interactive analysis model. Fiction (novels) is an imaginary reality that is structured such writers of various elements forming, such as events, conflict, character, and so on. Therefore the form of narrative sources that contain complete or partial description and tend written, the imaginative fiction of history related to social issues, political, cultural, and religious as well as economic. Imaginative reality or historical value that can be taken from the novel Burung-burung Manyar by Y.B. Mangunwijaya is the spirit of nationalism and the spirit of struggle of its characters, about the role in the struggle that fighting does not always have to be in the forefront, cocking weapons, facing real enemies, but also through diplomacy and giving up all thoughts and energy to help the government.

Keywords: reality imaginative- Indonesian national revolution- new historicism

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66 Humanities ABS-57

Cultural Shock of College Students on Facing Online Learning System during Pandemic Covid-19 in Papua
Usman Idris(1*), Simon Abdi K. Frank(1), Akhmad(1), M Zaenul Muttaqin(2), Ilham(2), Siwanus Tibul(1)

(1)Departement of Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Cenderawasih
(2)Departmement of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Cenderawasih


This study aims to describe and analyze the responses experienced by students while following the online learning system and the adaptation patterns that are developed to survive and follow the learning process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with the research location at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Cenderawasih. The informants were determined by snowball. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis includes data categorization, data description, and data interpretation. The results showed that the majority of students who became informants experienced culture shock in the face of the online learning system, because it was something very new that they had never encountered. Then the adaptation patterns developed are first, studying the use of devices and laptops to participate in learning and preparing internet quotas that are used individually and in groups. Second, negotiating with the lecturer to run face-to-face lectures but still following health protocols. Third, the application of the remote independent learning process based on the instruction of the lecturer who teaches the course.

Keywords: Culture Shock, College Students, Online Learning, Covid-19, Papua

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67 Humanities ABS-61

Revealing Geographical Names Transformation in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia through Historical Maps
Ari Cahyono (a*)(b), Bowo Susilo (b), Niken Wirasanti (c), Noorhadi Rahardjo (b)

a) Doctoral Program on Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
b) Geographic Information Science Department, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
c) Archaeology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


Geographical names of its feature should be unique & standardized, so that they can be distinguished from one object to another. In fact, an object has several geographic names, as well as name transformation. Names transformation coexist in Jogjakarta City as a result of political changes. We aim to reveal geographical names transformation in Jogjakarta City through historical maps. Since geographical names is one of the mandatory elements listed on the map, we utilized multitemporal historical maps to trace geographical names transformation. In this study, we used several maps produced by the Dutch East Indies, U.S. Army Map Service, Geospatial Information Agency of Indonesia, and other institutions. The geographical names observed is limited to those shown on the map. Based on this research, we store the geographic names mentioned in the relevant year in the geodatabase. The results of our research show that several street names have undergone a complete change, for example, Sultansboulevard has now changed into several street name segments (Faridah M. Noto Street, Prau Street Street & Ahmad Jazuli Street). Several administrative names have also changed, either because of the merger or expansion of regions or due to changes in the spelling of the language. The addition of geographic names also occurred due to the expansion of the city of Yogyakarta. We concluded that geographical names and historical maps as a part of cultural heritage. By tracing a multitemporal historical map, we revealed the transformation of geographical names and regions dynamic that occurred in the observed year.

Keywords: Geographical Names- Historical Maps- Yogyakarta- City- Indonesia

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68 Humanities ABS-65

LEARNING CULTURE OF STUDENTS IN THE PANDEMIC TIME COVID-19 (Case Study of Cenderawasih University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Students)
Hironimus Darmawan, Abner Krey, Yance Sewa, Abraham Brabar

Cenderawasih University


This study aims to describe and analyze learning culture of students during Covid-19 pandemic and to explore how students deal with and the methods used during the online learning process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research location is at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cenderawasih. Informants were determined randomly from student and lecturer representatives from each study program in the FISIP UNCEN campus. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis includes data categorization, data description, and data interpretation data. The results showed that students and lecturers had the same experience where the learning culture was new and very foreign to them, because before the Covid-19 the lecture process on the FISIP UNCEN campus still used face-to-face in the classroom. Currently, the learning culture process of students and lecturers has changed the learning system with an online learning system. The implication is that students and lecturers are very dependent on the level of availability of technological tools to support their needs during the online learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are many obstacles faced by students and lecturers, including: first, the lack of availability of tools or technology to support the online lecture process (Android phones, laptops, computers, data pulses, wifi, and inadequate networks), second, lack of understanding of students and lecturers in using the application optimally.

Keywords: Culture Learning, Students, Pandemic, Covid-19, Papua

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69 Humanities ABS-66

Derivational Morphology in Indonesian and Arabic: A Contrastive Study
Zahrani, Maliudin, Nurlailatul Qadriani, Nurtikawati, Komang Wahyu Rustiani

Universitas Halu Oleo


Contrastive linguistics is one branch of linguistics that studies and describes the similarities and differences in structure or aspects contained in two or more languages. Contrastive studies of Indonesian (B1) and Arabic (B2) are important because Indonesian language absorbs much of the Arabic vocabularies. B1 and B2 have different characteristics and structures according to the rules of each language. This study aims to compare the derivational system in B1 with B2 using a contrastive study, which describes the affixes of derivational formatures and their construction in B1 and B2, as well as the types of derivations in B1 and B2. This research is a library research with descriptive qualitative methods. Data obtained from several Indonesian and Arabic literatures. The results of this study reveal that there are 21 affixes derivational formatures in B1 and 10 affixes derivational formatures in B2. Furthermore, the types of derivations are deverbal, denominal, deadjektival and deadverbial.

Keywords: Contrastive Linguistics, Derivational Morphology, Indonesian, Arabic

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70 Humanities ABS-67

Izhar, Seftika

Universitas Negeri Semarang


The topic of regional head elections in the mass media is interesting to be studied. The mass media often brings a certain influence and ideology to the voting community by marginalizing events leading up to the election contestation. This study aims to analyze the use of vocabulary and grammar in the opinion text ^Challenges of the Simultaneous Regional Elections^ published online by Jawaposcom on December 14, 2019 with a critical discourse study by Roger Fowler. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that vocabulary used in the form of: (1) vocabulary to classify, namely: challenge and all-out, (2) vocabulary of discourse fighting, namely: challenge figures and campaign patterns, (3) vocabulary limiting views, namely: no less interesting, moreover, in large part, and its meaning, (4) the vocabulary of marginalization: fraud and pragmatic interests. Then, in the use of grammar, the sentences were found to tend to (1) be active to represent the challenges in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections and (2) the subject nominalization to scrutinize media opinion.

Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, grammar, opinion, and vocabulary

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71 Humanities ABS-68

The Face of Nature in Massureq of Oral Tradition

Gadjah Mada University


This paper provides a discussion on the face of nature which is expressed in massureq oral tradition through Hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur perspective. Present in the culture of the agrarian Buginese society, the spirit of massureq is so strong that it exhales messages of environmental wisdom which are full of meaning. The main problem focused here is on how to read the meaning of the face of nature as expressed in massureq oral tradition. The data analyzed was sureq Meong Palo Karellae with an emphasis on texts that represent nature. The analysis showed that the concept of nature that grows in the minds of the agrarian Buginese is that the nature is unpretentious, friendly, and beneficial to humans. The meaning of balance, integrity, and harmony is the face of nature which is expected to be present in the realm of life of the agrarian Buginese community.

Keywords: oral tradition, massureq, face of nature, meaning, Hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur

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72 Humanities ABS-70

D.Nurfajrin Ningsih, Aceng Rahmat, Siti Gomo Attas.

Jakarta State University


This study aims to describe the structure and function of the Beluk oral tradition in the Rancakalong village community, Sumedang Regency. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The data source was obtained directly from the singers Beluk by documenting, observing and interviewing. The instrument used was the observation and interview guidelines. The data analysis technique in this study is divided into four stages, namely: (1) the data collection stage, (2) the reduction stage, (3) the interpretation stage, and (4) the data conclusion and verification stage. The results of this research, the stage of the show, begins with the prologue of the puppeteer, prayer accompanied by burning incense, to ask permission from the ancestors and apologize if the offerings are incomplete, Juru Ilo starts the show by reading Wawacan Ogin as much as one or two padalisan, after That is what Juru Ilo reads, is sung by Tukang Ngajual, while Tukang Meuli is in charge of continuing the song in a high tone but the articulation is still clear, then Tukang Naekeun continues with a shrill, contorted, and unclear articulation voice. At the end of each sentence, they are sung together or called ngagoongkeun, the show closes with an apology and thanks to the audience, and continues with a prayer reading, after the series of performances is completed the Dalang allows the audience to eat the offerings that are served together. Beluk has a function as a social controller and educational facility, and a Negation function that we can emulate. Hopefully, with this study the community and the younger generation will pay more attention to and continue this tradition.

Keywords: Structure, Function, Beluk

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73 Humanities ABS-71

Ethnomedicine Practice in Manuscripts (Study of the Book: Fawaidul Bahiyyah Kitab Mujarrobat al-Arabiyyah)
Abdul Jalil, Adinda Febriana Putri Pangerang (student), Nur Indah Amelia (student)

Anthropology Department, Halu Oleo University


Fawaidul Bahiyyah is an efficacious book in Malay Arabic containing body medicine. Besides, this book also contains the benefits of reading basmalah and faatihah for the community at that time. Ethnomedicine practice is a very valuable traditional cultural heritage and needs to be studied. Various herbs derived from the natural surroundings are used in traditional medicinal practices. One way to find out ethnomedical practice is through the study of manuscripts about traditional medicine regarding diseases related to the arguments of the Quran and hadith. The various ethnomedicine practices in society are very clearly described in the text compiled by Abdul Mulku Zahari. This study aims to describe the ingredients, methods of treatment, and beliefs in ethnomedicine practices contained in the Fawaidul Bahiyyah Kitab Mujarrobat al-Arabiyyah. This study uses a qualitative method with a text-critical approach. The research found that various ingredients derived from animal and plant elements can be used to cure certain diseases. Various treatment techniques are also created in the treatment process. This research concludes that various ingredients combined with belief are seen to have the power to cure disease.

Keywords: Ethnomedicine, Manuscripts, Potions, Trust

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74 Humanities ABS-72

Laura Andri R.M.,S.S.,M.A.(1) Khotibul Umam, S.S.,M.Hum.(2)

Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University


Passage of Ratu Kalinyamat^s hermitage is located in Jepara and surroundings areas. Folklore that related to the passage has been spread throughout the generations in various version, both positive and negative. Correlation between the hermitage passage and the unique supporting community becomes its own attraction to the public (wider range community/ society). The story (or more precisely Saga) of Tapa wuda sinjang rambut and the hermitation passage used as a public behavior verifier. More specifically regarding the negative behavior such as- the existence of prostitution activities in the supporting community that is still ongoing.
This research is a qualitative study that utilize reception theory. In-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation are the data collecting technique that used within this study. The purpose of this study is to find a correlation between the recitation/passages of Ratu Kalinyamat^s hermitage with the behavior of the people in Jepara, located in North Jepara, more specific at Donorejo district.

Keywords: Ratu Kalinyamat- Recitation/ passages of hermitage- Perceptions- Correlation- Woman.

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75 Humanities ABS-74

Arif Firmansyah, Aceng Rahmat, Siti Gomo Attas.

Jakarta State University


This research examines of the carita pantun oral tradition in Sadawarna village, Cibogo district, Subang district, with the main focus on analyzing the performance structure and its inheritance. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by making observations and direct interviews with sources, namely the juru pantun. In this study, it was found that pre-performance activities included preparing offerings, praying and reciting mantras before leaving for the chant, praying and reciting mantras when climbing on the stage, praying when picking kacapi, and completing prayer. The stages of the show include opening, patwa, and lalakon. And after performing prayers and eating offerings together. The inheritance of the carita pantun in subang is carried out by the pantunist by training some of his students, making stories that are sung in a language that is easily understood by the community, and creating new stories. The stories that are usually sung are titled Batu Ali-Ali Ampal and Nyi Subang Larang. The show was held at a thanksgiving ceremony for 40 days for babies, and was held at home by the Juru Pantun with the accompaniment of kacapi. The implication of this research is expected to provide benefits for the continuity of the oral tradition of carita pantun so that this tradition can survive and be recognized by the public again.

Keywords: Structure, Inheritance, Carita Pantun.

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76 Humanities ABS-75

Botanical, Gastronomy, and Zoological Perspectives in Contemporary Literary Texts: Study of Literary Anthropology
Aji Septiaji

Universitas Majalengka


The excellence of literary texts is not only consist of humans problems as individuals who are questioning about their condition as victims or perpetrators between their relationships with others but also deliver a message that can be conveyed to readers and its^ influence on the readers^ real life. Botanical, gastronomy, and zoological as an interdisciplinary approach view that literary texts presented get its superiority and influence for the writer or reader in responding to problems of ecological systems that care more about plant, food, and animals with their life among humans. The research method is qualitative with literary anthropology as the approach. The data analyzed are 20 contemporary literary texts of poetry and short stories in Indonesian. Contemporary context is related to the development process of a work and has more influence on itsliterary work. The results showed that (1) botanical perspective through its role as living things on earth and often as complement to human life or as a victim of humans exploitation- (2) gastronomy perspective through its role as something that is needed by humans to carry out life activities and often food becomes something to be liked or avoided- and (3) zoological perspective through its role as companion for human life or a victim of forest exploitation, is a place where they live, which becomes a threat to human life, thus reflecting on behavior that causes disaster. In addition, the results of this research can be used as ideas in writing literary texts of various genres.

Keywords: botanical, gastronomy, zoological, literary text, literary anthropology

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77 Humanities ABS-76

Real-time protection
Khusnul Khotimah(a*), Kisyani Laksono (b) Suhartono (c), Darni (d), Udjang Pairin (e)

Surabaya State University


COVID-19 greatly impacts all aspects of human life. Language has the role of representing everything related to Covid-19 and at the same time being a tool to recognize and prevent Covid-19. Language assessment in relation Covid-19 needs to be done reveal the dynamics and complexities of human life due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Operationally the change is realized by vocabulary and grammar (lexicogrammar). the other hand, changes in linguistic coding as a result of Covid-19 resulted changes in the social context which specifically affected the context of the situation, culture, ideology, and even ecology. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The object in this study used new terms or health lexicons that existed during the Covid 19 pandemic. The techniques used were observation and data collection techniques. The results showed that Covid-19 news triggered the emergence of interesting language dynamics and had its own color. Covid-19 is depicted through dynamic forms of language. Reality coding also occurs dynamically. The lingual expression encoding reality is evident in the health ecolexicon, such as in the form of English terms, synonym forms, Indonesian and English abbreviations, and acronym forms. The positive meaning of every form of lingual associated with Covid-19 is very important, because the speaking community^s lack of compliance with the meanings of the lingual form associated with covid-19 has the opportunity to make the virus last long in the ecology of human life.

Keywords: lingual expression, code reality, health ecolexicon, covid-19 pandemic

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78 Humanities ABS-78

Purwati Anggraini (1*), Kisyani Laksono (2), Mintowati (3)

a) Universitas Negeri Surabaya dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl. Ketintang No.30, Ketintang, Gayungan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60231, Indonesia
Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang, Jawa Timur 65144, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Jl. Ketintang No.30, Ketintang, Gayungan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60231, Indonesia


Myth is one of the local wisdom of a particular region and has become a valuable cultural heritage. Myth in Indonesia serves life guidance and is taken into other aspects, such as novels writing. Myth is the strength and strong representation of religious literation and sacredness of the Indonesian society. This study aims to describe the myth^s strength in Indonesian novels to represent Indonesian society^s religious literation and sacredness. The study uses a qualitative method in applying literacy theory. The study^s object is a novel by Pandu Hamzah entitled Sebuah Wilayah yang Tidak Ada di Google Earth and Sokola Rimba by Butet Manurung. The study comprises several steps: setting research objectives, collecting data by reading the object of research, entering it in a data filter table, and coding. Data analysis was carried out by double checking the collected data, describing, interpreting, and finally drawing conclusions. The study results show that the community believed in the myths of spirits, the myths of giving offerings at salvation ceremonies, and the myths of living beings that provide benefits. The two novels^ myths can serve the guidance function for the society to act wisely towards the environment. Society has more consideration in conducting a particular action as the impact of the myths is considered significant. The harmony between people and nature can prevail through the myth practice as a belief in society. Myths for Indonesian people are local wisdom that serves the fundamental principles in maintaining the natural balance, both the macrocosm and microcosm.

Keywords: Myths- Novels- Religious and sacred literacy- Natural balance

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79 Humanities ABS-79

Purwati Anggraini (1*), Joko Widodo (1), Candra Rahma Wijaya Putra (1)

a) Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang, Jawa Timur 65144, Indonesia


The attitude of nationalism of the younger generation is thought to have been eroded by modernization and globalization. This will endanger the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. This study aims at describing the local wisdom forms held firmly by public figures to represent nationalism. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The objects of this study are the three-winning of the novel-writing contest of Seberapa Indonesiakah Kamu?- the novels are entitled Karena Aku Tak Buta by Redy Kuswanto, Kaki Langit Talumae by Wishnu Mahendra, and How to Love Indonesia by Buma M. Sembiring. This study^s result shows that The form of local wisdom practiced by the main character in his life is to maintain and develop values, traditional arts, and traditions passed on by previous generations. The attitude of love for the country shown by the younger generation of Indonesia is affected by the pattern of education in the family, the community, and the figures^ problems. The nationalism is manifested by figures in maintaining local wisdom that applies to Indonesian society. Local wisdom is passed on to the younger generation through education both within the family and in society. This local wisdom continues to strengthen and the awareness of leaders in solving problems in the surrounding environment. Local wisdom that is held firmly by figures not only affects their lives but also has a positive impact on the surrounding environment.

Keywords: Nationalism- Novel- Local wisdom

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80 Humanities ABS-80

Appraisal System in National Museum Advertising Case Study of Language Use in Increasing the Competitiveness of National Museum Tourism
Asisda Wahyu Asri Putradi

Prodi Sasra Indonesia
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka no 1 Jakarta Timur


This study aims to identify what appraisal devices are contained in the National Museum profile video. As is well known, profile videos usually show the company^s vision and mission clearly so that it can be seen what the characteristics of the company are. Unlike the company profile video, the National Museum profile video tries to summarize the collection and its advantages in a profile video that is limited in time and is made as attractive as possible so that it arouses viewers^ passion to visit the National Museum. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach because it is used to describe and explain the data in words or sentences separated by categories to obtain conclusions. This study also uses a descriptive approach. because the purpose of this study is to describe the ad text and describe the attitudes used by video profile producers in positioning the viewers in the video profile. This study uses referential matching techniques where the researcher matches the analyzed ad text by matching clauses, phrases, and words with appraisal tools and analyzes attitudes and assessments of the National Museum^s collection content in the video profile. The data analyzed is approximately 64 sentences which are transcriptions of the video profile of the National Museum. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out, the results show that there are 24 sentences of attitude appreciation, 5 sentences of attitude judgment and 11 sentences of attitude. In the realm of engagement, there were 13 types of heterogloss and 3 monogloss. In the realm of graduation, there are 4 types of graduation force and 4 types of graduation focus.

Keywords: Appraisal System, Video Profile, National Museum

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81 Humanities ABS-82

Ahmad Suyuti

UPN Veteran Jawa Timur
Jl. Raya Rungkut Madya, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya[at]


Many English terms about Covid-19 have been used in Indonesia since this pandemic hit the world. In this regard, the National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation (Badan Bahasa or Language Agency) socializes the equivalent of these English terms in Indonesian. This study aims to describe the forms of these equivalent terms. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data in this research are English-Indonesian equivalent terms sourced from the Language Agency social media. These terms consist of single words or combinations of words. The equivalent of the Indonesian-English terms takes the form of translation and absorption. The translation forms can be classified as normal translation and translation with addition of affixes to words that were previously less common. The normal translation can be seen in the case of the English-Indonesian equivalent term ^kasus impor^ for ^imported case.^ Translations with the addition of a previously less common affix can be seen in the term ^penyanitasi^ for ^sanitizer^ in ^penyanitasi tangan^ for ^hand sanitizer.^ In addition, there are also cases which the Indonesian equivalent of a double term is used for an English term such as in the case of ^terduga^ and ^suspek^ for the term ^suspect^. In this case, it is seen that the form of absorption is a choice of equivalent terms besides the form of the translation.

Keywords: Equivalent terms, English-Indonesian, translation

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82 Humanities ABS-84

The Role of Language as A Branding Strategy: Linguistic Landscape at Fashion Stores in Malang City, Indonesia
Dany Ardhian(a*)- Sumarlam(b)- Dwi Purnanto(c)- Henry Yustanto(d)

(a) Linguistics Doctoral Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
(b,c,d) Faculty of Cultural Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia


The increase of English usage and the appearance of Arabic in fashion store names are an interesting study when these two languages are not used in daily communication. Language plays an important role to characterize identity as well as labeling the theme of the product being sold. With the social conditions of the urban, modern, and Muslim majority in Malang City, language is a tool to attract consumers to choose a fashion store according to their social character, regardless of whether the consumer understands the meaning of the text. Apart from providing information on the identity of the fashion shop, the naming also represents the social symbols that play out in society. This study aims to analyze the texts of fashion stores names in Malang City using Landscape Linguistics by analyzing the frequency, form, and function of language use. Research location in Malang City, East Java. The data were taken from 158 fashion store signage scattered on the main street through photography. Sample interviews were conducted with shop owners and buyers. The results showed that (1) there were three patterns of language use, namely monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual- (2) there are six languages involved in naming fashion shops, namely Indonesian, English, Arabic, Javanese, French and Italian- (3) monolingual-English patterns dominate the emergence (40.5%) followed by monolinguals-Indonesian (29.7%) and bilingual-Indonesian-English (20.9%). The lingual units used are phrases and clauses with the use of the lexicons of personal names, fashion, boutiques, and busana that dominate the appearance. These findings indicate that the information function built aims to introduce the identity of the store name while using language as a product branding strategy so that it is closer to the social character of the people of Malang City.

Keywords: Linguistic Landscape, fashion store, Malang City

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83 Humanities ABS-94

The existence of Fauna Lexicon in the Elefu Song Lyrics Composed by Hikayat Manao: Ecolinguistics Study
Rahmat Gaho, Rika Purnama Sari

Universitas Warmadewa


This research is based on concern for the preservation of regional languages, especially the Nias language South Dialect as one of the regional languages in Indonesia which is still used today. The purpose of this study was to describe the existence of the fauna lexicon and to analyze the implied meanings of the Nias language song lyrics entitled Elefu by Hikayat Manao. The entire data used is the manuscript or lyrics of the Nias language song entitled Elefu. The results show that the existence of the fauna lexicon in the lyrics of the song Elefu is an eco-text that records the local language, especially the Nias language, the South dialect, which describes the activity relation or dependency relationship between Nias people and nature. A number of lexicons are contained in the song lyrics such as Sokha (wild boar), Katombi/Hambae (water crab), elefu (freshwater fish), belida fish, toda swordfish and some are even used as pets such as mao (cat). Hence, based on the results of the analysis, there are 3 animal classifications, namely those that live in freshwater/sea, and land.

Keywords: Ecolinguistics, Eco-text, Elefu, Nias Language, Fauna Lexicon

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84 Humanities ABS-95

Utterances of Nias Women in Protecting the Environment in a Traditional Market: A Green Grammar Approach
Rika Purnama Sari, Rahmat Gaho

Universitas Warmadewa


Nias women are hardworking women. Currently, there^re many Nias women work to meet the needs of their families, although with certain limitations. One of the limitations is education made women in Nias trade in the market. Thus, most of the women who are often found in the market either trade or buy. Protecting the environment is not only with action, in Ecolinguistics there is green grammar concept. Through this green grammar concept, the environment is protected through utterances. The utterances that protect the environment are then very important to be known by many people. Therefore, this study aims to examine the utterances in protecting the environment in traditional markets. Qualitative is a method of this research. This research was carried out in the market. Data collection was carried out by observation. Observations were made by directly observing Nias women, both traders and buyers. Observations show that Nias women mostly protect the environment through their utterances.

Keywords: Green Grammar, Protecting Environment, South Nias Women, Traditional Market, Utterances

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85 Humanities ABS-97

M.Yunis (a*), Elly Delfia (b)

a) Lecturer in Indonesian Literature Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Andalas University, Padang
b)Lecturer in Indonesian Literature Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Andalas University, Padang


This research is the formulation of new ideas in the linguistic field. The object of this research focuses on the signs and symbols of the ancient Minangkabau coastal community. This research approach is linguistics and astrology, then it is called astrolinguistics. This study aims to explain the astrological form of the ancient calendar system. Based on this form, the meaning of astrolinguistic signs and symbols can be explained. Finally, this study aims to explain the value system in the calendar system. So that it can be preserved and useful for national character education.
This study uses a qualitative interpretative method with an Ethnometodological approach. The data obtained by means of field participation baguru method and semi-structured interviews. The baguru method is used to obtain sacred research data. The results of the study, this calendar system is based on astrology which has been used from generation to generation. This system has astrological symbols that are different from general astrology. Among them are symbols of women, crosses, children, blanks, and crowds. This astrolinguistic symbol marks the difference in time in one calendar day. In conclusion, there are five times in the day when each is not all good.

Keywords: ancient calendar, sign, linguistic, astrology, and astrolinguistics

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86 Humanities ABS-98

Creative Content Based on the Minangkabau Oral Tradition on Social Media
Eka Meigalia (a*), Yerri Satria Putra (b*)

a) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Andalas
Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Padang
b) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Andalas
Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Padang


The development of media technology, especially social media, is considered one factor that threatens oral traditions in society. On the other hand, social media has proven to provide many benefits for various aspects of people^s lives. Oral traditions, especially the Minangkabau oral tradition, have become material for creative content on social media by a small number of users. The potential that social media can become a means of strengthening and maintaining oral traditions. So, this article aims to explain the forms of creative content based on the Minangkabau oral tradition on social media.

Keywords: oral tradition, Minangkabau, social media, creative content

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87 Humanities ABS-99


University of Halu Oleo (UHO)


This research aims at describing and analyzing euphoria of Munanese people and their mock to Buton kingdom in the middle of 17th century since Sultan of Buton commited political coalition with Dutch. The euphoria and mock were reconstructed in the folksong lyrics of Ende-ende. Lyrics of the foksong are analyzed by using semiotic technique that introduced by Pierce. The study is designed qualitatively by applying ethnopuitic approach. Semiotic analysis to comprehend the lyrics of the folksong is connected to the historical incidents happened in the middle of 17th century which were symbolized in the lyrics. Data of the incidents were taken through library exploration and through oral story that told by story tellers. Through the analysis, symbolic lyrics of folksong Ende-ende reveal collective joy of Munanese people in the middle of 17th century when La Ode Kadiri, the king of Muna was released by Munanese warriors from the exile. Three years previously, the king was under arrested and sent to the exile Ternate by Dutch in conspiration with the 4th Sultan of Buton, La Elangi. Since the ancistors of Munanese and Butonese were brothers, the people of Munanese mocked La Elangi^s betrayal who had organized the arrest of La Ode Kadiri since La Ode Kadiri had blocked the Dutch to enter the territorial of Muna kingdom.

Keywords: Euphoria, mock, Ethnopuitic Study, Ende-ende, and Munanese People

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88 Humanities ABS-100

Genealogical and Cultural Fusion in the Pegayaman Muslim Community
Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya*, Ni Made Dhanawaty, Ni Made Wiasti, Ni Nyoman Seri Malini

Univeristas Udayana


This paper aims to examine (1) socio-cultural fusion in the development of the life of the Pegayaman community and (2) the strengthened and neglected features of the fusion process. It is a qualitative descriptive study applying the method of documentation and interviews based on the axioms of the cultural fusion theory proposed by Kim (2001) and Kramer (2000) in the analysis stage. The results showed that, in general, the Pegayaman community was formed through a genealogical fusion process between Javanese men and Balinese women through marriage. In the next development, what happened was not intercultural fusion or interfaith fusion, but there was a fusion between Balinese culture and Islam. This gave birth to a number of small fusions that gave color to the cultural and religious life of the Pegayaman community, including fusion in the culinary field like lawar, singing in the art of burdah, fusion in making names, using Balinese first names, and fusion of activities in the implementation of religious holidays. Religion is at the heart of all existing fusion. Activities ahead of the holiday are considered peripheral, which is the core of the id prayers and they clearly say that the pre-holiday activities are not worshiped.

Keywords: cultural fusion, genealogy, culture, community

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89 Humanities ABS-102

Language Attitude of Balinese Teenagers at Desa Buduk, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung to Balinese Language
Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Muliana, M. Hum., Drs. Made Subur, M. Hum., Drs. Anak AgunGede Suarjaya, M. Hum.

Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Warmadewa


Balinese language is spoken by Balinese people in Bali and in some areas in Indonesia. As a regional language, Balinese language is also claimed to decay due to the language attitudes of its speakers, especially the young generations. This research tries to investigate the language attitude of the teenagers at Desa Buduk, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung. The village belongs to a transition village with many modernizations due to the development of badung Regency. The research applies quantitative and qualitative method applying the schema of language attitude developed by Ladegaard (2000).
The result of the research shows that the teenagers have various language attitudes based on their social class status. Most female teenagers tend to show negative language attitudes to Balinese language. The male teenagers show positive language attitudes to Balinese language, and this also varies to their social class backgrounds. Those male teenagers of the village coming from poor families tend to have positive language attitudes to Balinese language, meanwhile those from rich families tend to show negative language attitudes to Balinese language. The factors influencing the language attitudes of the teenagers at Desa Buduk, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung are modernization, language pride, language prestige, and language value.

Keywords: Keywords : language attitude, teenagers, Balinese language

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90 Humanities ABS-105

Sodoran as a Means of Intromission Education for Tenggerese Younger Generation
Sony Sukmawan (a), M. Andhy Nurmansyah (b), Rahmi Febriani (c*)

a) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang, Indonesia
c) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Airlangga
Jalan Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya, Indonesia


The various Tengger traditional arts, especially Sodoran dance, contain positive values about life. If most of traditional arts display a festive and joyful atmosphere, Sodoran is a kind of arts that encapsulates its audience in a sacred and emotional atmosphere. It is said so due to its performance that symbolically tells about the life cycle, portrying from where the life comes from-how to live the life-and where the life is going to end. Furthermore, this dance is potential to be used as a means of intromission education. Therefore, this study aims to comprehensively describe Sodoran in order to sharpen understanding and strengthen knowledge for Tenggerese young generation toward Karo ceremony and Sodoran dance. For this reason, literary study and literary performance become theoretical and methodological bases. The result is a complete description of (i) various ritual facilities and properties loaded with philosophical values- (ii) meaning of dance movements as pictures of life journey or sangka paran- and (iii) its relevance as a means of intromission education for Tenggerese young generation through what is known as titiluri.

Keywords: Sodoran- intromission education- titiluri- young generation

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