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Learning Motivation and Creativity: Using Youtube Media in Learning to Speak
Haerul, Yusrina

Universitas Khairun


In the perspective of the concept of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka, students are expected to be able to become strong graduates. Strong students are students who have the ability to face various challenges in the world of work. One of the efforts to realize this hope is to equip students with creative abilities and multiliterative mastery. However, in the implementation of lectures, there are still monotonous and passive forms of learning without giving room for students to develop creativity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the form of increased motivation and the development of student creativity in learning to speak using youtube media. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods. Through this research method, the researcher describes the form of increasing student learning motivation and creativity in learning to speak using the youtube media. The results of this study indicate that the use of youtube media in learning to speak can increase motivation and develop student creativity. Through the use of youtube media in learning to speak, students are able to understand and apply the concept of speaking, and gain knowledge and skills about using digital-based media.

Keywords: Motivation, Creativity, Youtube, Learning to Speak

Topic: Education

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