Values Found In Hendrik Ibsen^s The Wild Duck Warmadewa University Abstract This study aims to find out the types of values in the drama created by Hendrik Ibsen in Heffner, The Wild Duck. In analyzing the values in the drama, the writer applied the theory of Gulla (2010) in his book entitled Creating Values in Life as the main theory. In analyzing the data, the writer applied three steps and those steps are data source, data collection, and data analysis. The data source of this study was taken from a book entitled The Nature of Drama. Then the data are analyzed based on the theory of Values. Based on the result of the analysis, there are five kinds of Values found in The Wild Duck which are Moral Value, Social Value, Personal Value, Spiritual Value and Family Value. In terms of human relationship with them, the major type values such as moral value is tenacity, in respect of human relationship with others in society, including their relationship with nature, the most presented type of moral value is honestly. Social value is about interaction with around, friendship, respect to each other, justice. Personal values are personality. Spiritual is non material, It means that the values of truth, inner peace, righteousness, and non-violence and the last is family values are beliefs, function as a family, ideals. Keywords: Life- Values- Ibsen the wild duck Topic: Humanities |
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