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Humanities |
ABS-106 |
Universitas Brawijaya
On August 28, 2020, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe caught the world^s attention by stating his resignation as prime minister of Japan who had served for four terms due to health reasons which is Ulcerative Colitis or chronic colitis that he had suffered for a long time. The statement of resigning as prime minister was delivered and summarized in his last political speech which taken from the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet^s websites namely kantei.go.jp.These political speeches was analyzed in Van Dijk^s critical discourse analysis to reveal all aspects from the structure of the text, social cognition, and social context. The results showed that in text structure^s aspect, Shinzo Abe^s final speeches have been schematically structured and detailed in both cohesion and coherence. Then, in social cognition^s aspect, when Shinzo Abe was reproducing a text with his point of view, he always thought and considered Japanese people. He did not want his health condition to lead to mistakes in making important policy decisions. Lastly, in social context^s aspect, when Shinzo Abe delivered this last speech, Japan faced various national issues, especially the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amid the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic that have not subsided, Shinzo Abe was forced to submit his resignation as prime minister due to his health condition that had not improved after being diagnosed ulcerative colitis for a long time.
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, political speech, social cognition, social context, text structure
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| Corresponding Author (Nadya Inda Syartanti)
92 |
Humanities |
ABS-107 |
Tolaki Community Interaction Behavior in Kinoho Sara (Pragmatic Studies) Firman A.D. (a*), Ramis Rauf (b)
a) Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Jalan Haluoleo, Kompleks Bumi Praja, Anduonohu, Kendari, Indoensia, 93232.
b) Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Doctoral Humanities Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 52323, Indonesia
The fulcrum of this paper was the interaction behavior of the Tolaki community in kinoho sara through the presentation of the elements of language use, namely speech situations, speech events, and speech acts. Kinoho sara was one of the oral literature of the Tolaki community in Southeast Sulawesi. Kinoho sara embodied in traditional marriage and marriage ceremonies. Kinoho sara reflected the challenges and obstacles that would be faced by the bride and groom in living the household life. The data collection technique was a literature study. The research method was the descriptive method of pragmatic analysis. The results showed that the utterances in kinoho sara showed formal and traditional speech situations, witnessed by many people during the day in a place attended by two groups with specific goals and purposes. Speech events in kinoho sara could be described based on several components in speaking. In terms of speech acts, kinoho sara contains literal meanings, objectives, utterance intentions, and the resulting effects.
Keywords: Tolaki, kinoho sara, pragmatic studies, speech act
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| Corresponding Author (Firman A.D)
93 |
Humanities |
ABS-111 |
Reaching Sufis on the Spice Route: Sheikh Yusuf al-Makassari Wanderlust 1644-1699 Abd. Karim, Husnul Fahimah Ilyas
Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Keagamaan Makassar, karimsejarah[at]gmail.com, husnullitbang[at]gmail.com
The spice shipping and trading networks not only influenced political and economic conditions but also the formation of ulama networks. Archipelago scholars who traveled to deepen their religious knowledge were also within the network structure. This article aims to reveal the wandering of a Sufi, namely Sheikh Yusuf al-Makassari 1644-1699. This means that the spice route is the main factor supporting this ulama journey. Syekh Yusuf is known as far as South Africa, giving an indication that this cleric used the spice route as a route to reach his magic. Starting from Makassar, Banten, Aceh, India, Yemen and Mecca he made his way. The question is how the journey and how it relates to the spice route. This article will look at this phenomenon using historical methods and philological approaches. The historical method is to reveal the process of Sheikh Yusuf odyssey and a philological approach to explore Sheikh Yusuf knowledge through his legacy manuscripts.
Keywords: spice route, ulama, Sufis, wandering
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| Corresponding Author (ABD KARIM)
94 |
Humanities |
ABS-114 |
PBSI FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo- PBSI FKIP Univeritas Muhamadiah Buton, pendidikan Bahasa Inggiris FKIP Universitas Muslim Buton
As one of the cultures in Indonesia, Wolio has a collective memory which emphasizes about their woman. Through their various folk tales, women are depicted as honorable creatures, as well as beings that neglected by culture. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the image of women in folklore. This research was a descriptive qualitative research and focuses on the image of women.
This study used a socio-feminism approach. The data analysis technique used the image theory proposed by A. Ruthven which highlight on how women are imaged in the text, how they should be read, and tries to unravel the ideology which underlies each of these images.
The results showed that there were various folk tales in Wolio, not all women were imaged with a strong or independent image, but often women were made subordinated by men. From the reading from a feminist point of view, it is found that the image of Wolio women must be explained as women who are subordinated to various folk stories. Meanwhile, from the uncovering of her ideology, it can be explained that cultural and political influences have made the various images of Wolio women subordinated in culture and politics. The various negative treatments experienced by Wolio women are conveyed by this study as a representation of the image through the story. The image of women is manifested in physical, psychological, helpless, resigned to circumstances, housewives, loyalty, babysitting, domestic, husband^s companion, and social.
Keywords: Image, Wolio Women, Folktale, Socio-Feminists
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| Corresponding Author (Sumiman Udu)
95 |
Humanities |
ABS-117 |
Aspect of Mythology in the Transformation from ^Beauty and the Beast^ a Folklore by Brother Grimms into ^Beastly^ a Movie by Daniel Barnz Syahrun, Rahmawati Azi, Muarifuddin, Nur Israfyan Sofian, Mustika
Universitas Halu Oleo
This article discusses the transformation of the fairytale ^Beauty and the Beast^, the story from English folklore collected by Brother Grimms and became one of the most influenced fairytales around the world into a fantasy movie entitled ^Beastly^ a movie by Daniel Barnz, with Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens as the main actor and actress. By the media transformation from a fairytale into the movie, some differences are inevitable. The analysis aims at investigating the mythology contained in the fairytale and its changing when it transforms into a contemporary movie. the primary data are from Beauty and the Beast^ by Brother Grimms and ^Beastly^ movie by Daniel Barnz. These two data are compared to see the similarities and differences of their literariness and ideology, particularly of how mythology is changing and preserved all at once. This research uses qualitative data from the written words, the event, the actions, and so on. The result shows that the mythological aspect of a fairytale in ^Beauty and the Beast^ fairytale is remained preserved in the ^Beastly^ movie.
Keywords: Mythological Aspect, Transformation, Fairytale, Movie
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| Corresponding Author (Syahrun Syahrun)
96 |
Humanities |
ABS-118 |
Implications of Conversation at Kendari Fish Auction Eko Prasetyo(a*) Dr. La Ino(b), Mailudin, S.Pd., M.Pd.(c)
Halu Oleo University
This research is a qualitative descriptive study which aims to describe the lingual form of the conversational implicatures contained in the communication that occurs at the Kendari Fish Auction. In this study, the method used to collect data was to record the conversations that occurred at the Kendari Fish Auction, then sort the data which contained conversation implications, then the data that had been collected was analyzed. In analyzing the data, the researcher used a conversational implicature research model conducted by Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putrayasa, M.Pd. in his book written in 2014 entitled Pragmatics. In this study the researcher found nine kinds of conversational implicatures, namely the conversation implicature prohibiting two data being found, the conversational implicature agreed to find three data, the conversational implicature refused to be found four data, the command conversation implicature was found two data, the conversation implicature asked for three data, the conversational implicature confirmed two data, conversation implicature complained found three data, implicature reported no data found, and conversational implicature which is not explained in Putrayasa (2014) but can be strengthened that this part is included in part of conversation implicature and can be justified
Keywords: Implications of Conversation at Kendari Fish Auction
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| Corresponding Author (Eko Prasetyo)
97 |
Humanities |
ABS-119 |
Universitas Halu Oleo
This research article aimed to find out the Bajo^s philosophical interpretation toward the cruising accuracy of cultural studies through the role of language. This research used qualitative research methods through an interpretive and constructive paradigm that viewed social reality as an interactive relationship (reciprocal). The analysis was carried out by perspective. So that it depended on the quality of observation and meaning, to reveal something behind the reciprocal phenomena of language in the life of the Bajo ethnic (especially Bajo ethnic in Katela Island) and its rituals. This research found that there are two reciprocal roles of language that are interpreted philosophically through the cruising of cultural studies, namely the role of instrumental and the role of material. In its role as an instrument, language can be in the form of linguistic phenomena that support individual behavior characterized by the emergence of understanding in interaction. Meanwhile as the material role, language is tied to sign and symbols in which its convention of meaning laid on the function. Reciprocally it is assumed that the geographic location of Katela Island supports the theological and teleological ideas of the Bajo people who inhabit it.
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| Corresponding Author (Fina Amalia Masri)
98 |
Humanities |
ABS-120 |
UGM Pascasarjana Magister, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
This study aims to analyze and reveal the form of state sovereignty and its relationship to the life of each individual or citizen in John Grisham^s 2006 novel The Innocent Man (TIM). The analysis was carried out based on the political philosophy point of view put forward by Giorgio Agamben. Agamben questions the relationship between sovereignty and individual life in which a person^s life is reduced to bare life through biopolitics. In the bare life, a person has nothing but humanity, even humanity is stripped of himself. The method used is a qualitative method by analyzing data using hermeneutics techniques.
The result of this research is that 1)John Grisham in his TIM work describes the sovereignty of America in particular in the Oklahoma area in overcoming murder cases, by politicizing the lives of Ron Williansom, Dennis Fritz, Tomy Ward, and Karl Fontenot into the bare life which is called modern biopolitics which produces Homo sacer where Homo Sacer is an individual or group that is outside the law or suspending the law itself. The legal suspension or state of exception carried out by the state towards its citizens who are considered guilty determines the existence of Ron Williansom, Dennis Fritz, Tomy Ward, and Karl Fontenot as Homo Sacer subjects. As Homo Sacer Ron Willianson the other suspects get totally exclusion in the realm of social life by putting suspects in prison as death defendants. It shows the rasionality of in produce power.
Keywords: Keywords: State Sovereignty, Bare Life, Exception, Homo Sacer.
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Aisyah)
99 |
Humanities |
ABS-127 |
Antropologi FIB UHO Kendari
That changes in the objectives, orientation and main priority of cultivators from upland rice to land - directly or indirectly - have contributed to the destruction of the forest environment in Routa. This article is intended to explore and analyze some of the contributions of shifting cultivation to forest environmental degradation in Routa today. This study uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches, especially with the rational equation method where the results of statistical calculations are then interpreted culturally. The results of this study indicate that current shifting cultivation has contributed greatly to the increasing damage to the forest environment and decreased hydro-orologic functions of forests in Routa as well as other ecological functions, including: conversion of primary and secondary forest land to shifting cultivation areas, restoration of areas ex-shifting cultivation that are ongoing. slower than usual, increased surface water flow, increased erosion and sedimentation, increased local air temperature and decreased humidity and the potential for large carbon losses.
Keywords: Contribution of Moving Land- Forest Environmental Damage
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| Corresponding Author (Sarlan Adijaya)
100 |
Humanities |
ABS-128 |
CULTURAL-BASED ECOLEXICAL EROSION (Preliminary Study of Ecolexicon Shift in Lio Language, Flores) Aron Meko Mbete
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Warmadewa
This paper describes the shift in the ecolexicons of the Lio, Flores language, which is shown through the phenomena of change and shifting of linguistic (and cultural) elements which are very clearly visible at the level of the lexicons, especially external referential conceptual lexicons. The unstable condition of bilingualism greatly affects the life of the Lio language in the future. Development without control and without paying attention to the cultural approach has an impact on symptoms of deprivation of the millennial generation from local cultural roots. The original staple food pattern which in practice for the older generation is always preceded by consuming seasonal and non-seasonal tubers, as well as seeds with various varieties of beans and maize before being ^topped up^ by the staple food of rice in the traditional Lio-Ende society, nowadays is increasingly fading and threatened with extinction, especially among the millennial generation. Various knowledge and experiences of speech community are interrelated and interact with diversity in their environment, recorded in language. Language changes reflect changes in the environment from time to time, which are reflected in the dynamics of the wealth of linguistic knowledge, especially lexicons owned by the community. One example of the lingual data markers of lexical erosion is Pare ^rice^ (a type of Oryza) and ke-pare-an ^world of rice^. The original varieties of pare ^rice^ with original names in Lio language began to erode (erosion). The following rice varieties no longer appear in the fields, among others: pare maru, pare sera ndori, pare ndale, pare sera, pare ndota, and pare leta robo. The presence of lexical erosion found in Lio language can have a cultural impact in the lexical erosion link, such as the shrinking of the rice fields which are full of ritual meaning in the mythological and cultural schemata of Ine Pare ^Dewi Padi^, the change in the face of the land is replaced by a variety of trad
Keywords: ecolexicon, erosion, Lio Language
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| Corresponding Author (Mirsa Umiyati)
101 |
Humanities |
ABS-129 |
Master of Law Program, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Indonesia
Community participation both in policy and management of forest resources is very important to prevent and overcome forest destruction. As one of the government policies is to restore local communities as the main role of forestry development through Social Forestry policy. According to the village community, the Selat forest is considered as a source of water springs, a source of livelihood, a natural tourist area, and it has spiritual values that are respected by the community. The problems formulated in this study were how the legal protection and how the effectiveness of BUMDesa (village-owned business entity) in managing village forests at Selat Village of Buleleng Regency. The type of this research is a mixed legal research. The results of this study lead to a conclusion that the protection of village forests was carried out preventively and repressively. The effectiveness of BumDesa^s authority on village forest management has not been effectively implemented in accordance with the Village Forest Rights and Management Work Plan and legislation that applies both state law and customary law. It is caused by the unavailability of adequate human and capital resources for the management of all village forest areas.
Keywords: Protection- Social Forestry- Conservation of Village Forests
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| Corresponding Author (Mirsa Umiyati)
102 |
Humanities |
ABS-131 |
Magister of Management, Postgraduate Program
Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali
This research aims to find out (1) the impact of compensation on employee performance, (2) the impact of compensation on employee performance discipline, (3) the impact of motivation on employee discipline, (4) the impact of motivation on employee performance, (5) the impact of discipline on employee performance, (6) how discipline mediates the impact of compensation on employee performance, (7) discipline mediates the impact of motivation on employee performance. This research was conducted at Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Bali in the working area of Bali, NTB and NTT. This study examines the relationship between employee performance, compensation, work discipline, and work motivation. Respondents of this study were 65 employees of the Bali Cultural Heritage Preservation Center for Bali, NTB, and NTT. Data analysis was performed using PLS (Partial Least Square). The study results show that: (1) compensation has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance is not proven, (2) compensation has a negative and insignificant effect on work discipline is not proven, (3) work motivation is proven positive and has a significant impact on work discipline. (4) Work motivation has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance, (5) Discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (6) Discipline is not a mediating variable between employee discipline and performance, (7) Discipline mediates the relationship between work motivation and employee performance.
Keywords: Compensation: Discipline- Employee Performance- Motivation
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| Corresponding Author (Mirsa Umiyati)
103 |
Humanities |
ABS-136 |
Magister of Management, Postgraduate Program
Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali
This study aims to analyse the impact of leadership and work environment on employee performance with motivation variable as mediation at the Wangsa hotel. The research was conducted at the Wangsa hotel. The numbers of respondents were 60 people. The sampling technique used in this study was saturated samples. Data are collected by questionnaire with Likert scale. The methods used in this study are descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results of the analysis showed that leadership does not affect motivation- it means that leadership has not been able to increase employee motivation at The Wangsa hotel. The work environment has a positive and significant impact on motivation. The better the work environment, the more the employee work motivation increases. In addition leadership has a positive and significant impact on employee performance, which means that the better the leadership, the more the employee performance increases. The work environment does not affect employee performance, meaning that the work environment has not been able to affect the performance of the employees of the Wangsa Hotel. Motivation has a negative and significant impact on employee performance, which means that the higher the motivation, the more the performance will decrease.
Keywords: Leadership- Work environment- Employee performance- Motivation variable as mediation
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| Corresponding Author (Mirsa Umiyati)
104 |
Humanities |
ABS-137 |
Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia
This study aimed to find out techniques of translation applied in Colours Magazine published by Garuda Indonesia Airlines and the dominance techniques applied in translating Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL). The data is taken from advertisement found in Colours Magazine particularly advertisement which promoting tourist destination area. This research used qualitative research. The data was collected by using documentary study method. The data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The analysis was done through qualitative analysis specifically in descriptive qualitative analysis based on theory of translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002). The result of analysis showed that there were only 11 techniques from 18 translation techniques applied in translating the text of promotion from Indonesian into English found in Colours Magazine. The techniques were 11 translation procedures that occurred adaptation, borrowing, generalization, reduction, compensation, amplification, calque, modulation, transposition, established, and particularization. Among those techniques, reduction was the dominant techniques applied
Keywords: Colours magazine- Text of promotion- Translation techniques
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| Corresponding Author (Ni Wayan Kasni)
105 |
Social Science |
ABS-34 |
The Role of The Institution for Legal Aid of University In The Fighting for Poor People^s Rights In Indonesia Muh. Sjaiful
Faculty of Law, Halu Oleo University
The poor in Indonesia are still having difficulty getting legal assistance in the court. They are not financially sufficient to pay legal aid for defense in the court. In this regard, the role of university legal aid institution, is needed to defend the right of the poor in the court. This research article aims to reveal the role of the university legal aid institution in the defense of the poor in the court. The research method used is an empirical legal research with an emphasis on the observation. The result of research shows that the role of university legal aid institution is needed in the framework of fighting for the right of the poor who litigate in court, because empirical fact proves that university legal aid institutions still hold idealistic values in fighting for the right of the poor in the court. The legal academics and law student who have not been influenced by the values of materialism when they defend the poor in the court. This reason why university legal aid institution is encouraged to take part in defending the right of the poor in Indonesia.
Keywords: The Institution for Legal Aid, The Poor, The University
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| Corresponding Author (Muh Sjaiful)
106 |
Social Science |
ABS-39 |
Political Primordialism Post-Reformation in Indonesia M. Najib Husain (a*), La Husen Zuada(b), Dewi Anggraini(c)
Halu Oleo University
This paper aims to describe the practice of political primordialism after the reform era in Indonesia. The method used in this paper is library analysis (reseaach library). Data analysis was performed based on secondary data collected from books, scientific journals and research reports. This paper finds that political primordialism is depicted very strongly in the electoral political competition in post-reform Indonesia. The local elections that took place in the reform era were increasingly colored by the priority of native sons, the removal of immigrant nations, religious and ethnic minorities. In the 2019 Presidential Election, political primordialism became a selling point for politicians to win the battle that almost broke the defense of Indonesian unity. This paper concludes, strengthening primordialism in politics distorts democratic principles and poses a threat to the integrity of the nation state.
Keywords: Political Primordialism, Reformation, Indonesia.
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| Corresponding Author (M. Najib Husain)
107 |
Social Science |
ABS-46 |
Portrait of Pakpak Dairi Language: Language Attitude of Speakers Dr.IdaBasaria,M.Hum- Drs.Parlindungan,M.Hum, Drs.Yulianus Harefa
University 0f Sumatera Utara
In the era of globalization, we as citizens of Indonesia are expected to be proud and uphold our unity language, namely Indonesian.Indonesian identity needs to be fostered and promoted.This is necessary, so that the Indonesian people will not be carried away by the influences of foreign cultures entering Indonesia.On the other hand, bilingual Indonesian people also know regional and foreign languages (English),must be able to ^sort out^ the attitude and use of two or more languages that it uses.Regional languages in Indonesia and national languages live in one place and develop in one place,namely the Indonesian people.In reality both languages can be said to be contradictory,because there is a desire that the national language can be the unifying language of each tribe, race, and culture in Indonesia.Equality in the use of national languages in almost all lines of community life can be contrary to the regional languages (mother tongue) that they use as everyday language.National language as a second language that requires all levels of society to use it,can result in regional languages as the first language gradually eroded.If this continues to be forced, then the local language that is less strong because of its few users can disappear even unknown in the future.It could have formed what is called a bilingual subtractive pattern in Indonesian society,the mastery of the second language (Indonesian) gradually replaced the first language (regional language). It is different when viewed from the side of unity, then between regional languages and national languages can coexist harmoniously.In schools, Indonesian is taught and their native languages(local languages) are taught too. If this happens, there will be no disappearances from each other.National language does not remove the local language, and vice versa.This paper wants to uncover the urgency of the Pakpak Dairi language as one of the regional languages in the Dairi district of North Sumatra by sociolinguisti
Keywords: language attitude, urgency, regional languages, Pakpak Dairi language
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| Corresponding Author (Ida Basaria basaria)
108 |
Social Science |
ABS-52 |
a) Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Culture Science, Udayana University
Jalan Nias No 13, Bali, Indonesia
b) Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Udayana University
Jalan PB Sudirman, Bali, Indonesia
Globalization and the enactment of Law No. 34 of 2003 concerning regional autonomy after national political reform got a positive response from ethnic groups in the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This condition is then used as a momentum to fight for and construct the identity of the group. The specific objectives of this study were: 1) to understand the strategies developed by the Sasak elite in constructing identities, and 2) to analyze elite struggles in articulating their identities to meet various interests. The method of data collection is done by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted qualitatively- interpretatively using the triangulation model, namely data reduction, data expose, and verification. The theoretical basis used to analyze research problems is critical theories, namely power relations, hegemony, and social practice. Based on the data analysis, this study concluded that the strategy developed by the Sasak elite in constructing the identity and at the same time maintaining its prevalence was to use capital, religion, customs and ethnicity as instruments. The form of elite struggle in articulating the Sasak identity is to fuse the values of religion, customs, and modernity as a unit whose existence is not contradicted.
Keywords: articulation, elite sasak, strategy, capital
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Social Science |
ABS-58 |
Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari Indonesia 93232
The purpose of this study was to determine the adaptation strategy of small crab fishermen after the sedimentation of Kendari Bay. This research was conducted in 2018 - 2020 on the coast of Kendari Bay and the respondents in this study were 18 crab fishermen who live in Abeli District, Kendari City, as many as 18 family heads. Analysis of the data used to determine the fishermen^s adaptation strategy used qualitative descriptive analysis, namely by describing or describing the strategies carried out by fishermen to survive after the sedimentation of Kendari Bay. The results showed that it can be concluded that the strategy taken by the respondent is a double livelihood strategy wherein the fishing community, fishing activities are rarely an exclusive job so that these activities are always combined by fishermen with other jobs.
Keywords: Adaptation strategy- small crab fishermen- sedimentation in Kendari Bay
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Aswar Limi)
110 |
Social Science |
ABS-59 |
The Use of Floating Nets as Local Wisdom of the Fishermen Community (Case Study in PasirPutih Village, Lembo District, North Konawe District) Nur Rahmah, Hartina Batoa, Muhammad Aswar Limi, Laode Alwi, Awaluddin Hamzah , Muh. Ridwan
Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University
Local wisdom grows from the results of interactions between people and their environment to become a culture that characterizes a social group in an area. Local wisdom is an adaptation strategy that emerges from within the community itself in fixing and overcoming social problems relating to the life and life of a community (Lucky Zamzami1, 2016). This study aimed to find and describe the local wisdom of the fishing community and its effects on fisheries businesses that use lift net technology. This study uses a positivistic paradigm in which the main informants are selected purposively. The informants were considered capable of providing the necessary information regarding the fishermen in the community of Pasir Putih Village, Lembo Konawe Utara District. Research results are as follows(1) fishing activities using lift net technology have become the norm in the era of new habits, and are related to customs, beliefs, knowledge, myths, prohibitions, and technology used, (2) the benefits obtained are resource sustainability sea, the growth of togetherness and mutual assistance systems, maintenance of marine ecosystems and environmentally friendly systems.
Keywords: local wisdom, community, fishermen, floating charts
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| Corresponding Author (Hartina Batoa)
111 |
Social Science |
ABS-60 |
The Potential For Making Handicraft Products Using Corn Husk Fiber As An Alternative Raw Material Ani.M Hasan (a), Amir Halid (b), Hasdiana(c*)
(a) Biologi, Fakultas Mipa, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
(b) Agribisni,s Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
(c*) Pendidikan Seni Rupa,, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas
E-mail: has_diana[at]ung.ac.id
The purpose of this research is to meet the needs of handicraft raw materials. The need for handicraft raw materials is increasingly varied so that tests are carried out on materials that have the potential to become alternative materials for crafts that are easily obtained in our environment. This includes sweet corn husks in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Provinces that have abundant maize production. This research is using experimental method. The research was conducted in three stages, namely the first stage: identification of the characteristics of the corn husk through a tensile strength test, the second stage: processing of corn husks using weaving techniques and the third stage of the product manufacturing process. The conclusion of this study shows 1. Corn husk which can be used as raw material for sweet corn husk handicraft products, 2. After soaking in CH3COOH for 45 minutes and drying process for 3 hours, the color of the corn husks will be lighter and the strength becomes 3.58 g / tex, 3. Can be processed into handicraft products.
Keywords: Corn Husk, raw material, Weaving, Handicraft, Products
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| Corresponding Author (Hasdiana Saleh)
112 |
Social Science |
ABS-62 |
Causality Of Gross Regional Domestic Products And Dollar Exchange On The Consumption And Investment Of Bali Province Up To The Pandemic Time Covid 19 Desak Ayu Sriary Bhegawati (a*), Desak Made Sukarnasih (b), Ni Nyoman Ari Novarini (c)
a) Faculty of Economics and Business Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. Kamboja Street No 11 A Denpasar_Bali
b) Faculty of Economics and Business National Education University Denpasar.
c) Faculty of Economics and Business Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. Kamboja Street No 11 A Denpasar_Bali
The economic sector of a region is a direct picture of all the activities of producing goods and services in that region. The economic structure of Bali, although relatively small, has unique characteristics. The economy as an important factor in human life. It can be ascertained that in everyday human life it always intersects with economic needs. The existence of the economy can provide opportunities for humans to meet their daily needs. Relationship between Consumption, Investment, Gross Regional Domestic Product, and Exchange Rates. Consumption, both public (including private) consumption, and government consumption is influenced by Gross Regional Domestic Product and investment. High and low of Gross Regional Domestic Product reflects the level and condition of the regional economy. The relationship between investment, consumption which affects each other every period, is also influenced by the effects that occurred in the previous year. The effect of capital formation in the current year may not be felt on other economic variables at present, but the results will be enjoyed in the coming years. Likewise, investment a few years ago, the results are optimal at this time. The Covid 19 pandemic affected all provinces in Indonesia which by sector, and Bali Province experienced the second-largest decline, namely estimated economic growth.
Keywords: Gross Regional Domestic Product, Dollar Exchange Rate, Consumption, Investment.
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| Corresponding Author (Desak Ayu Sriary Bhegawati)
113 |
Social Science |
ABS-69 |
(a)Department of agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University Kendari
* samsulalamfyka[at]uho.ac.id
(b)Alumni Department of agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University Kendari
Mina Padi is a system that combines rice and fish plants in one land. This system will certainly provide several benefits for farmers. The purpose of this study is to determine the economic contribution of the application of the rice farming system to the household income of farmers. The number of respondents is all lowland rice farmers who apply the mina padi system, namely 68 people. The method of determining the sample is determined by the census method. The data used are primary data sourced from interviews with respondents, and secondary data from related agencies. The data analysis used is income analysis and contribution analysis. The results obtained are the application of the mina rice farming system contributes to the addition of sources of income for farmers, namely apart from rice production and sales of freshwater fish, which is an average of IDR 1,524,092/month and also income from fishing tourism sources of IDR 1,517. 647/month. So that the total income of farmers obtained from the rice paddy system is IDR 3,041,738 /month
Keywords: Contribution- Economy- Income- Mina Padi- Household
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| Corresponding Author (SAMSUL ALAM FYKA)
114 |
Social Science |
ABS-73 |
Financial Feasibility Analysis for the Development of Honey Beeper and Bali Cattle Business Based on Forest Areas in Konawe Islands Regency Musram Abadi (1), Sudirman Zaid (2), Rosmawati (3), La Ode Nafiu, (4), Anita Indriasary (5)
1,4) Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari, 93232
2) Faculty Economy and Business, Universitas Halu Oleo, 93232
3) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Halu Oleo, 93232
5) Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Universitas Halu Oleo, 93232
This research was conducted in Konawe Kepulauan Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province, precisely in the district area. The determination of respondents is acted in a simple random sampling. Each sub-district will be selected by 5 respondents at random. So the overall number of respondents in this study was 35 people. Data analysis is performed by quantitative method using the help of the Microsoft Excel application program.
Honey beeper and Bali cattle businesses will be analyzed using projected business analysis with a project life of five years. Projected development of honey beeper and Bali cattle business aims to see the financial projection picture consisting of several components of financial analysis, namely- Projected investment needs, Revenue projection, Cost projection, Cash flow projection, Profit loss projection, and Investment feasibility analysis
The results of the feasibility analysis of the business of Honeybees and Balinese cows show that the calculation of Net Present Value (NPV) obtained a positive NPV value at a discount rate of 56% of Rp. 106,378,-. For investment assessment using IRR criteria shows the number of IRR where NPV equals zero is 56.12%. Then for the investment criteria BCR shows the value of BCR = 1,002. Furthermore, based on pbp assessment criteria the acceptance rate can cover the overall cost of investment for 3 Years and 6 Months. Based on the overall results of the investment criteria assessment, it can be concluded that the business of honeybeeper and Bali cattle based on forest areas in Konawe Islands Regency is worth implementing.
Keywords: Feasibility Analysis, Honey Bee, Bali Cattle
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| Corresponding Author (Musram Abadi)
115 |
Social Science |
ABS-101 |
The Role of Local Language in the Prevention of Covid-19 in Abeli District of Kendari Town, Southeast Sulawesi La Aso, Maulid Taembo, Zahrani, Ansor Putra, Zulfiah Larisu, Maliudin
Halu Oleo University
This study discusses the role of local language in preventing the spreading of Covid-19 in Abeli District, Kendari Town, Southeast Sulawesi. It used qualitative descriptive design through documentation, interview and deep observation. Based on the result of the study, local language should be maintained well because it is not only as one of supporting of national culture but also has many functions, including in the prevention of Covid-19. The parents, teachers, and community have significant role in maintaining and developing the function of local language.
In this study, people are also introduced some terms related to Covid-19. Those terms are translated in each local language in Abeli such as Muna, Tolaki, Java, Bugis, Wakatobi, Wolio, and Toraja languages. It helps the people to be able use local language appropriately, mainly in preventing the Covid-19. Those terms are like keeping distance, using masker, cleaning hands frequently or using handsinitizer, and others terms in local language related to prevention of Covid-19. The use of local language give and rise people^s enthusiasm in the prevention of Covid-19 for both children and adult, and even older people. In sum, the use of local language in daily communication, mainly in relating of Covid-19 prevention has significant role in preventing and handling the danger of Covid-19.
Keywords: local language- prevention of Covid-19
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| Corresponding Author (la aso)
116 |
Social Science |
ABS-103 |
GEOGRAPHY DIALECT OF MUNA LANGUAGE Maulid Taembo, Rahman, Wa Ode Halfian, Zahrani
Halu Oleo University
This study discusses the geography dialect of Muna language in Southeast Sulawesi. It was conducted because of both the lack of study about geography dialect and Muna language has interesting dialects to be investigated, in which it is used frequently in three regencies of Southeast Sulawesi. This study discusses (1) the phonemes of Muna language- (2) describing and analyzing phonologocal and lexical variation of Muna- and (3) describing and analyzing the group of Muna based on phonological and lexical isogloss bundles and lexical dialectometry.
Since the limited time, the study was done in only several point observations or areas in Muna and Center Buton Regencies, namely Tongkuno and Mawasangka. The data is obtained from interview or participant speaking and scrutinize methods. The instrument comes from 200 lists of Swadesh and 750 lists of Isodore Dyen. In analyzing the data, it uses apportion and equal methods, and then isogloss bundles and dialectometry methods. The result of this study shows that muna language has five vowels and nineteen consonants. Both dialects in Tongkuno and Mawasangka do not show significant different or lexical variation because they show the much closed relationship. The variation just appears on phonological aspects such as phoneme /r/ on Tongkuno is realized to phoneme /h/ on Mawasangka. It thus phonological bundles can show the groups of Tongkuno and Mawasangka as dialects of Muna. Besides, lexical dialectometry shows that the relationship of Tongkuno and Mawasangka in 17% which is categorized in different dialects of Muna language.
Keywords: geography dialect, Muna, dialectometry
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| Corresponding Author (Maulid Taembo)
117 |
Social Science |
ABS-113 |
Islamic Figures^ Perceptions of Terrorism Issues Constructed by Mass Media Ulfah Attamimi
Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, UM Kendari Jalan KH. Ahamd Dahlan No. 10, Kendari Indonesia
This study aims to describe how the Islamic figures^ point of view on the issue of terrorism in the media. The research focus on the analysis of meaning and assessment of construction coverage on terrorism issue. Interview data were analyzed through a constructivist paradigm and presented in a narrative. Results of this study showing that Islamic figures assess the reporting of the issue of terrorism in the mass media to lead to stigmatization of Islamic symbols. Findings of this study indicate that there is design by mass media in construction process of reporting on terrorism issues. Aspects that influence are political economy interests in the form of broadcast ratings and sales circulation, as well as ideological interests, namely global capitalism.
Keywords: Islamic figure, issue of terrorism, mass media reporting
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| Corresponding Author (Ulfah Attamimi)
118 |
Social Science |
ABS-115 |
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sumatera Utara
This paper discusses kinship Proto-Austronesian (PAN) with Jamee^e language. This
paper describes the vowel phoneme inheritance PAN in Jame^e. This paper uses data on oral and
writing data. Methods used in the collection of data is a method of orally skilled with basic
technique that is used is the technique of fishing. Next use the technique of the semuka continued
with qualified engineering and technical record noted. The write method is used for data refer to
techniques developed sadap noted. Study of data using the method of historical comparison. And
continued using the method in accordance with the determining element parse techniques with a
sort criterion speech organs. Followed by hyphen techniques appeal equate (HBS) and the
hyphen differentiating appeal (HBB). Based on the analysis of discovered linear inheritance
(retention) and vocal phoneme innovation in Jame^e. That is, the vowel phoneme * a inheritance
becomes/a/and varied/e/. * i become/i/with variation,/e/, * u be with u with/e/variation,/o/. * e
Keywords: ds: inheritance, Proto-Austronesian (PAN), Jame^e Language
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| Corresponding Author (Dardanila Ila)
119 |
Social Science |
ABS-125 |
WFH Phenomenon: Redefined Active and Passive Space in Residential Popi Puspitasari
Jurusan Arsitektur, FTSP, Universitas Trisakti
The residence^s rooms have their respective functions according to the needs and preferences of family members. The rooms function effectiveness indicated by the availability of facilities in the form of furniture to support activities arranged in such a way as to match the priority range. However, there are individual rooms where the frequency of use is low (passive), and some are high (active) so that the spaces are no longer efficient evenly and optimally utilized. Work From Home (WFH) due to the Covid-19 pandemic forces every family member to have activities at home throughout the day, thus providing an opportunity to recognize which spaces were active and passive. The research aimed to indicate the active and passive spaces in the house during WFH. The qualitative method with behavior mapping was considered suitable to meet this need. The research population was families, with a total sample of 30 architecture student families, FTSP, Trisakti University. As an informant, each student described the pattern of daily activities for his/her family member within one week during WFH, which was complemented by explaining the types and motives of the activities. The results showed that- 1) passive and active spaces related to the types of primary, secondary, and tertiary needs- 2) the movement patterns of inactive spaces indicated the nature of feminine and masculine activities- 3) the changing passive space into active one related to the transfer of formal activities to earn a living into the house.
Keywords: WFH, Active and Passive space, Residential
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| Corresponding Author (Popi Puspitasari)
120 |
Social Science |
ABS-126 |
Udayana University
The use of language (function of language) according to Halliday (1985) is a language used as a means of communication in society. The word usage can simply be said to have the same meaning as the function of language. The purpose of this study was to determine the style of language used in the tourism industry. when talking about the use of language, it means the way someone uses their language or their languages if they know more than one language. The data source of this research was taken from speakers in the tourism area in South Bali, which belongs to the area of Badung Regency. Why these locations were chosen as the research locations because these areas were considered as bilingual communities, so they were very suitable and in accordance with the objectives of this study. The choice of locations in the tourism areas of South Bali due to the fact that these tourism destinations are the center of tourism in Badung and the speaking community mostly comes from various regions in Indonesia and abroad. Language is a communication tool used by humans, including speakers in the tourism industry in their interactions with guests, fellow employees, as well as superiors and subordinates to convey intentions, thoughts and feelings. The languages used by speakers in the tourism area of South Bali include Indonesian, Balinese, foreign languages such as English, French, Japanese and others. To achieve these communication objectives the speakers used communication strategies including, code switching, code mixing and also the use of jargon related to the tourism industry.
Keywords: language, function, strategy, jargon, code switch
Keywords: Keywords: language, function, strategy, jargon, code switch
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