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Suffixes Forming Adjective Found In The Novel Peter Pan
Falentinus Ndruru (a), Mirsa Umiyati (b*), I Gede Prima Wijaya (C)

Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the suffixes forming adjective found in the Novel Peter Pan and the bases that are possibly changed into adjective. The data of this research were taken from the novel entitled Peter Pan by J.M Barrie. The main theory which is used in analyzing the data is theory of suffixes by Bauer (1983). The data were collected by reading. After collecting, the data were classified based on scope discussions. The result showed that there are six kinds of part of speech that were found, namely- noun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunctions, pronoun. Suffix forming adjective is the process of forming adjective by adding suffixes to another word class. In the data, it is found that there are three kinds of word class bases that can be attached with suffixes to form adjective, they are noun base, verb base, and adjective base. Furthermore, based on the result of the research which was described descriptively, it can be concluded that suffixes forming adjective there are some points that can be taken as the conclusion.

Keywords: Element of adjective- Morphemes- Suffixes- Word class

Topic: Humanities

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