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31 Humanities ABS-14

The Elements of Ethnography ^Speaking^ in Fist Fight Movies (2017)
Ni Ketut Sukiani (a*), I Gusti Ngurah Agung Wira Hadijaya (b)

Warmadewa University


This study discusses the elements of ethnography which is found in Fist Fight Movie using Hymes^s theory. The data sources collected by watching the movie. In analyzing the element of ethnography ^speaking^ which found in the movie. The main theory used in analyzing the data is taken from Dell Hymes theory. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative research in designing this study, due to it describes what exist and may help to uncover new facts and meaning. The concepts about the element ethnography is also taken from the supporting theories. The result of the study, it is found that there are eight elements of ethnography, they are setting, participants, ends, act, key, instrument, norms, and genre, where each conversation gives a different analysis. In this movie the researcher found 32 scenes that fit and can be analyzed with the theory of Dell Hymes. However, the researcher elected 10 scenes of the movie to be described in this study

Keywords: Communication- Ethnography- Speaking

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32 Humanities ABS-15

The Jargon Used in Kaskus
I Nyoman Mayusa (1*), I Gede Frediyana (2)

Warmadewa University


This study intends to find out the kinds of jargon used in Kaskus forum. The method applied in this study is a descriptive method which the data are described qualitatively through semantic point of view. The basic theory used in this study is taken from the theory of Fromkin and Rodman in their book entitled An Introduction to Language. Based on analysis of kinds of jargon used in Kaskus, it was found that there are three kinds of jargon found in Kaskus. Furthermore, the three kinds of jargon found in Kaskus are classified into three categories. The first is jargon related user^s reputation, second is related to buying and selling activities, and the last one is related to popular utterance. In conclusion, Jargon is a special language that is used in a particular field, a particular environment, and a particular situation. In Kaskus Forum, it discovered that there are 114 words considered as jargon from Kaskus

Keywords: Jargon- Kinds of jargon- Kaskus

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33 Humanities ABS-16

Visual and Verbal Elements in the Dunkin Donuts Advertisements
Dewa Ayu Kadek Claria (1*), Ni Made Harumdari (2)

Warmadewa University


The aim of this study is to analyze the verbal and visual which found in Dunkin Donuts Advertisement. The data were taken from the Dunkin Donuts brochure. The theories applied to support this paper are the theories of advertising. The theories were taken from the book entitled Advertising as Communication [1]. Other books are also used to supoort this writing such as A Semantic [2] about meaning. Based on the result of the analysis, that there are found the verbal elements in the form of phrase and sentence of Dunkin Donuts advertisement are in the form of phrase and sentence. Those forms are found in headline, body copy, signature line, and standing details. The types of meaning there are Visual and Verbal Elements are denotative meaning and affective meaning.

Keywords: Advertisements- Dunkin donuts- Visual and verbal elements

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34 Humanities ABS-17

La Ino, Lilik Rita Lindayani, Syahrun, La Ode Topo Jers, Aswati, Maliudin, Samsul, Wa Ode Halfian

Universitas Halu Oleo


The very significant distribution of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid 19) continues to show an increase, thus stimulating the government^s fast and precise work in its efforts to overcome it. Various ways have been carried out by the government, especially the Southeast Sulawesi provincial government, both in the nature of implementation in the field through spraying disinfectants, or through circulars and oral announcements related to Covid 19, including appeals to Work From Home and social distancing which is conveyed officially through YouTube recordings and letters circular. However, not a few people pay attention to this, which is shown by the many activities that involve many people. Therefore, efforts are needed that can be more effective from the government, including using persuasive actions by touching public awareness, one of which can be done through the local language. By using the local language approach, this service is carried out to raise public awareness of the importance of preventing the transmission of Covid 19 where the virus has caused deaths of up to 9%, which is currently still increasing in number. In addition to regional languages, this service also targets people^s understanding, especially youth, of foreign terms related to the Covid 19 pandemic, both in terms of health and social, food and economic sectors which are very close to everyday life but are still poorly understood by them. An understanding of these terms is important, given their inherent impact on the public profession.

Keywords: Local languages, Covid 19, Soropia District

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35 Humanities ABS-18

Flora Lexicon of Kaghati in Muna Speech Community
Nirmalasari (a*), Rahmat Sewa Suraya (b), Lili Darlian (c), Damhuri (d)

Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia


This article describes the flora lexicon of kaghati in Muna Speech Community (MSC) through ecolinguistics perspective. Kaghati ^the kite^ is one type of the traditional games and a tribal cultural product in MSC which still exists today. All the materials and tools of the kite ^kaghati^ are taken from nature, i.e. the wall of kaghati is made from gadung leaf or roo kolope in Muna Language (ML). Therefore, this article aims to: (1) find and describe the flora lexicon of kaghati- and (2) analyze the dynamic of inter-generational understanding. The method used is qualitative and supported by quantitative methods. The data needed were obtained by observation, interview, and questionnaire methods. Then, the questionnaire is conducted upon 150 respondents. The range of the respondents^ ages was from 15 to 65 years. Based on data analysis, there were two findings found: (1) the flora lexicon of kaghati consists of fifteen lexicons as nominal and biotic category. (2) There is a different level of inter-generational understanding on flora lexicon of kaghati. The old generation (46-65 years) 84% (good), the middle generation (25-45 years) 74% (good), and the young generation (15-24 years) 55% (good enough).

Keywords: Component- Formatting- Style- Styling- Insert-

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36 Humanities ABS-19

Type of Lecturer Competences and Their Relation to Writing Proficiency
Sawaludin (a*), Rizal Arisman (b), Baharudin Adu (c)

Hasanuddin University Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia


The problems that were discussed in this research were 1) is there any relationship between pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence, and social competence partially and writing proficiency and 2) which type of those competences had the highest relationship on writing proficiency. This research employed the ex-post-facto method. The population was the semester four students at English Education Study Program of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University, Baubau. There were 51 students were as sample of this research, selected using a simple random sampling technique. The data collected using questionnaire and writing test. The research outcome obtained: 1) there was a positive and poor relationship of pedagogic competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.355- there was a positive and strong relationship of professional competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.602- there was a positive and very poor relationship of personality competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.199- and there was a positive and very strong relationship of social competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.962 and 2) type of the lecturer competence which had the highest relationship on writing proficiency was the social competence with the score of correlation was 0.962 which was in very strong category.

Keywords: Lecturer competence- Writing proficiency

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37 Humanities ABS-20

The Readability Level Of Reading Text In Bahasa Inggris Edisi Revisi 2017
Lelly Suhartini (a*), Al Kadam Kayadi Nugroho (b), Rohmana (c), La Ode Ilan (d)

English Language Education Department, Halu Oleo University Kendari, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia


Textbook plays important role in English teaching. Prepare a suitable textbook will help learning process better. One of the most important aspects of selecting suitable textbook is readability. Therefore, this studyintended to investigate and describe the readability level of the book of ^Bahasa Inggis Kelas X SMA/MA dan SMK/MK Edisi Revisi 2017^ that used for tenth-grade students of Senior High School students. The writer used a descriptive method in which the writer attempted to analyze, elaborate and describe the readability level of selected reading text in Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA, SMK/MK Edisi Revisi 2017 by using Flesch Reading Ease formula. The data of this research were 12 reading text. As the result of the analysis, 5 texts classified into fairly easy, 4 texts classified info fairly difficult and 3 classified into difficult. The result of the data analysis showed that there were only 4 texts suitable for the tenth grade of Senior High School students. By conducting a cloze procedural test, the 4 texts classified into 2 main levels of reading difficulty, text 2 and text 3 classified into an instructional level (difficult to understand). Meanwhile, text 4 and text 10 were classified into an independent level (easy to understand). From the data analysis, it can be concluded that, reading text in Bahasa Inggris Kelas X was not readable because still many reading text that not appropriate with students grade level.

Keywords: Readability level- Flesch reading ease- Cloze test

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38 Humanities ABS-21

The Social Class of Women in the 19th Century As Represented In Bronte^s Wuthering Heights
Desy Nur Indrasari (a*), Fathu Rahman (b), Herawaty Abbas (c)

Hasanuddin University Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia


This research aimed to discuss the social class of women in the 19th century in England which is represented in Emily Bronte^s only novel, Wuthering Heights. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The data in this research was taken through the identification of the characters existing in the novel. The results of the research showed that the position of the women from the bourgeoisie class were represented by the characters of the novel known as Catherine Earnshaw and Isabella Linton which were from a noble and rich family. On the other hand, in the position of the women from the proletariat is represented by the characters of Nelly Dean. She was a servant in Wuthering Heights since she was a child and she also a servant in Trushcross Grange after Catherine Earnshaw married Edgar Linton.

Keywords: Social class- Women- Qualitative descriptive method- Karl marx theory

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39 Humanities ABS-22

Akhmad Marhadi, Syamsumarlin, La Janu, La Niampe, Fina Amalia Masri, Rahmat Sewa Suraya, Ansor Putra, Abd. Jalil

Universitas Halu Oleo


The Covid 19 pandemic had a huge impact in various fields, not only on the economy, but also on socio-culture. The rapid spread of the virus invites panic in the community in terms of obtaining various Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and food supplies while all routines are carried out at home. This panic, also known as panic buying, has resulted in the scarcity of PPE in almost all regions in Indonesia. Based on this, awareness is needed for the community not to depend on PPE, which in fact is very rare and difficult to obtain, especially in Mekar Jaya Village. Therefore, community service involves the community, in this case the youth and Thematic KKN students in making creative models such as making masks using materials at home as well as handsanitizers from the local wisdom of the local community as the output of counseling by the service team.

Keywords: Covid 19, Creativity Model, Local Wisdom, Village

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40 Humanities ABS-23

Effectiveness of Denpasar City Regulation Number: 7 of 2013 on No Smoking Areas
I Ketut Sukadana (a*), Luh Putu Suryani (b), Ni Made Sukaryati Karma (c)

Warmadewa University


Smoking is a general phenomenon among teenagers and adults, especially cigarette addicts. Aside from the fact that it impacts one^s health negatively, smoking could as well cause harm to others. Therefore, based on the phenomenon, the Denpasar City Government established City Regulation No. 7 of 2013 on Non-smoking Areas. This study aims to to discuss the implementation of Denpasar City Regulation No. 7 of 2013 on Non-smoking Areas in Denpasar City and the factors inhibiting the enforcement of this regulation in these areas. The method used in this study was the empirical legal research with the sociology of law approach. The research data were collected through observation and interviews. The results revealed the need for the government to conduct routine socialization, coaching, and actions that are repressive to violators of the Regional Regulation. This is mainly a judicial action, which is a permanent legal action against violators of the regulation and sanctioned by the provisions. However, the Civil Service Police Unit officers experienced some obstacles in its enforcement and these include a high level of migrant attendance, limited availability of infrastructure, and budget for conducting socialization

Keywords: Smoking- Area- Sanctions- Obstacles

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41 Humanities ABS-24

Women Work Protection in a Company Based on Law Number 13 of 2003
Desak Gde Dwi Arini (a*), A A Sagung Laksmi Dewi (b), Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti (c)

Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali


The development of modern society has forced women to increasingly participate in various activities, including productive work. For many years, there have been cases of infringement of women^s rights and various challenges at work. The aim of this present study is to determine the women^s work protection in a company reviewed from Law No. 13 of 2003 that has aim to determine the constraints and obstacles faced by women workers in a company. The study uses a normative legal research, which involves reviewing and analyzing laws and regulations, assessing literature and analyzing applicable laws and regulations. The results showed that the protection of women^s work is quite good and runs according to the existing legal rules. The obstacles faced by female workers in a company include natural challenges such as menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Therefore, articles 81 to article 83 of Law Number 13 Year 2003 made provision for leave.

Keywords: Work Protection- Women- Companies- Law Number 13 of 2003

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42 Humanities ABS-25

Strengthening Balinese Customary Laws through Awig-Awig Writing in Pekutatan Negara Traditional Village
I Made Suwitra (a*), I Wayan Wesna Astara (b), I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya (c), I Wayan Arthanaya (d)

Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to analyze the legal certainty aspects on Awig-Awig in an effort to strengthen the Traditional Village based on the Tri Hitakarana philosophy. The Awig-Awig writing is a codification of Balinese customary law which regulates the various activities of Krama Desa (village residents). Parhyangan is a forum for villagers to connect themselves with Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa (God Almighty) and a means of preserving the Balinese culture. Palemahan is the manifestation of harmonized relationship between territories or the foundation of life sources and beachhead from live until death. In developing the village residents life which is always progressive, it is necessary to affirm the arrangements through the Awig-Awig writing in accordance with their rights, obligations, marriage, and inheritance. Therefore, it is consistently enforced according to the value of propriety in society.

Keywords: Awig-awig- Balinese culture- traditional villages- propriety

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43 Humanities ABS-26

The Existence of the Sangeh Village Credit Institution (LPD) in Supporting the Village Community Economy
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha (a*), I Putu Suwantara (b), A.A Sagung Laksmi Dewi (c), Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti (d), Desak Gde Dwi Arini (e), I Made Aditya Mantara Putra (f)

Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia


Sangeh is one of the villages in the Abiansemal Sub-district, Badung Regency, Bali Province, which is famous for its tourist destinations. However, for continuous existence as a tourist destination, a lot of development and tourism support business sectors need to be established, which requires lots of money. Therefore, the Village Credit Institution (LPD) and Rural Credit Bank (BPR) were established as of the Microfinance Institutions to assist in tourism to help in providing capital. However, normatively, the establishment and ownership of BPRs in Traditional Villages are in conflict with the provisions of Article 4 of the OJK Regulation Number 20 / POJK.3 / 2014.

Keywords: Village Credit- Business Sector- Rural Credit Bank

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44 Humanities ABS-27

Empowering LPDs and Cooperative Legal Entities in Supporting the People^s Economic Resilience in Pemogan Village
Luh Putu Sudini(a*), I Nyoman Sujana (b), I Nyoman Sukandia (c), A.A Istri Agung (d), Ni Luh Made Mahendrawati (e)

Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia


Community service was carried out in Pemogan Traditional Village, South Denpasar Sub-district, Denpasar City from 30-31July 2019 through a seminar with the theme ^Empowerment of the LPDs and the Cooperative Legal Entities in Supporting the People^s Economic Resilience.^ The Village Credit Institution (LPD) and the cooperative entity in Pemogan provide benefit to the residents^ welfare, through the economic potential and capability development of members and community. The purpose of community service is to determine, study, and interpret the LPD and Cooperative Entity empowerment in supporting the people^s economic resilience in Pemogan Village, South Denpasar Sub-district. The problems examined are how to solve bad credit in LPD practices in Pemogan Village and the benefits associated with cooperative to the residents. Settlement of bad credit in LPD practices is initiated by negotiating between managers and the problematic residents. This is followed by finding a solution to solve the problems between residents and LPDs. The benefits of the Cooperative to the Pamogan residents are that it is able to improve the life quality of residents. It also has the ability to build and develop the potential and economic capabilities of each member, thereby, enabling them to live in prosperity.

Keywords: LPD- Cooperative Entity- People^s Economic Resilience

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45 Humanities ABS-28

Community Empowerment in Pararem Writing in Belatungan Village, Pupuan, Tabanan, Bali
I Ketut Sukadana (a*), Diah Gayatri Sudibya (b), Luh Putu Suryani (c), Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti (d), I Wayan Werasmana Sancaya (e)

Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia


The Community Service Agency empowers the people of Belatungan Village, with partners 1 and 2 associated with the Traditional Village and chief (perbekel), respectively. The problem associated with this community is their inability to design a pararem (customary rules) as a follow-up to the manifestation of existing awig-awig (social institutions). Therefore, this study aims to provide an understanding, equalize perception and realize a pararem in accordance with the norms and needs of the community. Data were obtained through counseling, focus group discussion, and mentoring. The results showed the realization of a village pararem used as a behavior guideline for prajuru desa (village administrators) and krama desa (village residents) in Belatungan Village.

Keywords: guidelines- village administrators- villagers

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46 Humanities ABS-29

Government Responsibilities in Community Participation Based Environmental Management for Bali Regional Development
I Nyoman Gede Sugiartha (a*), I Made Minggu Widyantara (b), Nyoman Sujana (c)

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar


A good and healthy environment is among the fundamental human rights of every citizen of Indonesia as mandated in Article 28H of the 1945 Constitution of the country. However, the inability to properly manage the environment contributes to its deteriorating state, hence, the need to increase awareness in environmental protection and management. Also, sustainable environmental protection and management is the responsibility of both the government and the whole community but the government is to ensure that all residents have a good and healthy environment. Additionally, the government could be held accountable administratively when fails to carry out its primary obligations following the community aspirations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the government^s responsibility in environmental management and the legal consequences of its decisions not following community aspiration through participation in Bali. This is normative legal research that involved the application of legislation, conceptual, philosophy, history, comparison cases, and cultural approaches based on the wisdom of the local community. The results show some difficulties encountered in environmental protection and management, thereby causing a decrease in the quality of the environment. Furthermore, perpetrators of environmental destruction through pollution should be held accountable both in civil and criminal law. However, participatory enforcement by integrating the values developed in maintaining and preserving the environment is an ideal form of prudent protection and management in achieving a sustainable regional environment.

Keywords: Government responsibility- Community aspirations- Environmental law- Law enforcement

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47 Humanities ABS-30

Human Rights and the Global Environment
Flora Pricilla Kalalo

Faculty of Law Sam Ratulangi University, Manado


The regulation on human rights are not entirely limited to environmental protection. Also, there are several articles which could be used as a legal basis for various actions aimed at protecting the environment. Additionally, the regulation of environment protection brings respect for human rights, especially relating to the issue of the right to life, health problems, disruption of properties and respect of indigenous people^s rights. Based on the problem above, this study aims to examine the correlation of the protection system built on human rights and the global environment, and to find out the effectiveness of the environmental protection system prioritizing the right of people to enjoy a good and healthy environment as basic human rights. This study was design by normative juridical method with a descriptive analysis approach through literature review. The results showed that the correlation of protecting human rights through good and healthy environment was often overlooked due to business, political and project interests. Furthermore, effective human rights and environment protection could be achieved if the state, as the authority carrying out developmental projects, always prioritizes the principle of public interest.

Keywords: Protection System- Human Rights- Environment

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48 Humanities ABS-31

Pertamini Business Feasibility in Perspective of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas
Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti (a*), Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi (b), Desak Gde Dwi Arini (c)

Faculty of Law, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar


The law on oil and gas already regulates how to utilize this resources to avoid the exploitation and distribution to gas stations in each region. However, oil-fuel retailers with the Pertamini brand are commonly found in the community today, which when viewed from the Oil and Gas Law, are certainly not in accordance with what has been regulated in the legislation. As a result, It is very important to carry out this research with the aim of ascertaining pertamini business feasibility review from the Indonesian legislation. It is also to make the general public understand the importance of public safety in Pertamini business. Therefore this research was designed using the normative method and the data is in form of primary and secondary legal sources. Buying and selling of fuel oil can only be carried out by Cooperatives, Private Business Entities, Regional and State owned Enterprises, after they have obtained a business license from the government. This is stated in article 9 paragraph 1 of law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas. The government does provide an opportunity for small businesses to legally sell fuel oil through the regulation of Oil and gas Downstream Regulatory Agency No. 6 of 2015 with the aim of equitable distribution of fuel oil. In addition, the Factors that influence the increasing number of fuel sellers with the Pertamini concept in Denpasar City are the high number of motor vehicles, especially two-wheeled motorcycles, high public interest, ease of selling and the high profit in this business.

Keywords: Business feasibility- Pertamini

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49 Humanities ABS-32

Legal Construction of Strengthening Traditional Art Market in Denpasar City in Creating a Healthy Business Competition Climate
Ni Luh Made Mahendrawati (a*), IB Gede Agustya Maha Putra (b)

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Warmadewa


In developing healthy business competition, it requires systematic and coordination which is integrated each other sectors. Particularly, regulation and protection of the business legal approach is needed to ensure business do not have negative impacts. This study aims to determine the existence of a traditional art market in Denpasar City and to determine the legal construction of strengthening it. This study is designed by using descriptive analytical method with a normative legal approach to examine settings from a juridical, sociological and philosophical standpoints. The results show that there was a legal appropriate arrangement in structuring and fostering traditional art market, leading to healthy business competition. Access to economic resources in the field of tourism can be obtained fairly by all entrepreneurs, irrespective of their sizes.

Keywords: Legal construction- Traditional art market- Healthy business competition

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50 Humanities ABS-33

The Effect of Budgeting Towards Managerial Performance
I.B Made Putra Manuaba (a*), L.G.P Sri Ekajayanti (b), I Kt Puja Wirya Sanjaya (c)

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar


The involvement of personnel in the budget preparation process provide the accuracy that can be used as a standard in performance assessments. The participation of managers in motivating subordinates to improve company performance is vital. High level of organizational commitment supports performance measurement system, which is a management tool used to improve the quality of decision making and accountability. With the performance measurement, the company is expected to survive, develop, and cope with competition. This study aims to determine the effect of budgetary participation, organizational commitment, and motivation and performance measurement systems on managerial performance in four star hotels within Badung Regency. A total of 90 four star hotels forms the population of this study. Also, the study used random samplingand multiple linear regression analysis to analyze data. The results showed that (1) Participation in budgeting has a positive and significant effect on managerial performance, with a sig t value of 0,000 <0.05. (2) Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on managerial performance, with a sig t value of 0,000 <0.05. (3) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on managerial performance, with a sig t value of 0.022 <0.05. (4) The performance measurement system has a positive and significant effect on managerial performance, with a sig t value of 0.006 <0.05.

Keywords: Participation in Budgeting- Organizational Commitment- Motivation- Performance Measurement Systems- Managerial Performance

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51 Humanities ABS-35

When the Author Sued for Exploitation of Women and Nature In Margaret Atwood^s Surfacing Novel
Silvia Rosa (a*), Riyani Fadilla (b), Dina Fauzana (b), Mahawitra Jayawardana

(a) Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University, Kampus Limau Manis, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia.

(b) Postgraduate Literature Science, Andalas University.


Women and nature often experience violence. The research aims to describe the forms of female exploitation and nature represented in Margaret Atwood^s novel Surfacing. Data collection is done through library studies. Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies^ ecofeminism perspective is used to analyzing the data. The results showed that surfacing novels represent three forms of exploitation experienced by women and nature. The three forms of exploitation are (1) reduction of the female uterus by the presence of technology- (2) exploitation of women and nature due to industrial interests- (3) the construction and felling of trees for the benefit of various industries. The study concluded that women are positioned as objects as well as ^the other^ exploited by the capitalist patriarchy. Women are used for commercial gain, without thinking about the impact of ecological destruction that can afflict women and nature. Women as guardians of biodiversity and sustainability of life because it utilizes nature to fulfil the needs of daily life. Ecological crises and exploitation of women must be prevented. That message is present in this novel

Keywords: exploitation- women- nature- surfacing- ecofeminism

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52 Humanities ABS-37

Dr. Efron Erwin Yohanis Loe, S.S., M.Hum.

Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Mentari Kupang



Efron Erwin Yohanis Loe
Mentari Foreign Language College Kupang


The title of this article is Inflectional Morphology in Dawan Language: Generative Morphological Approach. The aim of this research is to find out the types of inflectional morphology in Dawan language, the distribution of inflectional morphology in Dawan language and the grammatical meaning of inflectional morphology in Dawan language. Dawan language as the object in this research, that used in Bijaepunu Village, North Molo District, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province.
Theoretical approach is used to analyze the research problems is morphology generative by Aronoff, namely ^Word Base Morphology or Lexeme Base^. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method in which the data are described by written statements and not statistical formations. The research data is obtained used the observation and interlocution method. The data collected are interviewing and recording from informants as the native speaker of Dawan language that lives in Bijaepunu language. The researcher find out three types of inflectional morphology in Dawan language, namely affix /n/, /in/ and /sin/, they are using in noun and verb. The using of affix /n/, /in/, and /sin/ that follows with deletion and displacement of phoneme. Affix /n/, /in/ and /sin/ have a function as suffix and they are categorized into bound morpheme.
The result analysis of the third inflectional morphology /-n/, /-in/ and /-sin/ in Dawan language shows that, the grammatical meaning of these affixes display of plural meaning when they are added to lexeme base and it is to describe the object and the action is doing more then one and more then times.

Keywords: Morphology, Inflectional Affix, Suffix, Dawan Language.

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53 Humanities ABS-40

The Effect of Integrated Marketing Communication on the Intentions to Reserve Rooms at Hotels in Denpasar-Bali
Ni Nyoman Rusmiati (a*), Ida I Dewa Ayu Mas Manik Sastri (b), Luh Kade Datrini (c)

Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia


Bali is one of the centers of natural and cultural tourism with beautiful panorama, thereby making it easy to locate supporting facilities such as hotels in Denpasar, as the center of Bali in Indonesia. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), which is an important concept used to carefully deliver clear and consistent messages on a company^s goods and services, is also utilized by this city. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Advertising (X1), Sales Promotion (X2), Experiences (X3), Public Relations & Publicity (X4), Interactive Marketing (X5), Word of Mouth (X6) and Personal Selling (X7) ) on the Intention to reserve rooms (Y) at Hotels in Denpasar. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that Advertising (X1) has a negative and insignificant effect on the Intention to Reserve Rooms (Y) at Hotels in Denpasar. Meanwhile, Sales Promotion (X2), Experiences (X3), Public Relations & Publicity (X4), Interactive Marketing (X5), Word of Mouth (X6), and Personal Selling (X7) have a positive and significant effect.

Keywords: Integrated Marketing Communication- Advertising- Sales Promotion- Experiences

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54 Humanities ABS-41

Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.D. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. Bali, Indonesia Dra. Luh Putu Laksminy, M.Hum. English Depatment, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. Bali, Indonesia Dr. Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, S.S, M.Hum English Depatment, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. Bali , Indonesia

Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University


This is a biolinguistic diversity study in multilingual communities. If a language is not acquired, mastered, and used from birth, the language is very likely to be classified as endangered language. This study focuses on the status of Balinese as a mother tongue within multilingual communities in Denpasar city. The study aims at: 1) analysing the level of mastery of Balinese at the age of transitional period, 2) determining the status of Balinese as mother tongue, and 3) investigating the use of Balinese as the language of instruction in schools. This study used mixed methods. Data were analyzed by using both quantitative and qualitative methods by applying sequential explanatory strategy. The theory of mother tongue (Calvet 2006), multilingual society (Romaine 1989) and language mastery (Holmes 2001) were applied as a basic frame work of the study. The result of the study shows that the status of Balinese language in Denpasar city is no longer as the mother tongue. Consequently, the existence of Balinese has been in the position between vulnerable/unsafe and definitely endangered. However, children during the age of transitional period are very aware of the importance of language as one of Balinese ethnic identities. Therefore, they were encouraged to absorb and learn for a highly level of mastery of the Balinese language, which has a strong support from both individuals and social institutions but not from school, in order to avoid a more severe threat of Balinese language in the future.

Keywords: Language diversity, language endangered, mother tongue, language mastery

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55 Humanities ABS-42

Uman Rejo*(1)- Nurul Baiti Rohmah (2)

(1) Universitas Timor (Unimor), Jalan El Tari Km 9 Kelurahan Sasi, Kefamenanu, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU), Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Indonesia
Email umanrejo[at]

(2) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Tulungagung, Jalan Mayor Sujadi Timur No. 46 Tulungagung, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Email nurulbaitirohmah[at]


This research aims to explore and describe the interpretation of the author^s ideology in the anthology of Sumi dan Gambarnya by Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim. The interpretation is more focused on the author^s socio-cultural background and the author^s thoughts contained in the fact of humanity in each short story by Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim in this anthology. To explore and describe these objectives, the approach used is a genetic structuralism approach. This approach was first introduced by Lucien Goldmann of Perancis. It is amount 5 short stories are used as the objects of study. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed the following. Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim is an accomplished woman who voices a lot about women^s issues in the fictional prose she produces, whether women who experience discrimination, subordination, have dual roles, receive negative labeling, even those who experience violence. In the fact of humanity, there are various variations of the female narrative created to voice that ideology. That ideology is the author^s creative strategy to fight for gender equality that has remained deeply patriarchal and exclusions for women.

Keywords: ideology author, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, genetic structuralism

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56 Humanities ABS-43

Salliyanti, Hariadi Susilo, Amhar Kudadiri

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara



The title of this field research was sociolinguistic study on social and non-kinship terms of address in the Minangkabau community at the Bromo Area of Medan Area Sub-district. The research problem was social and non-kinship terms of address used by the Minangkabau community. Its objective was to dig up or introduce local language as part of the national culture to young generation by describing social and non-kinship terms of address used by the Minangkabau community. Sociolinguistic study which was referred to Abdul Chaer^s and Krida Laksana^s theories was used to analyze the terms of address. The data were gathered by using listening method by listening to the informants^ speech about the terms of address of the Minangkabau community. This method was followed by speaking and conversational ones. The data were analyzed by using equivalence method and descriptive qualitative approach by utilizing interpretation way of presentation in the form of description. The result of the analysis showed that there were 4 (four) types of the social terms of address - 1) Kami (we), 2) Kamu/Waang (you), 3) Ambo/Aden/Awak (I), and 4) personal name. It was also found that there were 14 (fourteen) non-kinship terms of address - 1) Buya (term of address for a male Moslem religious teacher), Datuak (term of address for an adat leader), 3) Wali Korong (term of address for a village head), 4) Upiak (term of address for a girl), 5) Buyuang (term of address for a boy), 6) Uda sayang (term of address for a husband), 7) Adiak sayang (term of address for a wife), 8) Ateng (term of address for a short man), 9) Ganduik (term of address for a fat man), 10) Kamek (term of address for an elegant person), 11) Kaciak (term of address for a small person), 12) Tele (term of address for a queer person), 13) Ancak (term of address for a beautiful woman), and 14) Paceke (term of address for a stingy person)

Keywords: Term of address, Non-Kinship, Community, Minangkabau

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57 Humanities ABS-44

Nurul Baiti Rohmah*(1), Uman Rejo (2)

(1) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Tulungagung, Jalan Mayor Sujadi Timur No. 46 Tulungagung, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia

(2) Universitas Timor (Unimor), Jalan El Tari Km 9 Kelurahan Sasi, Kefamenanu, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU), Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Indonesia


This research aims to explore and describe the traditional representation of Buton in fiction by Wa Ode Wulan Ratna. To be able to realize it, then the literary approach used is a new historicism approach. This approach was first introduced by Stephen Greenblat of America. In its implementation, this approach positioned literary texts within the framework of non-literary texts. This approach emphasizes the fascination between literary text and the various socio-cultural potentials that surround it. In this case, the fictional text by Wa Ode Wulan Ratna will be positioned within the framework of the traditional socio-cultural traditions of the Buton people located in Southeast Sulawesi. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed the following. First, the socio-cultural practice of the Traditional Buton tradition in the fictional Wa Ode Wulan Ratna experienced the opposition of the main female characters. The woman^s main character^s relationship with her lover is not supported by her parents because she is from an ergree community. Second, the social understanding that comes against the backdrop of the traditional Buton tradition in fiction is mentioned to test the virginity of the main female character before the onset of marriage. Third, the ideology supported by the fictional text associated with the traditional traditions of the Buton people is a feminist ideology against the local traditions of the local community.

Keywords: representation, local traditions, opposition, new historicism, feminist ideology

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58 Humanities ABS-47

Balinese literary works originating from Old Javanese literature in Bali: The Geguritan genre case
Luh Putu Puspawati, I Made Suastika

The Faculty of Culture Science Udayana University


A number of Balinese literary works with the genre of geguritan have emerged in the history of Balinese literary works. The emergence of literature in Bali, geguritan, directly takes the theme of Balinese nature, but most of them take Old Javanese literature as their source (babonnya). Adapted according to the Balinese literary genre at that time. With this phenomenon, the study traces geguritan texts that originate from ancient Javanese literature, especially the Mahabharata and Ramayana. In this case adapting the source text (babonnya) into the new creation text, a process occurs which locally (local wisdom) is called proses pem-Balian, which is taking three models, namely code aspects of language, aspects of literature, and culture. The existence of pem Balian serves to transmit the values in Old Javanese texts into the Balinese literary tradition with the inclusion of language, literature and culture. So that this is an orthogenetic process, namely the change of text intrinsically continuously dynamically, in accordance with the development of the world of politics, history, literary arts and Balinese society.

Keywords: Ramayana, Mahabharata, Pem-balian, literary code

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59 Humanities ABS-48

The Function and Meaning of Headdress (Blangkon and Udeng) Amid Community Social Changes
Nise Samudra Sasanti

Faculty of Language and Arts, Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Japanese Language Education
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Jl. Lidah Wetan, Lidah Wetan, Kec. Lakarsantri, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia


The headdress, especially worn by men, is identical to the traditional Indonesian dress. Not only had the Javanese community, but most of Indonesia^s customs also used headdress to complement traditional clothing. People in Central Java call it Blangkon while those in East Java call it Udeng. Based on their naming and shapes, the headdress has deeper functions and meanings. It can reflect the customs and culture of a region. The shape of the headdress from Yogyakarta, Solo, and East Java especially Surabaya and Madura are different. Yogyakarta has a spherical Mondolan on the back side while Surabaya has a unique form of Udeng, shaped like a triangle reaching high up. Special characteristics also have different meanings. This study focused on functions and also implicit and expressed meanings of the headdress wearer^s community. The methods used are library methods as well as interviews. The data-collecting techniques are observation data collection, interviews, and documentation, while the data-analysis technique is a qualitative data analysis technique. Results of the study showed that 1) a headdress serves as a head covering, 2) indicates the social status of the wearer, 3) has expressed and implicit meanings, a) the social level of the wearer, the presence of dignity in accordance to the ethics of the community, b) indicates the personality of the region.

Keywords: Function, Meaning, Headdress, Community, Blangkon, Udeng

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60 Humanities ABS-50

Lendawi: The Multifunction Chants and their Metaphorical Expressions among the Lany Tribe in Papua
Reimundus Raymond Fatubun

Universitas Cenderawasih, Jayapura


The Lany is a tribe in the mountains inhabiting the area, close to Wamena, formerly called West Dani. This tribe has a type of chants called lendawi that is chanted for a number of occasions. The lendawi may be carried out anywhere depending on certain purposes: for lamenting a dead person, for thanking people contributing something in an event, for remembering a family member who is already dead or in a foreign land, for releasing a newly wed girl to follow her husband or a family member to go to a foreign land, when meeting a person who resembles a family member already dead or far away, when visiting a sick relative or friend, for welcoming a relative or family member from overseas, etc. In the lendawi there are metaphorical expressions used related to their geography, daily existence, ancestors, belief, cosmology, etc. This article presents elaborations of some examples of the lendawi with some specific purposes mentioned above, and elaborates the meanings of the metaphorical expressions in the lendawi. The expressions may be both literal and metaphorical. For example, the expression, ^grass has grown rampant in your place^, is a recurring metaphor indicating that a person has died or gone to a foreign land and ^nobody to take care of his or her dwelling place or garden.^

Keywords: : Lendawi, Chant, Metaphorical Expressions, Lany Tribe, Papua

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