Illocutionary Acts In Oprah^s Lifeclass Talk Show
Ni Wayan Kasni (a*), Putu Lina Damayanthi (b)

Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia


The aim of this study are to find out the kinds of illocutionary acts in Oprah^s Lifeclass Talk show and to explain how the types of illocutionary are expressed. The theoretical basis used in this research is taken from J.R Searle (1969). Researcher also apply the other theories that are considered relevant to this study. The data used in this study were taken from the conversation between Oprah Winfrey and her guests. All of the data are collected and classified based on the type of illocutionary acts. Observation and note taking are the method of data collection. The problem is described descriptively according the appropriate theory applied. Based on the result of analysis, the types of illocutionary act can be described into commisives to commit him or herself to the performance of action. Second, the speakers use directives to command or request someone to do an action. Third, expressives type to express the psychological condition about the situation or state, like pleasure or sadness. Fourth, representatives or assertives to represent a statement. Meanwhile, the declaration type is not found in this research. It is hoped that this research contributes important information for the next researcher who is interested in doing the same kind of study.

Keywords: Speech Act- Locutionary- Illocutionary- Perlocutionary- Talkshow

Topic: Humanities

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