The Effect of Web Blog Instruction on the Writing Competence of the English Literature students, Cultural Science Faculty, Halu Oleo University MARIANI(a*), WAHYUDYAH SETIYORINI (b), ELA MARTISA (c),
Halu Oleo University (a)
Junior High School Of 22 Southern Sulawesi (b)
Halu Oleo University (c)
This research was set out to investigate the effect utilizing web blog as a teaching media on students^ writing competence. Thirty-one fourth semester students of English Literature study program in the Cultural Science Faculty, Halu Oleo University who took Creative Writing subject in the academic year 2015/2016 participated in the research. Data were obtained from students^ results of pre- and post-test, as well as pre-post in-depth interview which was conducted to find out students^ perception towards the use of web blogs in their learning. The research analyzed both quantitative and qualitative data. Two research questions were posed: (1) Is there any significant effect of utilizing web blog on the students^ competence in writing? (2) How do students^ perceptions of using web blog influence their experiences in their English writing? The researcher runs a paired sample t-test with 2 tailed t-test using the SPSS 16 to test proposed hypothesis. To reveal students^ perception, descriptive data were transformed into words. Analysis of the data obtained resulted in the followings: pre-test score (M=76.38- SD = 8.77), post-test score (M=86.29- SD=7.78), Df= 30, t-tabel = 1,697 and t-test = 10.686. These results indicated a significant different on students^ writing competence before and after treatment. It can therefore be concluded that utilizing web blog as media for teaching writing is effective not only in improving student^s writing competence, but also in creating positive learning environment.
Keywords: Feedback, in-Depth Interview, Pre-Post-test, Writing Competence, Web Blog.