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Affix in Poetry Soirs (I, II And III) By Albert Samain

Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya


Affixes are affixes or letters that are added at the beginning or at the end of words to modify their meaning. This research aims to show words with affixes and describe the process of forming words that have affixes in Albert Samains Soirs (I, II and III) which is a collection of Au jardin de linfante poetry. Using J.W.M Verhaar Theory in morphological studies of affixes. The research method used descriptive qualitative, with data in the form of sentences containing affixes, especially affixes in French, namely prefixes and suffixes contained in the poetry. The data collection technique used was download the objects, read and then classify the types of affixes, note-taking techniques, documentation and literature study. The data analysis was carried out by translating the poetry text of Soirs (I, II and III), determining the process of forming affixed words, reading and interpreting, describing the results and making conclusions. The result of this research is that there are 83 words that have affixes in soirs poetry (I, II and III), where there are 10 words that have prefixes among them Sendorment, Illuminees, Recueillir, Indecises, Impossible, and Immobile. and 73 words with suffixes, namely, Calmes, Quais, Deserts, Bateaux, Besognes, Mains, Cheveux, Fillettes, Courent, Diamants and Noircie. From 83 there are 10 words with prefixes and 73 words with suffixes, whereas if only seen from each affix, out of 10 words with prefix 4 words experience derivation and 6 other words experience flexion. Meanwhile, of the 73 words with suffixes, 21 words experienced derivation, and there were 52 other words experiencing flexion. From these results it can be concluded that the process of word formation depends on affixation. In this research, when a word was affixed with an affix, some experienced a change in word category and some did not experience a change in word category.

Keywords: Affix, Prefix, Suffix, Flexion, Derivation.

Topic: Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Nurliani Nurliani)

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