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121 Social Science ABS-130

Ni Wayan Sitiari (a*), Ida Ayu Oka Widya Widari (b)

Magister of Management, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Indonesia
setia_dari[at], dayuokawidya88[at]


Community participation both in policy and management of forest resources is very important to prevent and overcome forest destruction. As one of the government policies is to restore local communities as the main role of forestry development through Social Forestry policy. According to the village community, the Selat forest is considered as a source of water springs, a source of livelihood, a natural tourist area, and it has spiritual values that are respected by the community. The problems formulated in this study were how the legal protection and how the effectiveness of BUMDesa (village-owned business entity) in managing village forests at Selat Village of Buleleng Regency. The type of this research is a mixed legal research. The results of this study lead to a conclusion that the protection of village forests was carried out preventively and repressively. The effectiveness of BumDesa^s authority on village forest management has not been effectively implemented in accordance with the Village Forest Rights and Management Work Plan and legislation that applies both state law and customary law. It is caused by the unavailability of adequate human and capital resources for the management of all village forest areas.

Keywords: Compensation- Job Satisfaction- Organizational Commitment- Turnover Intention

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122 Social Science ABS-132

Faiszul Izuwan Bin Iskandar (a*), Muhammad Farhan Bin Rosli (b), Haziq Bin AB.Manaf (c)

Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School
faiszulizuwan966[at] , sharina[at]


In today^s world, the rise of digital technology is rephrasing the number of people engaging into digital sector rapidly. Consumers are accustomed to shopping or even ordering online through apps or websites with convenience. The food ordering application is getting reasonably popular among the people who use the internet. This study was set to determine the factor affecting purchase intention of customers on food delivery application. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 120 respondents of people that using the food delivery application services, using convenience and judgement or purposive sampling technique. Data was analysed using frequencies, percentages, means, and multiple linear regression. The study was based on research objectives that aimed to determine the affecting purchase intention among the customers toward food delivery application. The findings revealed that all independent variable are important to remain in frequently use of the food delivery application. Therefore, it is also recommended that food delivery application industry have to improve rapidly on quality of the efficiency and features in order to give the satisfaction for the people who using the application.

Keywords: Purchase intention of customers- food delivery application- time flexibility- cost saving- promotion

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123 Social Science ABS-133

Factors Influencing Behavioural Intention to Use E-Wallet amongst Millennial In Kuala Lumpur
Norhayati Jabarrudin (a*), Aisya Suria Zon (b), Amir Aizzat Jifridin (c), Anis Khalidah Zolkepli (d), Sharina Osman (e)

Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School
amir.aizzat[at], sharina[at]


In the revolution of industry that has been rapidly changing the financial environment, E-Wallet payment service has become an interesting issue after the digital world has been in trend. However, its services are considered in their early period and still quite novel to the consumers in Malaysia particularly in Kuala Lumpur as the capital of Malaysia. Therefore, there is a requirement to examine the factors influencing behavioural intention to use the E-Wallet amongst millennial in Kuala Lumpur, which encourage the development of E-Wallet payments as an advanced alternative payment method that can be used instead the traditional payment method. In this study, perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, perceived credibility and social influence were examined to examine the factors influencing the behavioural intention to use the E-Wallet amongst millennial in Kuala Lumpur. The Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used as the foundation to construct the research framework of this study. Self-administered questionnaire was as the data collection tool in this study and 100 samples around Kuala Lumpur were collected for data analysis. The findings show that only three suggested factors have significant impact in influencing behavioural intention to use the E-Wallet amongst millennial in Kuala Lumpur with perceived ease-of-use proved to be the strongest determinant. The implication and limitation of this study were discussed at the end of this paper.

Keywords: Digital wallet- e-business- e-payment- payment service- mobile payment- behavioural intention- perceived usefulness- perceived ease of use- perceived credibility- social influence- millennial

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124 Social Science ABS-134

Ni Made Wahyuni (a*), I Nengah Adhi Suteja (b), Ni Wayan Sitiari (c)

Magister of Management, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Indonesia


Employee performance in regional apparatus organizations refers to employee work performance or work appraisal or what is referred to as Employee Work Target (SKP) which consists of work contracts, measurement and assessment of work performance measured based on the achievement of activities in accordance with job descriptions in a given period. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of competence and work environment on employee motivation and performance in regional financial and asset management agency of Karangasem district. This research was conducted at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Karangasem Regency. The phenomenon that occurs is the lack of maximum performance of employees at the BPKAD Karangasem Regency. The type of research used is explanatory research. The population of this study was Civil Servants with a sample of 86 civil servants. The technique of collecting data using observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The analytical tool used in this study is PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of this study indicate that competence has a positive and significant effect on motivation, work environment has a positive and significant effect on motivation, competence does not affect performance, work environment has a positive and significant effect on performance, motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance, motivation is a perfect mediation of influence competence for performance and motivation is a partial mediation of the influence of the work environment on performance.

Keywords: Competence- Work Environment- Motivation and Performance

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125 Social Science ABS-135

Faes Daniel Abdul Talib (a*), Muhammad Farid Arsyad Sahril (b), Nurul Husna Abd Hamid (c)

Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School


Instagram is a mobile application for photo-sharing, video sharing and social media network. It allow the user to take pictures and video for sharing in the application and other platforms. It is one of the popular and fast growing social media application. The users can used Instagram for content-sharing such as news, products, business-sharing and so on. The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Instagram towards the youth purchase intention. The dependent variable of this research is youth purchase intention through Instagram- while the independent variables are trust, interactivity and informativeness. The methodology used by the researcher are quantitative, questionnaire tool via Google form, 114 respondents were participated in this study, and using a convenience sampling method. Researcher employed reliability analysis to verify how close the measurement results met the objectives of this study. Whereas, multiple regression analysis used to identify which factor is the most influence on youth purchase intention through Instagram. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that trust, interactivity and informativeness has positive significant association with youth purchase intention through Instagram. Among all the variables, informativeness is the most influence factor on youth purchase intention through Instagram. This results will be benefits to entrepreneur as well they can improve in which factor has the least influence on youth purchase intention through Instagram. For future researcher, they can study different variables to study the impact of Instagram towards the youth purchase intention.

Keywords: Informativeness- Instagram- Interactivity- Purchase Intention- Social Media- Trust

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