La Ode Nggawu

Halu Oleo University


As international language, English is needed by all people in the world to develop their knowledge. For students, especially in Indonesia English is categorized as the foreign language. And because of that, there is always come out a problem. The problems in teaching English come from not only the material but also the teachers and teaching methods. This paper aims at giving more explanation of scientific approach as one of innovations in learning English, particularly for Indonesians^ students. The principle of scientific approach lines to the Indonesian national education idea, in which the education sector must develop all students^ competences. This study used descriptive method by observation and interview of teaching techniques, learning models, and material using scientific approach in learning English. Besides, it uses library method, and the data thus analyzed several steps, namely data reduction, performing, interpretation, and taking conclusion. The scientific approach functions to urge and inspirate the students to think critically, analitically, and appropriately in identifying, understanding, solving problem, and apply the learning material. Through scientific approach, the students can express theirselves in flexible without boiler or pressure. It emphasizes to student centred learning. In applyng the scientific approach, the teacher has a significant role. The teachers must be able to decrease the students^ mistakes and give feedback without decreasing the students^ motivation. Therefore, it is a recommended approach since it can help to improve the students^ English competence, particularly for Indonesians^ students.

Keywords: education innovation, English, scientific approach, competence

Topic: Education

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