Simple Subordinators in English Found in The Wolf of Wall Street
Made Detrichyeni Winaya (a*), Chatrina Natalia Sitompul (b)

Warmadewa University


The objective of this study is to find out simple subordinators in The Wolf of Wall Street novel and their meanings. The theories used in this study are taken from the theory A Grammar of Contemporary English (1972) by Quirk and Greenbaum, G. Leech, J. Svartvik. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by applying library research. The data of this study are taken from novel The Wolf of Wall Street. The data are collected by reading the novels used as data source and all sentences that have been collected are classified with the simple subordinators and the meaning. Based on the result of the analysis, it is found that there are three kinds of subordinators. They are subordinators of time, subordinators of reason/cause, and subordinators of condition. The subordinator expressing about time included: as, when, since, while, before, after. The subordinator expressing about cause/reason commonly engineered by using: as, because, since. Clauses of reason and purpose are dependent clauses used to explain why or for what purpose something occurs. The subordinator expressing about condition is form of subordinate conjunction. It is commonly used and understood easily. It gives the addition of information. Condition conjunctions set the rules under which the main clause will be performed and are indicated by if, that, and unless. To sum up, three kinds of subordinators are found in The Wolf of Wall Street novel

Keywords: Subordinators of time- Subordinators of reason/cause- Subordinators of condition

Topic: Humanities

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