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Implementation of Explanatory Text Online Learning Based on an Interactive Model using a Digital Platform
Maulidatus Syafaah (a*), Putri Kumala Dewi (b)

Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran, Malang City, 65145, East Java, Indonesia


This research is motivated by the problems experienced by students during online learning. These problems are related to student interests and interactions during online learning. The teachers still use teaching materials for offline learning. For this reason, the research objective is to determine the learning process through the application of the Wakelet digital platform based on an interactive learning model in explanatory writing learning, the obstacles faced by students, and student learning outcomes. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were 33 students of grade 11 SMAN 1 Malang. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires, observations, and tests. The results showed that the learning process was more interactive. There are several stages in producing explanatory text that contained in the Wakelet, starting with- (1) determine topics based on phenomena that interest students, (2) compile framework based on explanatory text structure, (3) looking for facts as the source of text writing, (4) develop framework into paragraphs using attractive templates, (5) correcting the results of writing text by cross-reading with other students. The student problem is the operation of the Wakelet platform. However, after being given instructions, students were able to use them. For the test results in writing explanatory text, it was found that 72.7% of students were at a very good level with an average score of 93,79, and students with a percentage of 27.28% were at a good level with an average score of 84,67.

Keywords: Writing Explanatory Text- Interactive Learning Model- Digital Platform

Topic: Education

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